Blogging - Fri, 14 Jan 2022 13:36:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The 8 Benefits of Guest Blogging for Businesses Tue, 19 Jan 2021 21:16:25 +0000 The premise of guest blogging is easy to understand. As a guest author, you’ll contribute articles (and sometimes other types of content) to external sites, known as publishers. These publishers will get the benefit of using your content to connect with their audience, and you’ll get the benefit of exposure. Oftentimes, because this relationship is […]

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The premise of guest blogging is easy to understand. As a guest author, you’ll contribute articles (and sometimes other types of content) to external sites, known as publishers. These publishers will get the benefit of using your content to connect with their audience, and you’ll get the benefit of exposure. Oftentimes, because this relationship is mutually beneficial, both parties offer their part for free.

Guest blogging is becoming increasingly popular as a marketing strategy for businesses. But why is this the case? Why is this simple tactic receiving such incredible attention?

The Benefits of Guest Blogging

Let’s take a look at the benefits:

1.       Brand exposure and familiarity. First, you’ll get the benefits of brand exposure, and eventually, familiarity. When you write a post for a publisher, you’ll include information about your brand in your biography. You might even get to mention your brand directly in the body of your work. Either way, more people will grow acquainted with your business. Over time, you’ll get more direct visitors to your website, and your marketing and advertising will be received better.

2.       Link building for SEO. In the body of your guest posts, you may choose to include a link back to your site. If you do, you can benefit strongly from these links in your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy. The inner mechanics are complex, but the basic idea is this: Google ranks sites higher when they have higher authority, and they earn higher authority by earning links from authoritative external sites. Work with the right publishers and build good links, and eventually, your site will rank higher in search engines.

3.       Link building for referral traffic. Of course, link building isn’t just about optimizing for search engines. Readers have the power to click your link and visit your site directly. This counts as “referral traffic” in Google Analytics and other marketing analytics platforms, and depending on the publisher, it can be a powerful stream of new visitors. This is most impressive when you start publishing on websites that get tens of thousands of visitors daily.

4.       Author expertise and recognition. When you first start, you won’t have much of a reputation to work with. But as you get multiple posts published and as you work with more publishers, you’ll gain more notoriety and recognition. Assuming you’re publishing excellent, sought-after content, your authors will start to build independent followings, and each post they publish will have more and more value.

5.       Ongoing publisher relationships. If you write an article for a publisher that does well (i.e., it attracts a fair volume of traffic and encourages lots of comments), that publisher will want to see more work from you in the future. Chances are, you’ll get the opportunity to make regular contributions with this publisher, posting indefinitely into the future. For SEO, links on the same publisher have diminishing returns, but you’ll get to build your author reputation and referral traffic for free.

6.       Social media fodder. Your guest posts serve as perfect “fodder” for your social media profiles. You can share your posts periodically to earn more attention for them and engage with other users directly to spark more interest in your work. Over time, you’ll generate a bigger following and be able to leverage more power in your social media marketing campaign.

7.       Long-term growth potential. Guest posting is also popular due to its scalability. When you first get started, you’ll work with small, relatively unknown publishers. But as you develop a bigger reputation as an author and flesh out your body of work, you’ll get the chance to post on bigger and more reputable websites, multiplying the benefits you see many times over.

8.       Cost savings. Marketing and advertising can be obnoxiously expensive. If you place ads on TV, on billboards, or via other traditional channels, your budget can be quickly exhausted. But guest posting is relatively inexpensive; in fact, you can usually post content for free as long as you put the time into developing it.

Getting Started With Guest Blogging

How can you get started with guest blogging? Your priority should be building and maintaining a high-quality blog on your site. Write several high-quality posts you’d be proud to show off; these will serve both as a kind of portfolio when you reach out to guest publishers and as a link building source in the future.

Once you have those in place, look for publishers that might accept your work. These include less-authoritative publishers and publishers within your niche. Make a pitch for what you’ll write for them and focus on benefits for their audience. Once you get established, you can work your way to bigger and more authoritative publishers and grow your influence from there. 

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How Content Fuel helps to Automate your content writing? Sun, 10 Jan 2021 11:20:07 +0000 A question for you “Will you find customers or will customers find you?” It is a challenging question for every business owner. Businesses follow multiple ways to attract new customers. A combination of inbound marketing strategy – social, search and content marketing are implemented to attract the right audience. Among all the strategies, content marketing […]

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A question for you “Will you find customers or will customers find you?”

It is a challenging question for every business owner. Businesses follow multiple ways to attract new customers. A combination of inbound marketing strategy – social, search and content marketing are implemented to attract the right audience. Among all the strategies, content marketing is playing a prominent role in business to grow. Let’s imagine a website, blog or social media profile without content, the audience will be unaware of your products or services. Also, you’ll have nothing to optimize or share on your social profiles.

Content can help your audience educate about your products or services. With the right content, the audience can ensure that they’re making the right and smart purchase decision. A powerful content on your website and blog will help your brand visibility on social media platforms and search engines.

There are multiple reasons for a business to invest in content. 

  • Search engine likes quality content
  • Drive more sales
  • Amplified brand awareness
  • Increase brand credibility
  • Increase visibility
  • Develop a positive and long-lasting relationship with customers
  • Improve trust and loyalty

The list goes on and on…

When you don’t have quality content on your website, blog or social media, you’ll always be lying behind the curve. Hence quality content is important to sustain in the competitive market.

There might be a question bothering you. How can you spark your content writing? It’s an open secret, creating high-quality content is not always simple and getting started can be the hardest part. Many businesses hire professional content writers. These writers write high-quality and engaging content for websites and blogs. Giant companies are paying around $34,000 to $86,000 per year. If you’re a small business owner, paying thousands of dollars for a content writer can be difficult for you.

Stop worrying!!! Content writing subscription can be the backbone to automate your content writing. There are several on-demand subscription services available in the market. Among all, Content Fuel is offering excellent features and surprising business owners.

No more bragging!!! Let’s have a look at Content Fuel.

Introduction to Content Fuel

Content Fuel can be a one-stop solution to get your content writing requirements done by a professional team. The content writer experts at Content Fuel work innovatively to create fresh, quality and engaging content. Also, follow SEO techniques and guidelines to generate more traffic and conversions. 

If you’re considering in-house content writer or freelancer, you need to pay thousands of dollars every month. While Content Fuel is offering a fixed price per month. Also, you can cancel the plan at any time no question asked. Sounds amazing right!!! The platform is suitable for bloggers and small businesses who are planning to save money and time. The content writing service will automate your content writing with professional SEO content writers.

How Content Fuel helps to automate your content writing?

If you’re someone who has just started your journey, creating high-quality content can be difficult for you. Content Fuel is the right choice to automate your content marketing tasks. The ultimate goal of Content Fuel is to help businesses to improve their content marketing techniques effectiveness.

Unlimited content writing

Content Fuel is offering unlimited content writing at a flat price. Since the content writing service is offering fixed prices, many people might be worried about quality and delivery. You don’t need to worry with Content Fuel. The platform has only professional SEO content writers, your content writing task will be handled by experienced writers. Once you get subscribed to Content Fuel, you can assign unlimited content writing tasks. The Content Fuel team will work for you. They conduct in-depth research and create high-quality content by following SEO guidelines. It’s time to enjoy unlimited content writing, better ranking and excellent results on Content Fuel.

Quality content

Quality content matters!!! It helps to attract an audience to your brand. Quality content is becoming imperative to keep your business flourishing. It’s important to have quality content on websites, blogs, social media and other marketing channels to grow your business.

Not every content is similar. There are several types of content writing – SEO content writing, educational writing, report writing, press release, infographics, social media content writing and more. Content Fuel knows how to create content according to your requirements. For example, submit your request for creating an infographic. You need to provide a theme and visuals. That’s it!!! The rest will be handled by Content Fuel. Get quality work done within less time i.e receive infographic within less than 72 hours.

The SEO content team at Content Fuel are up-to-date with advanced SEO practices. Quality content is delivered to rank better on search engines. Ultimately, your audience will enjoy reading the content.

Content Covered

Good content can easily rank better on search engines. Many brands focus on website content and neglect blog and social media platforms. If you’re one among them, it’s time to concentrate on blog and social media channels too. Your website will rank better when you’ve high-quality and engaging content on blogs, social media, infographics, email newsletters and more.

At Content Fuel, many people are opting for multiple services of content writing. Let’s have a look at it.

  • Blogs & articles: Consistent blogging is an excellent way to improve brand awareness. Content Fuel can provide valuable and informative blogs. The experts will write engaging blogs and articles according to your requirements. Hence you can easily turn your leads into potential customers.
  • Infographics: Infographics are important for a variety of reasons. The audience can easily understand the information through visual data, graphs, charts, diagrams and statistics. Content Fuel experts can create attractive infographics, you need to submit the themes and visuals for reference. Further, you can use these infographics on a website or blog to simplify the complicated information. 
  • Email newsletters:  Email newsletter is an excellent way to get connected with clients and customers. Brands often send newsletters when there is a new launch, sale alerts, and more. The Content Fuel team will design an effective email newsletter. They gather the content, design attractive templates, personalize with images and deliver the excellent email newsletter.

Hope you’ve understood the importance of Content Fuel. Now let’s discuss who can choose Content Fuel?

Content is an excellent way to generate new leads. On the other hand, related and quality content can increase trust and build lasting relationships with target customers. Simply put, quality content acts as fuel for other marketing channels. Whether you’re running an e-commerce website or fashion blog, Content Fuel is for everyone. SEO experts write easy-to-read, engaging and entertaining content to rank better on search engines.

Marketers – Content Fuel can be an excellent service for marketers who are planning to hire a scalable content marketing service to boost their traffic and sales. Simply put, marketers can enhance their marketing efforts through Content Fuel.

SEO agencies – Good news for all the SEO agencies out there. Content Fuel helps to automate your content writing for the clients without hassles. Ultimately, client blogs and social media channels can generate better conversions. 

Small businesses – Content Fuel works perfectly for small businesses. They can assign unlimited content writing tasks to Content Fuel and focus on other channels for business growth.


Content Fuel is offering three types of monthly plans. Choose the plan according to your content requirement and need. Enjoy high-quality, engaging and SEO-friendly content at budget-friendly prices with a membership model. If you’re not satisfied with their service, you can cancel the subscription plan at any time.

Starter – $389 per month

Receive 6 to 8 blogs every month. Starter plan offers all content types and their turnaround time is upto 72 hours. you can connect with a dedicated writer and dedicated account manager to complete your task.

Professional – $698 per month

Receive 15 to 20 blogs every month. The professional plan offers a word limit of 10,000 words. Content Fuel dedicated writer and account manager is responsible to create all the type of content.

Agency – $1299 per month

Receive 30 to 40 blogs every month. Agency subscription plan offers a word limit of 20,000 words. A dedicated writer and dedicated account manager can deliver the content within 48 to 72 hours.

Content Fuel Review

Content Fuel is the on-demand content writing service. The platform is offering top-notch content writing service without any delay. Once you get to subscribe to Content Fuel, you can get complete peace of mind. Because the Content Fuel SEO writing team will work for you. The experienced writers will deliver quality, engaging and unique content for better ranking on search engines. Get quality content writing service from Content Fuel at a fixed price. Choose the plan according to your requirement. Also, you can cancel the plan if you’re not satisfied.

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Is Blogging Still Relevant for Many Businesses in 2020 and Beyond? Sun, 07 Jun 2020 18:50:49 +0000 It has been several months since the debate on whether blogging is still relevant to most businesses. The question of whether blogging is dead has been popular since mid-last year. A number of people predicted that by this year, blogging would be irrelevant in the corporate world. It is 2020. Is blogging still a thing […]

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It has been several months since the debate on whether blogging is still relevant to most businesses. The question of whether blogging is dead has been popular since mid-last year. A number of people predicted that by this year, blogging would be irrelevant in the corporate world. It is 2020. Is blogging still a thing for many businesses?

The simple answer is YES, it is still worth your time and money.

In this guide, you get to learn the following things:

  • The reasons why people think blogging is dead
  • Why Blogging is still relevant based on statistics
  • Qualities of excellent blogging
  • Blogging trends in 2020

The Reasons Why People Think Blogging is Dead

An understanding of the history of blogging is crucial when it comes to understanding why blogging is thought to be dead. Blogging was mainly used in politics, technology, travelling, and cooking until ten years ago when it emerged as a mainstream corporate digital tactic. In the years that followed, it was pretty easy to rank. The field was also less competitive.

And then the internet was flooded by blogs. That is when it stopped being the easy way out. In recent years some businesses have been trying, but it just doesn’t seem to work. Here are the reasons why:

  • The blogs are not optimized for search engines
  • Blog topics that aren’t strategic as keyword research isn’t done
  • Lack of proper promotions
  • Focus on quantity rather than quality

Why Blogging is Still Relevant Based on Statistics

The truth is that blogging is now better than ever before. People are now hungrier for quality information and providing it through blogging might just be the turn around your business needs. Yes, not just information but quality information because that is what determines how search engines rank you.

Google, which takes over 90% of the global search engine market share, ranks your blog according to how valuable the information you post is. It uses an algorithm just like your grade 6 teacher used a test to determine which blogs show at the top of search results.

Companies with updated and optimized blogs have 67% more leads than those that don’t. Additionally, a study showed that 68% of marketers find blogging way more effective than they did 2 years ago. You will, therefore, be better off putting your time and effort into a blog.

With an astounding 5.5 billion searches per day, having a blog that ranks highly means access to many more potential customers. Sites listed on the first page of the search results get approximately 75% of the clicks. The one at the very top gets 33% of these clicks, while the top three collectively get almost 60%. Businesses that have blogs that show up at the top of the search results, therefore, enjoy high traffic that converts to high sales.

Qualities of an Excellent Blog

So, how do you blog right so that your posts rank highly in the search results? It boils down to improving the quality of your blogging. It is competitive and quality matters. So don’t bring a knife to the gunfight of blogging.

Here is where it gets thick, so tighten your seat belt.

47% of buyers do view 3 to 5 pieces of content before they engage a sales representative. An average reader spends 37 seconds reading a blog. Therefore, you not only need to rank high but create content whose value is clearly evident within the 37 seconds window.

Here is how to ace it like a pro:

  • Quality over quantity – focus on providing valuable information and building a relationship with your customers
  • Unique content – customers are looking for expertise and knowledge so invest in reading widely
  • Easy to skim – visitors have no time, so headers and shorter paragraphs can help make them stay
  • Backlinks – link to other blogs and authority sites with helpful information to build credibility
  • Intense focus – to rank better, have the right blog post length for instant long pillar posts, write from different angles and have ultimate guides
  • Keep the conversation going – when visitors comment, ensure you reply and engage them
  • Easy to subscribe – a potential customer can easily leave an email for more information

Blogging Trends in 2020

Although the above qualities are adequate in helping you rank favorably and meet customer needs, you will need to do more. The business landscape is rapidly changing, and adapting will ensure blogging keeps your business profitable. In 2020, the tide of change has brought the following trends:

1. Visual Content

 A blog post having an image after every 75 to 100 words will result in two times more shares. That is why 87.5 % of marketers now use visual pieces in more than half of their blogs. If you haven’t embraced it yet, it’s time to go visual.

2. Videos

The audiovisual trend also means that you will need to complement your blogging with videos. It has been shown that videos attract a staggering 300% more traffic! Customers will find it easier to get information through a video, and you will also earn their trust.

3. Email Automation

An email list helps you connect with your visitors and eventually convert into sales. Email automation and segmentation allows you to personalize your blog.

4. Embracing an Additional Platform

Running a blog with an effective SEO strategy is not enough; you need to embrace an additional platform. Instagram or YouTube can be great platforms to help you complement your blogging efforts and drive more traffic to your site.

5. User Intent

Now that Google’s BERT algorithm has increased their focus on user intent, turning your focus to it too is the way to go.

6. Hiring Professionals

This year has also seen an increase in the procurement of professional services for several blogging needs. One of the most common is hiring marketing agencies to do the promotion.


There’s, therefore, no doubt that blogging is even more relevant for many businesses in 2020. The only trick is to do it right. If you can get your site to the first page of search results, you will gain a statistical advantage over businesses that don’t put the right effort into blogging.

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Origin of the #Hashtag in Social Media Wed, 31 Jul 2019 15:04:33 +0000 Infographic brought to you by Wrike project management scheduling tools

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Origin of the #Hashtag in Social Media

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What I Learned From Neil Patel’s Advanced Marketing Course Thu, 13 Jun 2019 17:22:15 +0000 Neil Patel’s “Advanced Marketing Program” course is one of the most popular marketing courses on offer online today. It also happens to be one of the best, which makes sense when you consider Neil Patel’s own reputation as one of the world’s top marketing experts. When it comes to the quality of the lessons here, […]

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Neil Patel’s “Advanced Marketing Program” course is one of the most popular marketing courses on offer online today. It also happens to be one of the best, which makes sense when you consider Neil Patel’s own reputation as one of the world’s top marketing experts.

When it comes to the quality of the lessons here, don’t take my word for it – there are tons of glowing Neil Patel reviews out there that testify to this! So, what does the course teach you? What are the key takeaways from the materials?

In this article, I’ll give you my thoughts on what I learned from this course and how it can help you grow your brand.

1. How Important It Is To Know Your Competitors

You’re only as good as what you’re up against. One of the things that Neil’s course stresses is knowing your competitors. You need to know what tactics they’re using, whom they’re targeting, what people say about them in reviews, what’s working for them, what isn’t – basically, everything.

Why is this important? It gives you a good blueprint for what’s effective in your industry right now. If a given marketing message or format is working for your rivals, chances are good that it’ll work for you too. Your competitors can give you a good outline to follow when constructing your own marketing strategy, or at least a solid starting point. Do what they’re doing, tweak it to your liking, and make it better.

However, that isn’t all. Knowing what you’re up against will help you gauge what you need to do to get to the top. It gives you a baseline measure of what your targets should be to outperform the rest. Did they attract a lot of social shares and SEO backlinks with an amazing pillar resource that’s 3000 words long? Yours needs to have better advice, a cleaner interface, be more visually engaging and be 5000 words long. Did they get 30 customers to leave them positive reviews? You’ll need to get 80 of them, with more detail and colorful authenticity. You can take some help from professionals on outreach solutions.

2. Your Brand Is Everything

One of the first things you learn in the course is how important brand recognition and trust are. Establishing an identity and a sense of authority for your brand is one of the first things you should work when starting a business.

If you can craft a unique core story for yourself, you’ll cement your brand in the hearts of your sales prospects. And if you can build social proof for your products and project a sense of authority in your space with testimonials, press mentions and customer reviews, you’ll face far fewer sales objections.

Identify what makes your brand special and why you stand out among the competition. Maybe you’re crowdfunded, maybe you prioritize customer experience over everything else. Whatever your angle is, make sure it’s front and center. As much as you’d like to believe your product is entirely original, it’s not. There are probably dozens of companies doing the same thing as you. The best way to stand out is through your brand identity and unique value proposition – not your product.

3. What Metrics You Should Track

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of marketing metrics you have at your disposal. Instead of trying to understand each one and track as much as you can, it’s simpler (and smarter) to focus on just a few key performance indicators (KPIs).

Here are three of them :

Traffic Source

This metric helps you understand where your traffic is coming from. This is important, as you’d ideally want your traffic to come from a variety of sources. Relying on just one source, such as searches on Google, can be risky and unsustainable in the long run.

Value Per Visit

Value per visit can be a difficult metric to measure, but it isn’t impossible. The easiest way to go about it is by dividing the number of visits by the total value generated, either in terms of direct revenues or micro conversions that are measurably likely to eventually lead to a sale. This will help you understand how much value each click is worth, especially if you can segment the data and correlate it to referring channels or tactics.

Cost Per Conversion

This is an important metric to keep tabs on to ensure you remain profitable. Always compare your value per visit + conversion rate with how much it cost you to get those conversions in the first place.

Remember, you could have great conversion rates and click value, but if you’re putting far more in that you’re getting out, you’ll never succeed.

4. Paid Media Can Take You To The Next Level

Whether you like it or not, paid media is here to stay. Almost every company employs some form of paid media these days for one simple reason: it works. It’s affordable if you know what you’re doing, and you can target specific demographics to increase its efficacy.



However, before proceeding to use paid media, it’s important to identify what platform you’re choosing and formulate your ads based on that. Not all ads work in all contexts. Certain types of media work better on certain platforms than others. For example, you can’t run text-heavy ads on a platform like Snapchat. It’s obviously better to use video instead.

Another important thing to keep track of is the user demographics on each platform. Social media platforms don’t have uniform communities. Keep track of who engages with your content on each platform and identify the parameters that they have in common. You can then customize your content and ad targeting settings on each platform to suit their preferences.

Wrapping Up

I found the  “Advanced Marketing Program” from Neil Patel to be an amazingly valuable course that gave me the tools needed to take my own marketing strategy to new heights. Not everyone will have the same impression, and that’s fine. But the above four key takeaways are definitely important for all businesses to keep in mind when launching or perfecting their marketing programs.

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5 USEFUL TIPS TO WRITE QUALITY BLOG CONTENT!! Fri, 07 Jun 2019 14:30:22 +0000 It creates a very frustrating situation for the writers when their blog posts don’t have sufficient conversions. Thousands of Bloggers publish articles every day in their blogs. While some have the maximum conversion rate, some are left by the readers halfway and some are not even clicked by the readers. If you are facing the […]

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It creates a very frustrating situation for the writers when their blog posts don’t have sufficient conversions. Thousands of Bloggers publish articles every day in their blogs. While some have the maximum conversion rate, some are left by the readers halfway and some are not even clicked by the readers. If you are facing the same crisis as a blogger or willing to start your new blog; follow these 5 useful tips to write quality blog content for maximum conversions.

1. Understand your Audience

Before you start writing the blogs, it is important that you understand what your audience is looking for. You can find tons of niches and topics to choose for your blog and hence it becomes hard to decide which one will be the best. You can conduct social media polls to vote for topics; do a keyword analysis to find the most searched ones, or even post questions in Quora to find what the majority of audiences are into.

2. Take care of Grammars

Grammatical mistakes and plagiarism are not allowed while you are writing blogs. It degrades your reputation as a writer. The best way to correct your grammatical errors quickly is with Grammarly.

Grammarly free trial helps in quickly analyzing your grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes, punctuation errors and also detects plagiarism. The Grammarly cost comes for the premium version with different subscription plans and other advanced features.

3. Create catchy Headlines

90 percent of readers open posts by headlines. So, once you have finalized the topic; create interesting headlines to attract readers. For example- Instead of writing ‘How to live your dreams by eliminating self-doubt’; go for ‘5 killer ways to reduce self-doubt and live your dreams’. Try to spin and play with words in order to make sure your headline is easily scannable and attractive. For better results; use the Headline Analyzer tools to see the market value of your chosen headline.

4. Maintain a layout of your blog

Your blog should be engaging enough to hold the interest of the readers. Start with an interesting introduction in brief and divide the main body into sections with subheadings. You can also keep bullet points as it increases scannability. For more content productivity, use attractive images for illustrations or you can also go for infographics as that interest the readers very much. End it with a conclusion expressing your views about the topic.

5. Be SEO optimized

Creating SEO optimized blog posts will help it to have a higher ranking in Google. Make sure you use SEO friendly keywords, proper meta title with meta description, alt attributes for images if used, backlinks, etc to help it rank well in SERP pages. For better results, you can also use the call to action buttons for sharing or commenting in your blog post to increase user interaction and the reader’s fan base of your blog.

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The Unexpected Truth About Making Money Blogging Mon, 01 Apr 2019 16:02:12 +0000 Posts on WordPress and from other blogging platforms can number to more than 10 million each day. With the sheer number of daily posts, it would be safe to assume that many of them go unseen and the blogs ultimately fail. However, this should not dissuade you from starting your own blog. Despite all the […]

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Posts on WordPress and from other blogging platforms can number to more than 10 million each day. With the sheer number of daily posts, it would be safe to assume that many of them go unseen and the blogs ultimately fail. However, this should not dissuade you from starting your own blog. Despite all the blogging noise, it is still possible for your blog stand out, be noticed and become successful. The web page How to Make Money Blogging shares valuable tips on how to start a blog properly to set you up for success. The guide also shares what it takes to become a successful blogger.

Before you can become a successful blogger, it is important that you rid yourself of any misgivings that you may have against blogging. The following are some of the unexpected truths about making money by blogging.

It’s Still Possible for Blogs to Succeed

It is easy to assume that your blog may get drowned out by the volume of blogs published on a daily basis. While it is true that daily blog posts number in the millions, your posts and blog can stand out with a few, surprisingly simple tricks. These include the following:

  • Using unique and memorable visuals: If your page looks sloppy, cluttered and disorganized, it is easy for your visitors to assume that your content must be just as bad. However, a clean design that looks professional and unique will command attention.
  • Posting high-quality pictures and graphics: Investing in a few high-quality stock images to use on your website, will help keep your audience interested. Low-quality pictures can take away appeal points off your blog.
  • Posting amazing and shareable content: This is why it is important that you should only blog about something that you have ample experience in. If you wrote about something that you are not familiar with, your content will show it, and you might even be called out for it. On the other hand, if you wrote something that you are proficient in, will impress and can even compel your followers to share your content.
  • Keeping your audience engaged: Remember to keep your blog not everything about you. Keep your audience engaged by reaching out to them and write about something that addresses their questions and sparks their interests. Acknowledge them regularly to establish a connection with them.
  • Using technology to your advantage: It will do you well to read up on how to use technology to your advantage. For starters, research how you can use keywords and meta tags to help your blog rank well on search engines.

It is Easy to Create a Blog

With today’s technology, gone are the days when bloggers need to learn how to code to create and publish blogs. Blogging platforms have made it a cinch to create your own website from scratch. You can choose your own theme and the look of your blog with a few simple clicks. Try practicing on WordPress, and you’ll be surprised how easy it is to put a web page together.

Blogging Is Still a Potentially Lucrative Career Choice

Some may hold the mistaken belief that you can no longer make decent money out of blogging. However, since the days of Google AdSense, the industry has evolved to include several other ways to make money from blogging. Among the most common ways to monetize your blog apart from AdSense are affiliate marketing, offering online courses, selling goods or services, direct advertising and consultation.

Real stories abound how new bloggers earn as much as $3,000 by their third month of blogging alone. Some have gone on to earn between $20,000 to $100,000 monthly. As long as you can make your blog stand out and monetize it properly, then it is still possible for you to go full-time and make good money out of blogging.

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How to Increase Traffic on Your Blogs and Online Articles – Tips and Tricks Straight from the Pros Thu, 27 Sep 2018 02:53:48 +0000 Royalty Free Photo Many business owners have come to the realization that posting blogs and articles online is a great way to attract traffic to their company website and social networks. In fact, blogging is one of the most engaging marketing tools available in their arsenal today, which is why so many companies are starting […]

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Royalty Free Photo

Many business owners have come to the realization that posting blogs and articles online is a great way to attract traffic to their company website and social networks. In fact, blogging is one of the most engaging marketing tools available in their arsenal today, which is why so many companies are starting to take advantage of it. Blogs offer value to visitors, provide them with helpful tips and information, and are engaging at the same time.

But here’s the thing, writing a great blog and then posting it online isn’t always going to be enough. It would be wonderful to think that great content will attract traffic, but in reality, it takes more than just posting it. If you’re looking for some ways to increase the amount of traffic you are receiving on your blogs and online articles, then you’ll want to take a look at these top tips and tricks from the pros.

It Starts with the Title

If you have been under the impression that the title isn’t that important, then you couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, the title of your blog or article can either make or break it. According to statistics, a great title is able to increase traffic by up to 50%, which is a significant amount. This is where tools such as the TweakYourBiz title generator can prove to be quite useful.

This title generator allows you to plug in your topic and then you’ll be given a list of possible titles. Not only will you have titles, but they will be divided into top categories such as how to’s, lists, best of, love, questions, and so much more.

Get Rid of the Wall of Text

If you are in the habit of posting blogs that are nothing but text, it’s time to re-vamp your approach. Nothing turns off potential readers more than being greeted with a giant wall of text. Instead, break up the text with photos, infographics, videos, etc. Also, be sure to use short paragraphs and even bullet points when possible. This will further break up that text and make it seem less intimidating.

Are You Giving Readers What They Want?

It’s also wise to really think hard about the topics you are choosing, is it something that readers are interested in? Just because you have a topic you want to discuss, doesn’t mean others will want to read about it. All blogs need to have value; there needs to be a reason for visitors to open it up and read it. Sometimes it can help to tie topics to current events and trends, news, and announcements.

Make Sure You are Using Keywords

The final tip is to be sure you are using keywords to your advantage. Keywords are what the search engines will pick up on and thereby increase your search engine rankings. In other words, they help your content get found online.

Keep in mind that typically the best approach is to make tweaks from top to bottom and then track your results. Once you find that winning mix, the path forward will be clear.


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Simple Steps to Start a Blog Tue, 01 May 2018 09:38:00 +0000 Blogging is one of the very known words, which we hear casually on daily basis. Some of you might have an idea about blogging and its working, however, majority of us have no accurate idea or information about the word blogging and its working systems. For today, my goal is to deliver the accurate and […]

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Blogging is one of the very known words, which we hear casually on daily basis. Some of you might have an idea about blogging and its working, however, majority of us have no accurate idea or information about the word blogging and its working systems. For today, my goal is to deliver the accurate and applied meaning of ‘blog’ and what are the basic steps which a person can take to start his/her own profitable blog just within 15 minutes

Blog in correct term is an online site or a page, which is maintained and operated by people on frequent basis (i.e. daily) for the sake of sharing their ideas, thoughts, personality and their skills, which are expressive and can be shown to the complete world. Blog can also be called as a personal site of an individual who wish to share his/her content with other people who might be interested in it. When we talk about content then, it can be of any style or nature. The widely-accepted style is proper yet casual, where writers are supposed to communicate with his//her readers in the form of approachable words, fragments, sentences and even stories.

Earning money online is one of the easiest yet complicated ways of earning living. There is certainly no denying the fact that there are many ways through which a person can make money online and the person can also create number of jobs for all those people who are trustworthy enough to work for others. However, the most important thing is that a person should always look for those ways, which are less time taking and are profitable enough.

For start earning money while using blogging then, you should be able to follow the below given steps and implement them according to the needs of the market.

Basic Steps:

  • Set up your Account on WordPress:

For starting a blog, firstly, you need to download and install WordPress and then, set up your account on WordPress. It is quite easy to download from the official website with the help of download browser.

  • Setup Web Hosting :

Once you have installed WordPress on your personal computer then, next step is uploading of WordPress on the hosting account. For the sake of uploading on hosting account, you need to get best hosting for speed up your website like VPS hosting, which is indeed one of the most amazing when it comes to hosting.

  • Select a Theme for you Blog:

Your blog should consist of a theme. A theme is more about choosing the niche on which you will be uploading information and sharing views with your target market. It is no doubt highly important to choose a sound theme because your targeted market is highly dependent on what you are uploading on your blog and how people perceive the information. For instance, if you are a fashion or fitness blogger then, all the necessary steps will be linked to it. You should always remember the fact that if you are planning to monetize your account then, it will also be dependent on the theme of your blog.

Effective Steps for Making Blog Profitable:

Blogging characteristics are those specifications which can be manipulated or enhanced in order to bring sound improvements in your blog. There is certainly no limit to these characteristics because they are mainly dependent on factors like trends, demands and market. However, we aim to shed light on those characteristics which are highly important for your site and should be considered keenly.

  1. Make Relevant Content Your First and Foremost Priority: Trust me or not, relevant content is one of the most significant characteristic of any blogging site. For instance, Characteristics if your blog name is ‘FunkyFashion’ but you are posting content about Pharmacy medicine then, trust me you are not going to make a penny. Be Focus and trendy.
  2. Use formatting and Put Information, Just Rightly: Writer is always supposed to do proper research and then, communicate his thoughts with the help of phrases, sentences and formatted paragraphs which are readable and understandable in nature.
  3. Your Post Should Keep Your Readers Engage: When your content is relevant and it is able to deliver right information then, people will start taking interested in your blog. You can also boost the performance of your blog by adding relevant pictures, links and videos however, be focused.

Now it’s time to talk about those strategies which should be adopted by a blogger if he/she is interested in making their blog more effective and appealing for its readers. According to various researches and data released by different sources indicates that mentioned below points are really effective and can be implemented properly.

Components by definition are those elements which help the writer in accurately elaborating his/her area of interest to his targeted customer. If you know how to make components and how they should be perceived then, you are already a hero!

In my opinion below stated are those components which hold the vision of making your blog more interesting and effective for your targeted market. Before we start our bullets, I would like to talk about the fact that most people consider Header, Content and Footer as components of a blog, however, I believe these are the starter attributes which should be there, regardless on any manipulation and enhanced activities.

  1. Use Graphical Illustrations: You might have heard a phrase which says that ‘a perfectly illustrated picture, worth a thousand words’. Well, that’s indeed true. If you want to communicate with your reader then, use catchy pictures with clearer content. Picture content should be able to transfer your thoughts, instantly.
  2. Effective Marketing Techniques: I certainly agree with the fact that marketing is a tricky component in should be defined separately. Well, you will find it later on however, for now it is important to note that marketing is an only way through which you can connect to your people. Your blog is lifeless without marketing and promotions.
  3. Follow Your Own Writing Style: When you decide to follow your own style then, trust me, you don’t need to worry about your tone and writing patterns. If you are passionate enough to write then, all you need is a focus and here you go! I believe your article should consist of soft tones and friendly in nature.
  4. Formatting and Hyperlinks: Formatting enhances readability however, hyperlinking equip your articles with authenticity. When you aim to hyperlink your source then, you are basically declaring that your article is properly sourced and your blog can be considered a credible readable source.

Any questions? Let us know by leaving your comments below.

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How to monetize a blog? 5 ways to generate income Wed, 18 Apr 2018 07:26:53 +0000 It is easy to create, it is estimated that every 0.7 seconds a new one is born and it is an excellent way to open doors and roads. We talk about blogs, a tool that today has become indispensable both for customers who want to publicize their products or services and for professionals who seek […]

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It is easy to create, it is estimated that every 0.7 seconds a new one is born and it is an excellent way to open doors and roads. We talk about blogs, a tool that today has become indispensable both for customers who want to publicize their products or services and for professionals who seek to disseminate their work and for lovers of certain topics that simply write for pleasure .

In any case, today having a blog is an option available to anyone. But there is more: it is also an excellent option to generate income and extra money if one knows how to do it. And that’s just what we show you next: seven different ways to monetize your blog without investing money.

Learn how to monetize your blog: 5 ways to generate income

  1. Ads and advertising

    Inserting ads and advertising is one of the most common and used ways to monetize a blog. Especially through Google Adsense or similar, where you can earn money for each click you receive in an ad (PPC) or by page printing (PPI); inserting advertising banners that are usually placed in strategic places such as the home or sidebar; or through pages such as InfoLinks that through its system allows you to insert advertising links in certain keywords. In all cases, the greater the traffic, the greater the income. You can even place your contextual ads and earn money by using some sites. is a good sample.

  2. Affiliate program

    Affiliate marketing is also a good option to monetize a blog, since it allows you to earn a percentage for each action the user makes. It consists of promoting a product or service from third parties, whether it is an infoproduct or an Amazon-style page, and for each prospect or for each sale made, we receive a percentage.

  3. “Freemium” content

    Every day there are more bloggers who bet on the “freemium” model to monetize their blog. It consists of offering readers the possibility of accessing unique and exclusive content, either by paying for access or by means of a fixed monthly payment. For this, the ideal is that you have a large amount of free content and quality available for your audience, that will add value and make them want to pay to know more.

  4. Information products

    If you have knowledge that can serve and help others, why do not you sell them? This is exactly how this monetizing your blog, but for this you must give yourself to know and position yourself as an expert in the field. It consists in selling quality information to your market, either in the form of electronic books, audio, video or a mixture of all of them in a physical or digital way.

  5. Sponsored posts

There are several sites on the Internet where you can register and reach an agreement with different brands so that each time you launch a campaign you will be notified so that you can promote your blog. This allows you to exchange products or services, or to pay a specific price in exchange for your promotion through articles (they can pay you for words or for a piece).


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