Gaming - Mon, 28 Jun 2021 19:36:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Much is a Fortnite Account to get Mon, 28 Jun 2021 19:36:42 +0000 If you have been wondering how much you need to pay for a Fortnite account, you might need to save some pennies first. If you have been looking at Fortnite accounts for sale, then odds are you have come across a variety of prices. There are a number of factors that determine the price, but […]

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If you have been wondering how much you need to pay for a Fortnite account, you might need to save some pennies first.

If you have been looking at Fortnite accounts for sale, then odds are you have come across a variety of prices. There are a number of factors that determine the price, but given the amount that people are willing to pay for rare skins and cosmetics, as you can imagine the prices do start to get pretty high.

Checking your Locker Value

The first thing you can do is check out the value of your Fortnite locker to determine what the amount would be if you were to sell your Fortnite account. This way, you can see what skins, emotes and whatever else you have purchased in your account so far.

Firstly, you need to head over to Fortnite.GG. Then, go to the top-left corner and find the drop-down menu, then choose the “My Locker” option. Here you will be able to sign into your Epic account to progress.

What Determines the Value?

As you’ll know by now, there are a lot of cosmetic items available in Fortnite. This leads to a selection of skins that are much rarer than others. However, it isn’t just a case of putting the time into the game in order to get your hands on your desired skin. Some were locked behind very specific methods of unlocking.

For example, there are skins and cosmetics that were only available at certain times in the game’s cycle, such as seasonal or festive cosmetics. Or, you had others that were only available if you bought certain devices. These included everything from games console exclusives, to android devices and more.

Benefits of Buying an Account

Not only are you getting access to the coveted cosmetics that you have been looking for, but there are also a number of other benefits too. It isn’t just limited to appearances, as you can also gain higher KDRs, plus new Fortnite weapons, adidtional V-Bucks and more. Essentially, it gives you access to content that you wouldn’t be able to gain yourself. Price wise, you are looking at anything up to $400 and beyond, depending on what content is available with it.

Should I Buy a Fortnite Account?

This is where the waters get a little muddy. There are benefits for sure, especially if you have missed out on cosmetics that you desire. You might also simply not have the time to put the time in that you want to that would help you get your account to where you want it to be. You can also use a number of reputable places, even on popular auction sites such as eBay.

That being said, there are potential issues when it comes to buying Fortnite accounts for sale. Firest and foremost, you need to be aware that buying an account is strictly against the terms of services that Epic Games has in in place. This means that you do risk having you account banned. What’s more, this doesn’t count just for the account you have attempted to buy, as you will also be risking the original account that you already have.

You also need to keep an eye out for scammers. They will prey on those who are looking to buy Fortnite accounts, though there are some tell-tale signs that you can look out for. These include being asked for obscure payment methods, or them asking you for your password. Key questions like this are massive red flags. Pricing is also a good way to avoid scamming. If something looks too good to be true, then that’s often because it is. This rule is just as true with buying a Fortnite account. If the price looks too good, you should probably take this as a sign that it isn’t the best idea to try and buy it.

Whether you take the risk of buying a Fortnite account is completely up to you. If you are going to pull the trigger, then at least you have an idea of what to look out for to avoid being scammed. Prices can certainly get high when it comes to certain rarities of items as well, so be expecting to delve way into the hundreds of dollars kind of range if you want to get the really good stuff. Look for the best value, find a safe place to purchase, and you should be able to get your hands on the content that you are looking for.

What are your thoughts about purchasing a Fortnite accounts? Let us know in the comments section below!

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WoW Classic Advice for Horde or Alliance Thu, 22 Apr 2021 13:05:32 +0000 Here are a few tips for you to take into your journey through World of Warcraft Classic.  If you are jumping into World of Warcraft Classic for the very first time, then regardless of whether you choose Alliance or Horde you are going to want to know some tips going into it. Even if you […]

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Here are a few tips for you to take into your journey through World of Warcraft Classic. 

If you are jumping into World of Warcraft Classic for the very first time, then regardless of whether you choose Alliance or Horde you are going to want to know some tips going into it. Even if you are familiar with the game, you will be fully aware of just how much the game has changed. With that in mind, you should take some of these tips with you on your path to grinding out those levels and racking up that WoW Classic gold

WoW Classic Bags

One of the first things you need to do is to get your hands on WoW Classic bags. You might be able to get one from questing, though thankfully there are other ways for you to do so. You can craft them if you are using the tailoring profession for example. Alternatively, tailors can make them for you if you ask nicely, often in exchange for a tip of some description. Whichever method you decide, do make sure to keep your WoW Classic bags, so you can store additional items later.

Take Your Time

If you have played World of Warcraft and are going into Classic, then you will notice that there are a lot of differences. Rather than focusing on getting yourself to the end-game, Classic opts for taking things much slower. After all, the content at the end isn’t anything to write home about, bar from a couple of raids that you will need to be able to meet certain levels for. You’re going to be spending most of your grinding levels, so don’t rush yourself and make the most of the experience. 

Keep Looting

Coming back to the WoW Classic bags, we are going to want to be considerate when it comes to the space that you have. That being said, you are going to need items to get WoW Classic gold so you can afford mounts and such when hitting level 40. With that said, you will want to pick up as many items as you can that get dropped. By picking them up and taking them to a vendor, you are making a profit whilst freeing up your inventory space at the same time. Whether you send them to other players bank them yourself, managing your space and money is going to be paramount to your success. 

Take on Professions

An effective way of making WoW Classic gold is by taking on professions. Certain options that see you making the most of crafting such as Leatherworking or Skinning can be great for making gear, or Tailoring can guide you well with Enchanting, or even put Blacksmithing with Mining. When combining a couple together you are most definitely making the best out of the professions, so keep this in mind going forward. 

Log Out at the Inn

You may have gotten to a point in the day where it is time for you to log off from World of Warcraft Classic. When this time comes, make sure that you are heading over to a rest area when you are ready to log out. You can find these kinds of areas at inns or any location within the capital city. If you are trying to see what a rest area looks like, just search for a portrait next to your health bar, which will start pulsing yellow so you can log out immediately. This will also save you having to wait 20 seconds too. 

Team up With Others

When starting out, this might not really seem to be a very pressing matter. The early levels are easily doable by yourself, but if you want to make life easier going forward, then trying to group up with a set of players may be the best way forward. It will make it so you can cope much more with the likes of quests this way, and even make fetch quests a bit more interesting, though you won’t benefit as much from drops individually. Despite this, having a group with you to quickly sift through mobs and more will make the experience far less frustrating. 

These are some of the best pieces of advice that you can get when going into the Classic rendition of World of Warcraft for the first time. By following these tips, you should be able to make the most of your WoW Classic bags and the space that they have, and what you can do to earn the most WoW Classic gold. 

Have you tried these WoW Classic tips for Horde or Alliance? Let us know in the comments section below!

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OSRS – Goblin Diplomacy Quest Guide Thu, 22 Apr 2021 12:48:18 +0000 If you want to take in a short and entertaining quest, then Goblin Diplomacy is definitely worth a look.  Do you want to take a detour from racking up your OSRS gold and skill levels? Then why not take in a quest that takes you to a disturbance at the Goblin Village? In the Goblin […]

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If you want to take in a short and entertaining quest, then Goblin Diplomacy is definitely worth a look. 

Do you want to take a detour from racking up your OSRS gold and skill levels? Then why not take in a quest that takes you to a disturbance at the Goblin Village? In the Goblin Diplomacy quest, you have to help the goblins here solve a dispute to stop them from warring with each other. Your task? To aid them in their decision of what color they wear. 

Starting the Quest

Firstly, you will need three suits of Goblin mail, some blue dye, some orange dye, and 35 OSRS GP coins. Once you have got these, head to the Goblin Village in the Kingdom of Asgarnia, and speak to either General Bentnoze or General Wartface. You will be told that the goblins are about to get caught up in a civil war over the colour of their armour, with orange being the desired colour. 

Quest Items

So to get the items we need, firstly we need to ask the generals where we can get orange armour from. You will be informed that you can dye Goblin mail orange, whilst Grubfoot says that he managed to seal yellow dye from Draynor Village where he nabbed it from a witch. You will also be told about three different goblins in crates around the village. The first one we must visit is behind the general’s hut, whilst another is in the hut to the west by the smaller square hut. The third one that we need to visit is up a ladder by the village entrance. 

If you have killed any goblins, then this will also help you get the goblin mail that you have been looking for, though you will still need an uncoloured mail for this to work. Meanwhile, Wyson the gardener who you can find in Falador Park will be able to sell you wad leaves. Say to him that you are willing to pay around 20 OSRS gold, for which he will give you two woad leaves. This saves you from trying to choose the cheaper option of 15 OSRS GP where you will only receive one woad leaf, therefore end up paying 30 coins for two. 

Next, we are going to the north of Rimmington where you will find the two onions that we need in the field there. Or, you can try Lumbridge and go to Farmer Fred’s farm. Then we need to get ourselves redberries from Port Sarim, where they can be bought from Wydin’s Food Store for three coins each. 

Creating the Dyes

Our next task is to make the dyes themselves. You are going to be required to make orange and blue dye. So, make red dye with three redberries and five coins from Aggie over in Draynor Village, then we need to mix it with yellow dye, which can be made with five coins and two onions. If you don’t have these dyes yet, then take them to Aggie and mix them together. You will need two woad leaves and five coins to take to Aggie as well if you don’t have the blue dye already yet. 

The Final Verdict

Now that we have the dyes, use them to make an orange goblin mail and a blue one too. After that, you can leave the third one as it is, before taking them to the Goblin Village. Give the orange mail to the generals, where Grubfoot will test it out. They won’t like it and ask for the blue one. Try again with the blue mail this time, and it will be rejected once again after Grubfoot tries it on. They will now want a brown mail, so give them the uncoloured mail, which they will decide s actually the best option.  

This will complete the quest for you, and you will receive a gold bar, five quest points, and 200 crafting XP as well.  So you aren’t going to need to worry about being hostile in this quest, so no need to grab your Twisted Bow or whatever your weapon of choice is. The amount of investment is minimal as well, so you won’t have to worry about finding somewhere that has OSRS gold for sale and buy OSRS gold. But it feels good to help the goblins out, right? Plus, it isn’t going to take up too much of your time, and it is rather generous with the quest points that you get, if you were to compare it to other quests of this length and difficulty.

Have you tried completing this OSRS Goblin Diplomacy quest? Let us know in the comments section below!

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Reasons and Places to Do Skinning WoW Shadowlands Mon, 22 Feb 2021 21:53:10 +0000 Listen up and skin ‘em up! Skinning is one of the most important gathering professions in World of Warcraft as it lets players gather leather, one of the most frequently-used materials in crafting armor. It’s an easy way to earn gold, so you can sell it to those that buy WoW gold. So, do you […]

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Listen up and skin ‘em up!

Skinning is one of the most important gathering professions in World of Warcraft as it lets players gather leather, one of the most frequently-used materials in crafting armor. It’s an easy way to earn gold, so you can sell it to those that buy WoW gold. So, do you want to know why and where you should be skinning in Shadowlands? Let us tell you! 

Why Take Up Skinning in WoW Shadowlands

We’ve already mentioned the main reason skinning is a good profession to pick up. If those aren’t enough for you, then maybe these other reasons will. First would be the fact that you don’t need nodes for this gathering profession, as Beasts move about and spawn within a wide area instead of a single spot.

While competing with other players for resources is an inevitable thing, it’s going to be less direct, as you won’t be standing in a particular spot waiting for the resource in question to grow back. Plus, monsters respawn faster than nodes. Also, monsters spawning faster means that skinners get to gather more frequently, and that means more profession EXP and faster level-up.

On top of that, skinning allows you to scavenge on the remains of monsters that players that don’t have skinning as a profession leave behind. You get to make money on something that other players can’t use and would just disappear anyway, and the best part is that you didn’t need to do as much work as you should have. 

However, as a show of etiquette, do not skin the corpse of a mob another gamer has just recently slain and looted the WoW items of, as it could be possible that the player who killed it is also a skinner but was taking his or her time. And even if he or she isn’t, it’s just plain rude!

Skinning is also one of the most profitable professions related to gathering. The materials gathered by other professions don’t sell as much per piece, save for mining, as they’re not for crafting equipment.

Last but definitely not least would be a reason that came about because of WoW Shadowlands: the necessary ingredients for Leatherworking, as with other crafting-related professions, have been reduced. So if you’re a skinner because you’re also a Leatherworker, that means less time needed for you to engage in skinning–not that it wasn’t exactly a time-consuming profession before that.

On the other hand, if you’re skinning purely to earn WoW gold, that would mean the skins you sell would get sold faster. Fewer materials needed would mean less gold spent on other materials, which means more gold spent on the more important materials. Simply sell the leather scraps that are needed at a competitive price at the right time and you’re on your way. 

Where You Should Be Skinning

With the whys out of the way, it’s time to discuss where you’ll be skinning if you want to level up fast. But before that, you have to first get your profession level to 60. To put that into detail here would be too long, so we just recommend that you take up Zygor’s Leveling Guide. A simple Google search should lead you to that simple yet effective guide to level up your skinning in no time.

Now, finally, the domains. There are three you can choose from: Bastion, Ardenweald, and Maldraxxus.

For Bastion, you’ll be going after Languishing Etherwyrm and Starved Etherwyrm. This can be quite a busy area because these mobs are needed for one of the starter quests in the domain. While it’s a general rule of thumb to stay away from areas with many people when farming, but this could be to your advantage, as lots of them are busy and could be leaving behind mobs’ corpses.

Ardenweald is also a good place to start, as the Gorm Raveners have a rather high respawn rate, deals rather low damage, and have equally low armor.

Finally, for Maldraxxus, you have two sets of targets. First would be Neonate Bonetooths, Bloodskin Tauraluss, and Furious Alphahoofs. They have more HP than other targets, but it’s easy to pull them together. The second would be Virulent Pests. They’re spread apart but have a high respawn rate.

Skinning is definitely not a skin-flinted (definitely pun intended) profession, especially in World of Warcraft Shadowlands. So, what are you waiting for? Get to tanning those leathers now.

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Path of Exile: A Handy Guide to Making PoE Currency Mon, 22 Feb 2021 21:51:09 +0000 You’re sure to get rich with these tips! A player’s skill level is oftentimes the clincher when it comes to clearing out games—especially tough MMORPGs. However, one can only go so far through sheer skill alone. The adage, work smart instead of work hard seems to be apropos here. Why face bigger challenges when you […]

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You’re sure to get rich with these tips!

A player’s skill level is oftentimes the clincher when it comes to clearing out games—especially tough MMORPGs. However, one can only go so far through sheer skill alone. The adage, work smart instead of work hard seems to be apropos here. Why face bigger challenges when you can make things easier for yourself? And there’s no better way to do that than to gear up with the best PoE items and equipment available. To do that in Path of Exile, you’ll need plenty of PoE orbs. Sure, the PoE trade is also a viable option, but grinding it out in the game and racking up the currency is perhaps the most effective way to go.

To help you fill your coffers with precious PoE orbs, here’s a quick guide on how you can make PoE currency the easy way!

Play the Game

The more you play, the more currency you have. It’s a simple fact and we can’t stress that point enough. Wraeclast may be a treacherous place to traverse, with danger lurking in practically every nook and cranny, but that doesn’t mean that treasures are scarce! In fact, it’s quite the opposite! The more dangers you face, the more adventurous you are, the more you will be rewarded with precious currency and even PoE uniques! Now isn’t that neat? The good ol’ folks over at Grinding Gear Games designed PoE in such a way that simply playing it rewards players with lots of goodies!


Some elitists may look down on farming, but there’s no denying the fact that it’s perhaps the most lucrative venture one can undertake. In this regard, the Delve League probably stands out the most as it offers the most ways for players to earn currency. Simply farm fossils as much as you can and you’re sure to fill your virtual pockets with tons of currency. A word of advice: Since time is of the essence in games like Path of Exile, we highly recommend that you sell them in bulk so you won’t have to waste time with the nitty-gritty of things.

Loot Filter

Picking up loot wantonly may seem like a good idea at first. But as you progress further along the game, you’ll soon realize that it’s not the most efficient way to do it. By setting your loot filter to your preferences you can eliminate the less valuable ones and make room for the profitable ones in your inventory. We’re not going to coach you in this regard as it’s really a case to case basis that depends on player preferences. But we are going to assert the importance of loot filtering as it saves precious time and effort! We leave the rest wholly up to you.

Additional Notes

Aside from making PoE currency, you may also be interested to know that there’s a highly profitable market for it, IRL. By simply offering up any surplus currency you have on the game, you can earn tons of RL cash. Just make sure to do your transactions via legitimate platforms that have both the buyer’s and the seller’s well-being in mind. After all, the net is filled with all sorts of devious characters. A little prudence can go a long way. That said, it is a very profitable prospect!


Going about Wraeclast haphazardly can indeed get you currency along the way, but it’s not the most efficient. To maximize your time and earning potential, you’ll need to strategize properly and approach the game the right way. With these surefire tips, you’ll definitely rake in the currency in no time at all. Keep them in mind as you enjoy the game we all love. Good luck on Wraeclast, exile! And may fortune favor you as you brave the perils that await!

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Some of the Premium Range of Gaming Laptops for Gaming Geeks Thu, 21 Jan 2021 08:31:42 +0000 India’s video gaming industry is growing at a rapid pace. In 2020, it was estimated to be worth around Rs.90 billion. However, Statista claims that it will appreciate around Rs.143 billion by 2022. Doubtless, with the growth of this industry, the demand for powerful gaming laptops will also steadily increase.  Today, one can acquire the […]

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India’s video gaming industry is growing at a rapid pace. In 2020, it was estimated to be worth around Rs.90 billion. However, Statista claims that it will appreciate around Rs.143 billion by 2022. Doubtless, with the growth of this industry, the demand for powerful gaming laptops will also steadily increase. 

Today, one can acquire the best gaming laptop from the market, provided he/she has the necessary financial backing. These machines generally sport considerable price tags. However, with the emergence of various financing options, these gaming laptops have become much more affordable.

If one is seeking the best gaming experience, here is a look at some of the high-end gaming laptops available presently – 

  1. Alienware M15 R3 Gaming

Price: Around Rs.3.5 lakh

Alienware is a name to be reckoned with when it comes to gaming laptops and hardware. The M15 R3 is powered by a 10th Gen Intel Core i9 processor. Additionally, it boasts of an 8GB GDDR6 Nvidia RTX 2080 Super graphics card, which is capable of running all modern-day games at ultra 4K, without compromising on frames-per-second (fps). 

It also has 32GB of RAM capacity, which is more than sufficient for all your gaming needs. The 1TB PCIe M.2 SSD is the fastest storage drive available.

While one cannot hope to acquire under 25000 laptops, especially for gaming, this option may be too expensive for most. Opting for a Bajaj Finserv EMI Network Card can help reduce financial pressure when buying this device. Such cards sport pre-approved credit limits of up to Rs.4 lakh, enabling users to acquire such costly products without burdening their finances.

  1. MSI GP65 Leopard

Price: Around Rs.1.5 lakh

When talking about the best gaming laptop, one cannot overlook MSI’s impressive range of products. The GP65 Leopard is an example of one such powerful gaming rig, which features an RTX 2070 GPU with 8GB of GDDR6 memory. Additionally, it ships with 32GB of RAM, 1TB hard disk drive and a 512GB solid-state drive. 

Even though the 15.6-inch display is limited to output Full HD resolution only, its refresh rate is 144Hz. Thus, owners can experience an exceptionally smooth gaming performance, taking advantage of the powerful graphics card.

  1. Asus ROG Zephyrus G15

Price: Around Rs.1.3 lakh

Unlike the other options in this list, this specific model sports an octa-core AMD Ryzen 4900HS processor, instead of an Intel chipset. The RTX 2060 GPU ensures gamers can not only play at the highest settings but also turn on Ray Tracing, acquiring better reflections in the game.

Additional features include 16GB of RAM and 1TB of SSD. Moreover, this notebook’s display sports a 240 Hz refresh rate for smoother gaming. Potential customers concerned about the price tag can take advantage of their Bajaj Finserv EMI Network cards, which will enable them to convert such big-ticket purchases into no-cost instalments. Such cards with pre-sanctioned credit offers are essential for many when acquiring the best laptop in the market.

The NBFC also extends pre-approved offers to ease the process of availing credit across a range of financial products, including business loans, personal loans and others. You can check your pre-approved offer by submitting your full name and contact information.        

  1. Asus ROG Strix G15

Price: Around Rs.1.05 lakh

The Republic of Gaming series of laptops from Asus is also popular with Indian gamers. The Strix G15, for instance, comes with 16GB of RAM and a 6GB Nvidia GTX 1660Ti GPU. The Core i7 ensures smooth performance during gaming and otherwise. This model too ships with a 144 Hz Full HD display. Another advantage of this option is its easy upgradability, especially when it comes to switching the SSD.

As you can see, most of these devices tend to be costly, since they are packed with the latest hardware and technology. Affording the best gaming laptop becomes easier with access to suitable and dependable financing options, without which purchasing such a machine may severely deplete one’s savings.

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Dr.Fone – Virtual Location (iOS): The best tool to spoof Pokemon Go for iPhone users Mon, 07 Dec 2020 21:49:28 +0000 Pokemon Go is a very popular AR game. The game was developed by the Pokemon Company in collaboration with Nintendo and Niantic. Niantic is a Google spin-off company that is behind some of the earlier AR games like Ingress.  In general, Pokemon Go is a free game for Android and iOS, allowing players to catch […]

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Pokemon Go is a very popular AR game. The game was developed by the Pokemon Company in collaboration with Nintendo and Niantic. Niantic is a Google spin-off company that is behind some of the earlier AR games like Ingress.

 In general, Pokemon Go is a free game for Android and iOS, allowing players to catch Pokemon hidden in various real-world locations. In the game itself, the game developer provides several items that can be purchased for real money. One of the goals of these paid items (in app purchase) is to accelerate the development of Pokemon owned by players. 

Pokemon Go is a fun game but of course you have to play it with real physical activity such as walking down the road, river, etc. to find Pokemon-scattered around. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, it is not always possible to find Pokemon wherever they are. The question is “Is it possible to play Pokemon Go in the room?” Or in other words, could it be played without the user having to wander down the street looking for Pokemon? 

The answer is absolutely possible! A player can do Pokemon Go walking hack by using a GPS spoofer. For Android users, all they need to do is download the GPS spoofer app, open it and use it to fake their GPS location. They need to fake the Android GPS location to make it appear as if they are in a location near the Pokemon is (fake location). 

But what about iPhone users? Unfortunately in most cases they have to jailbreak their iPhone. But not with Dr.Fone – Virtual Location (iOS)! 

Dr.Fone – Virtual Location (iOS) is the best solution for faking location on iPhone. This GPS spoofer can teleport the user’s real location to any location in the world. Not only that, this tool can also simulate GPS movement (fake movement) so that the user seems to be moving from one point to another even though in reality he is just sitting in the room. If you are one of those iPhone users who want to spoof Pokemon Go, then keep reading! 

How does it work? 

1. Download Dr.Fone on your Windows PC or Mac. Install and launch the app. 

2. You will find an interface as follows:

open feature

3. Click ‘Virtual Location’. 

4. After clicking ‘Virtual Location’, it is time to connect your iPhone with your computer. Once connected, click ‘Get Started’.

start location faking

location to teleport

5. Then you will see a kind of map as follows:

Click the Teleport option at the top right of the screen. Then you can type your fake location into the search bar at the top left of the screen. Or you can type in a keyword and the bar will display several locations associated with that keyword. Click ‘Go’ and you will be shown your fake location. Then drop the pin and click ‘Move Here’.

move to the location

Once you finish clicking ‘Move Here’, your iOS GPS location will change. You can check it in various applications that use GPS.

You can also simulate GPS movement with Dr.Fone – Virtual Location (iOS). You can choose a movement mode so that your simulation looks natural. There are 3 modes of movement that you can choose from; walking, cycling and driving.

Now Dr.Fone – Virtual Location (iOS) provides a joystick feature on the lower left side of the screen which will make it easier to simulate your GPS movement.

type the location


Playing Pokemon Go without actually going down the road is perfectly possible with the help of a GPS Spoofer. And if you are using an iPhone, Dr.Fone – Virtual Location is the best solution for teleporting and simulating your iOS GPS movements.

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CHESS REVOLUTION: THE AI GAME CHANGERS Sat, 18 Aug 2018 07:21:40 +0000 Chess is one of the most tactical games ever. It is played by moving pieces in set directions, with specific rules for winning and losing. Easy right? Well not really. The game goes deeper than just moving pieces in set directions. Chess, by intuitive human standards, is not an easy game. The thinking and calculations […]


Chess is one of the most tactical games ever. It is played by moving pieces in set directions, with specific rules for winning and losing.

Easy right? Well not really. The game goes deeper than just moving pieces in set directions. Chess, by intuitive human standards, is not an easy game. The thinking and calculations that you have to make to decide what move is possible for each of your 16 (or less) pieces combines with the spaces available for movement is just one part of the puzzle. As many as 16^8 permutations are possible at each point in the game.

The second part of the puzzle is the thinking and calculations that you have to make to decide what move is best to make of all the possible moves that you have thought out.

These parts of the game are dependent on you and can be 100% influenced by you. It is entirely your choice to make. The third piece is not in your hands but those of your opponents. For each of those moves you make, there are almost as many moves available for your opponent. Knowing which of these many moves your opponent makes as a response to yours is the hardest piece of the puzzle.


Of course, to get over this hard piece, “traps” are set, and game plans are drawn. Chess masters over the years have developed one tactic over another to dictate the flow of the game. Making informed guesses on how an opponent will react to your game plan by estimating what you would do in such scenario and basing your next plan on that.

So what happens when you take intuition out of the game?

Introducing the AI chess machines.

With the wave of new technology sweeping aboard, many IT companies have developed machines that can analyse each of these three pieces of the chess grand puzzle.

The AI is so expertly programmed that they analyse all possible moves that can be made at each point in time by both their piece and the piece of the opponent. With the advanced memory capacity of these machines, they can process all these moves and know which move will be the best that their opponent will play. They do this by watching the player patterns and tactics and using it to determine future moves based on experienced gained by playing and studying games of other grandmasters.

In reaction to the proposed player moves, the machine then makes his move. This helps it to plan and avoid being taken unawares. This is a move that has worked wonders for many chess grandmasters and was working well for the machines.

But the caveat of this is that the Machines were being very defensive in their game plan. Reactionary instead of proactive. As a result of the removal of intuition, the element of mistake was removed from the machine’s game.

The plan reached the peak of its success in 1997 when legendary chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov was beaten by IBM’s supercomputer, the Deep Blue.

In a battle dubbed “The Brain’s Last Stand”, the conventional human way of thinking, and playing the game which was filled with intuitive moves was challenged by an AI machine that based mainly on reactionary defensive moves, relying on exploiting mistakes of its human opponent.

It was a six-game battle.

Besides the human exhaustion that was felt by only Kasparov, and the psychological stress that he was handling, including IBM undermining their machine before the match, the game was a very tactical game. Two unique styles came up against each other.

Kasparov took the first match. At that point, he was feeling pretty confident. But then, the turning point of the battle came in the second game of the set. It was in this second set that the ability of the machine to calculate the opponent’s thoughts correctly came to full flow.

Having succeeded in setting “traps” for the machine, Kasparov exposed his queen in his 36th move. Deep Blue’s reply was epic. He had studied Kasparov’s patterns and instead of being proactive, taking the exposed piece, he made a much subtler decision, and that changed Kasparov’s thinking of Deep Blue’s ability.

He was thrown off and his game plan shattered. Defensive tactical plans were overtaking human intuition at the highest level. For the next game sets, Kasparov focused on damage limitation. He requested printouts to justify the computer’s decision. He held on to a few games but ended up losing the battle 2-1.

Over the next few decades, defensive masterplans reigned supreme, with fewer risky moves being played.

Fast forward two decades later, and the battle of the machines between the worlds champion chess engine, the Stockfish 8, and Google’s latest AI evolution, AlphaZero: a superhuman AI evolution developed by DeepMind, Google’s AI department.

Stockfish had excelled at its tactical understanding of virtually all aspects of the game. The people behind it had programmed all strategies known to have succeeded in it. AlphaZero, on the other hand, was programmed with only the rules of chess. Nick, the owner of Elive (an IT Firm from Auckland, NZ), says “No strategy was input into the machine. It was built to be a replica of the human champion many years ago before Deep Blue changed the rules and winning strategy of the game”. AlphaZero had taken just 4 hours to learn all the rules before heading into the epic battle.

AlphaZero had an unconventional view of the game, and it showed just 21 moves into one of the epic battles. StockFish was playing as black, and AlphaZero as white. As was his tradition, StockFish had built a healthy advantage based on his piece count using his strong defensive position.

Then the turning point came, unlike what most machines would do, and what grandmasters would do before Deep Blue’s change of chess tactics, AlphaZero moved his bishop into Stockfish’s half, within reach of his pawn. The reaction of Stockfish was expectedly defensive, and suddenly the black pieces were drawn out, and the board began to open up.

Intuition had won again. The machine made up its strategy, unlike Stockfish who was fed his strategy and suffered then human bias.

Kasparov confirmed this change: “AlphaZero sacrifices, much like I would have played. Making brave, aggressive, attacking moves.”

Finally, by teaching itself to solve diverse problems without fixed strategies and human opinions, it has done what no AI had made use of, the intuitive ability.

The game has changed back to intuitive players, AI, and precisely, AlphaZero had changed the game of chess once more.


3 Ways to Boost Engagement in Gaming Applications Wed, 15 Aug 2018 18:10:20 +0000 Assignment Content Mobile gaming is one of the hottest industries on the planet, worth more than $50 billion. That’s nearly half of all gaming revenue and more than 80 percent of the app revenue from iTunes and Google Play. However, for every Candy Crush Saga or Angry Birds, there are millions of mobile games sitting […]

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Assignment Content

Mobile gaming is one of the hottest industries on the planet, worth more than $50 billion. That’s nearly half of all gaming revenue and more than 80 percent of the app revenue from iTunes and Google Play. However, for every Candy Crush Saga or Angry Birds, there are millions of mobile games sitting unused and unloved. Making your mobile game applications more engaging is the best way to create loyal fans and boost your mobile gaming revenue.

Host Contests


Image via Flickr by m01229

Hosting contests within your gaming application is an ideal way to boost engagement. For example, you might announce a tournament and award free lives, bonus credit, or even real cash or other physical prizes to the winners. Users will tend to play longer as they try to climb your leaderboard, beat their friends and other players, and earn incentives.

Candy Crush Saga is one gaming app that regularly hosts contests including Star Chaser, Fishing Tournament, and Striped Candy. While these contests vary, players receive points for the number of relevant candies they collect on every level passed. The highest-ranked players at the end of every contest receive some of the game’s most popular boosters, including lollipop hammers and double delish fish, as well as gold bars that can be exchanged for extra lives or moves.

Embed Real-Time Communication Platforms

Real-time communication transforms mobile gaming from a solitary activity to a collaborative and social one. Communication platforms make mobile apps feel like communities where players can discuss strategies, celebrate their victories, commiserate over their failings, and even forge real-world friendships.

Text-based chat platforms, like those found in social games like Scrabble, are a start. However, typed messages make these conversations stilted and unnatural. They also take users out of the action while they’re typing. Voice chat systems, like those found in the Agora for social media platform, make in-game communication much more natural. Using, developers can add one-to-one and group voice and video functionality to their games. According to, its social communication tools boost user engagement and extend in-app time, giving developers more chances to monetize their products.

Offer In-Game Rewards

In-game rewards boost engagement by encouraging users to play longer and reap the benefits. Just as they do in PC games, where rewards are more common, mobile game rewards are an incentive for honing skills and investing time in the game. Game rewards also help mobile users, who have notoriously low attention spans, stick with the games they play because they believe there’s a payoff.

Music trivia app SongPop 2 is one example of a mobile game that gets its rewards right. Players receive badges when they master its newest playlists or top the leaderboard in SongPop 2’s party challenges. These badges can be proudly displayed alongside each player’s avatar.

Today, users spend an average of 23 minutes playing mobile games every day. Making your mobile gaming applications more engaging using strategies like those outlined above will increase the chances gamers will spend that time using your gaming apps, rather than those of your competitors.


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Building a career in professional gaming – your must-knows Sat, 14 Jul 2018 14:23:27 +0000 Sitting in front of a computer, playing the latest edition of your favorite video game, sounds like the type of activity that you would probably describe as relaxing and fun. But what if the time spent playing can actually help you generate money as well, and not just remain that hobby you can’t get enough […]

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Sitting in front of a computer, playing the latest edition of your favorite video game, sounds like the type of activity that you would probably describe as relaxing and fun. But what if the time spent playing can actually help you generate money as well, and not just remain that hobby you can’t get enough of? Upon research, you will discover how the gaming community has evolved along the years, and how may passionate players have managed to actually build a career out of this activity. While the road towards success might not be extremely easy, when it comes to becoming a professional gamer, the opportunity remains viable as long as you know the right steps that need to be taken. If the prospect of gaming for money has caught your attention for a while now, and you want to turn this idea into a reality, there are a few important things you will need to learn. Here are some tips that need your full attention:

Feeling comfortable while gaming can influence your play – setting the environment

You would be surprised to discover how much it matters to create the proper gaming environment for yourself, in order for your wins to be on-point. That means that you should put together a gaming zone, one that will provide you with the level of comfort you desire, as well as allow you to concentrate on your play. One of the elements that will need to be chosen with precise care, and could impact how comfortable your gaming area actually is, would be the chair. You probably don’t want to face an unpleasant back ache in the middle of an important game, so upgrading to a chair that has been especially designed for gaming is recommended. The market stands at your disposal with great options in this department, simply read a few reviews on the subject, and invest in a chair that you know you will feel comfortable sitting in for hours. Your desk should also be appropriate for this type of activity, and the lighting system in your room should not cause any perturbations as well. Start off with a gaming-zone remodel!

An upgrade in the “gear” department

You might know all the best tricks of a certain game, have the talent necessary to keep your play above-average, and your skills might actually be impressive ones, but if your computer deals with an error in the most unfortunate moment, your keyboard stops working when you are just about to win, or your mouse is not that easy to maneuver, your performance will of course be affected. In order to make money out of gaming you will first need to invest some in proper “gear”. Think about purchasing a gaming laptop that you know has all the features necessary to support your hobby properly. A laptop might be better than a PC because you can carry it around with you easier if you face the need of changing locations. Moreover, nowadays, gaming laptops have impressive characteristics, providing pro gamers with all the support needed to keep their activity going smoothly. However, you should research all of your options with precise care in advance, and check out what each brand or model that might have caught your eye has to offer. As gaming-devices experts at The WiredShopper also clearly state, your gaming equipment could be essential in how rapidly you develop a career in the field, and the most important elements remains your laptop or computer – this is where your investment should go first.


Gaming is fun and nobody can deny that, but when it comes to actually making a career out of it, studying becomes just as important as for any other field. You need to watch pros “do their magic” as often as possible, analyze their tactics, absorb their strategies, and learn from their methods. Remember that pro players have been doing this for years, so in order to follow their footsteps, you need to observe them first, and then practice their strategies. Study as you would for any other type of professional development.

Be an active member of the community

To make yourself noticed and to get others to take an interest in your skills and talent you need to become part of the gaming community first. Make your presence known by joining discussion boards, becoming member of certain gaming forums and befriending other pro gamers who can give you pointers and help you put the base of your own career.

Practice, practice, practice!

From the moment you decide you want to become a pro player, you have to start seeing this activity as your new job. The key to success in this industry is perseverance (besides, of course, the bit of talent that you also need to have). This means, the more you practice, the higher your odds of evolving and achieving more impressive results. In the majority of situations, you might be required to play even 6, 7 or 8 hours a day, sometimes more, so this is the type of commitment you need to take right from the start. The popular saying “practice makes perfect” exists for a reason – making a few sacrifices with your time, and practicing as much as you can will make a noticeable difference over time.

If you have been gaming for as long as you can remember, and you are actually pretty good at it, why not turn this hobby into an income-generating career? The gaming community is growing at a fast pace, and the financial opportunities revolving around it are also increasing. Making a career out of what you love doing could be a dream come true, so give this possibility more of your thought. However, keep in mind, that in order to start on the right foot, you will need to follow some important tips and the insights stated above should be the things you analyze first. By pursuing the right pointers, you might manage making it in the gaming world much faster than imagined.

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