Is Blogging Still Relevant for Many Businesses in 2020 and Beyond?


It has been several months since the debate on whether blogging is still relevant to most businesses. The question of whether blogging is dead has been popular since mid-last year. A number of people predicted that by this year, blogging would be irrelevant in the corporate world. It is 2020. Is blogging still a thing for many businesses?

The simple answer is YES, it is still worth your time and money.

In this guide, you get to learn the following things:

  • The reasons why people think blogging is dead
  • Why Blogging is still relevant based on statistics
  • Qualities of excellent blogging
  • Blogging trends in 2020

The Reasons Why People Think Blogging is Dead

An understanding of the history of blogging is crucial when it comes to understanding why blogging is thought to be dead. Blogging was mainly used in politics, technology, travelling, and cooking until ten years ago when it emerged as a mainstream corporate digital tactic. In the years that followed, it was pretty easy to rank. The field was also less competitive.

And then the internet was flooded by blogs. That is when it stopped being the easy way out. In recent years some businesses have been trying, but it just doesn’t seem to work. Here are the reasons why:

  • The blogs are not optimized for search engines
  • Blog topics that aren’t strategic as keyword research isn’t done
  • Lack of proper promotions
  • Focus on quantity rather than quality

Why Blogging is Still Relevant Based on Statistics

The truth is that blogging is now better than ever before. People are now hungrier for quality information and providing it through blogging might just be the turn around your business needs. Yes, not just information but quality information because that is what determines how search engines rank you.

Google, which takes over 90% of the global search engine market share, ranks your blog according to how valuable the information you post is. It uses an algorithm just like your grade 6 teacher used a test to determine which blogs show at the top of search results.

Companies with updated and optimized blogs have 67% more leads than those that don’t. Additionally, a study showed that 68% of marketers find blogging way more effective than they did 2 years ago. You will, therefore, be better off putting your time and effort into a blog.

With an astounding 5.5 billion searches per day, having a blog that ranks highly means access to many more potential customers. Sites listed on the first page of the search results get approximately 75% of the clicks. The one at the very top gets 33% of these clicks, while the top three collectively get almost 60%. Businesses that have blogs that show up at the top of the search results, therefore, enjoy high traffic that converts to high sales.

Qualities of an Excellent Blog

So, how do you blog right so that your posts rank highly in the search results? It boils down to improving the quality of your blogging. It is competitive and quality matters. So don’t bring a knife to the gunfight of blogging.

Here is where it gets thick, so tighten your seat belt.

47% of buyers do view 3 to 5 pieces of content before they engage a sales representative. An average reader spends 37 seconds reading a blog. Therefore, you not only need to rank high but create content whose value is clearly evident within the 37 seconds window.

Here is how to ace it like a pro:

  • Quality over quantity – focus on providing valuable information and building a relationship with your customers
  • Unique content – customers are looking for expertise and knowledge so invest in reading widely
  • Easy to skim – visitors have no time, so headers and shorter paragraphs can help make them stay
  • Backlinks – link to other blogs and authority sites with helpful information to build credibility
  • Intense focus – to rank better, have the right blog post length for instant long pillar posts, write from different angles and have ultimate guides
  • Keep the conversation going – when visitors comment, ensure you reply and engage them
  • Easy to subscribe – a potential customer can easily leave an email for more information

Blogging Trends in 2020

Although the above qualities are adequate in helping you rank favorably and meet customer needs, you will need to do more. The business landscape is rapidly changing, and adapting will ensure blogging keeps your business profitable. In 2020, the tide of change has brought the following trends:

1. Visual Content

 A blog post having an image after every 75 to 100 words will result in two times more shares. That is why 87.5 % of marketers now use visual pieces in more than half of their blogs. If you haven’t embraced it yet, it’s time to go visual.

2. Videos

The audiovisual trend also means that you will need to complement your blogging with videos. It has been shown that videos attract a staggering 300% more traffic! Customers will find it easier to get information through a video, and you will also earn their trust.

3. Email Automation

An email list helps you connect with your visitors and eventually convert into sales. Email automation and segmentation allows you to personalize your blog.

4. Embracing an Additional Platform

Running a blog with an effective SEO strategy is not enough; you need to embrace an additional platform. Instagram or YouTube can be great platforms to help you complement your blogging efforts and drive more traffic to your site.

5. User Intent

Now that Google’s BERT algorithm has increased their focus on user intent, turning your focus to it too is the way to go.

6. Hiring Professionals

This year has also seen an increase in the procurement of professional services for several blogging needs. One of the most common is hiring marketing agencies to do the promotion.


There’s, therefore, no doubt that blogging is even more relevant for many businesses in 2020. The only trick is to do it right. If you can get your site to the first page of search results, you will gain a statistical advantage over businesses that don’t put the right effort into blogging.