Why PSA Software is an Investment, Not an Expense


The seamless integration of business systems reduces inefficiency and data loss. It also allows for a single view of the customer across sales, services and finance.

Certinia psa is a comprehensive platform for services businesses that includes project management, resource planning, time and expense tracking, billing and revenue recognition. It is highly configurable and easy to use.

The best PSA software solutions offer a bird’s eye view of business operational and financial health to boost profit margins. This includes detailed information on resource utilization and revenue trends that help managers find ways to trim costs and focus resources on high-value activities.

It is critical for PSA software to scale with growth as a services organization evolves and changes. Look for a platform that offers a flexible delivery model and an established track record of supporting growth initiatives.

When resource management, time tracking, project accounting and forecasting are built into one system, the result is greater efficiency, higher productivity and a more accurate picture of the present. This enables business leaders to make informed decisions that build a stronger future for the services company and deliver an exceptional experience to customers.

It’s Not an Expense

As professional services firms scale their business, they hit a point where manual processes and home-grown spreadsheet systems cannot manage the complexity of their service based operations. At this stage, investing in a PSA solution becomes a proven and cost-effective investment to drive efficiency and accelerate growth.

Boost Profits through Better Information

With a PSA system in place, businesses are able to keep a close eye on project timelines and costs, making it easier to create accurate forecasts that support profitable bids. PSA solutions also help with resource utilization, ensuring that there are enough technicians assigned to each job to deliver on time and on budget.

Successful service firms have also discovered that PSAs allow them to work collaboratively with customers, giving clients direct access to data like vendor schedules so they can see upcoming project dates or invoices so they can review and approve bills promptly. This level of transparency increases customer retention and satisfaction.

It’s a Game Changer

When choosing a PSA tool, look for one that can scale with your firm’s growth. That means delivering the reporting and forecasting capabilities necessary to support M&A activities but also demonstrating operational rigor to keep up with your firm’s day-to-day business processes.

Ensure your firm’s profitability with a top-performing PSA solution. The best ones integrate resource & project management, time tracking and project accounting into a single platform. That boosts your operational efficiency while reducing the time your team spends juggling error-prone spreadsheets.

Look for a system that supports a variety of business models, including fixed fee and time & materials projects. In addition, it should enable sales opportunities to be converted to projects as they are won and provide project managers with the flexibility to choose between a standard schedule of stages/tasks or a custom version of the project. It should also allow for a mix of milestone billing and incremental payments. Also, look for flexible ticketing facilities that include script-guided first line support and the ability to split tickets and merge them into a single case.

It’s a Solution

When buyers evaluate PSA solutions they need to go beyond license or subscription fees and implementation costs. They need to understand how the solution will work in their day-to-day business. The best way to do this is to develop a request for information that asks vendors to provide details of how their solutions will handle specific, documented use cases.

PSA solutions allow companies to gain complete and timely visibility into project schedules, costs and profit by project or program. This helps management avoid missed deadlines, cost overruns and backlogs that risk the profitability of an organization’s services business.

An effective PSA system also gives technicians the tools to manage their workloads with better efficiency. This reduces the need for expert resources and enables MSPs to more accurately price bids for work. For example, the right PSA solution includes utilities that enable ticket sharing, rerouting and merging so technicians can work on the most urgent or critical tickets without having to wait for a manager to assign them.