Easy Ways to Give Your Small Business’s Website More Traffic


It’s only natural for small businesses to place a great deal of importance on web traffic. Even if you have a brick-and-mortar location, the majority of new patrons are liable to discover you on the web, and your website can provide them with a convenient overview of what your business is all about. So, if your web traffic is currently on the wane, there’s no time like the present to start getting a handle on this issue. Small business owners looking to increase web traffic in a simple and timely manner should consider the following measures.

Update Your Web Content on a Regular Basis 

Updating your web content on a regular basis can help you in two key areas. For starters, it will provide visitors with incentive to consistently check back. So, if you’re looking for an effective way to keep existing visitors engaged, take care to post at least one new piece of content per week, be it a blog post, feature article, video or image collection. 

Regularly updating your content can also help provide your site with a more favorable search ranking. When tallying up search results, some search engines take update frequency into account. So, if your content updates are few and far between, don’t be surprised if your current ranking is less than ideal.

If neither you nor any of your employees have experience crafting engaging web content, consider reaching out to freelance content creators. For example, an experienced freelance writer will be able to pen blog posts and articles that help endear your business to its target audience while keeping them informed and entertained. In fact, depending on how much success your content creation efforts generate, you may want to think about extending full-time opportunities to your most dependable freelancers.   

Infuse Your Content with Search-Focused Keywords 

When setting out to create engaging web content, you’d do well to infuse said content with search-focused keywords. In addition to helping boost your search ranking, keyword integration can help make scores of potential customers aware of your business. For maximum effectiveness, incorporate keywords that reference the nature of your business, as well as its location. The latter is particularly important for small businesses with a hyperlocal focus. 

For example, if you operate a media consultancy service, “media consultants in Milwaukee, WI” or “Milwaukee media consultants” are examples of effective keywords. Additionally, take care to avoid using keywords excessively or inorganically, as this stands to lower the overall quality of the content and get you in trouble with search engines. Finding the right keyword integration strategy for your business may take a bit of trial and error, but provided you’re willing to learn from your mistakes and employ talented content creators, you should ultimately be good on the keyword front.       

Optimize Your Site for Mobile Browsing 

Since the majority of world-wide web traffic now comes from smartphones and other mobile devices, it is imperative that your site undergo mobile optimization. No matter how much your business has to offer, modern consumers are unlikely to stay on your site for very long if it’s slow or nonfunctional on their favorite mobile devices. So, if your site has yet to be optimized for mobile browsing, you’re basically leaving money on the table.

If you or any of your employees are adept at web design and/or development, you should have no trouble optimizing your site in a timely manner. Alternatively, if no one within your workforce is up to this task, simply enlist the aid of an experienced web designer/developer. The longer you keep optimization on the backburner, the more out of place your website will seem in the age of mobile browsing.  

Mobile optimization can be particularly effective when paired with banner ads on popular sites. Business owners who are curious about the best banner ad sizes should get in touch with a seasoned web marketing company. 

Maximizing website traffic should be high atop the priorities list of every small business owner. The more prospective patrons who visit your site, the more paying customers are liable to walk through your door. So, if you’ve paid little to no attention to how much traffic your site is getting, there’s no time like the present to rethink your priorities on this front. Small business owners interested in increasing website traffic in a simple and low-stress manner are likely to benefit from the measures discussed above.