Home Office Design: How to Create the Perfect Home Office 


You might have noticed that the world has changed a lot since 2020. 

Travelling isn’t as simple as it used to be. A lot of people are more hygiene-conscious than they were before. And many stores (sadly) have had to shut down permanently. 

Out of all the changes that have taken place, though, the biggest one has been the introduction of remote working. 

  • 16% of companies around the world are now fully-remote
  • Roughly 62% of employees between the ages of 22 and 65 say that they work remotely sometimes

Because of this trend, it’s meant that millions of people have had to get creative and make their own home offices. 

Some people have turned their spare bedrooms into nice cozy office spaces, while others have even gone a step further by adding a home office to their backyards. 

Essentially, you have the creative freedom to do whatever you like with your home office – and this guide is here to help you. 

Keep reading to learn some important tips on how to create the perfect home office for yourself. 

Use a Blueprint Maker 

A blueprint maker by Cedreo will help you to have a professional approach when creating and designing your own home office. If you’re passionate about design and all the little details being correct, then this is essential. 

Remember, even if you have no previous experience in designing any rooms, it won’t take you long to get the hang of a blueprint maker. 

Decide Where Your Home Office Will Be

As mentioned in the introduction, each individual is different when it comes to their home office location. 

For example, if you have a spacious backyard, you might want to purchase a self-contained wooden ‘pod’ that you can then customize to your liking. 

Or, if you have a spare room if your house or apartment, you can empty it out and then convert it into a home office – it’s entirely up to you. 

However, before you start any sort of design process, you need to be clear about where your office is going to be. Once you know for certain, then you can start to move ahead with the process!  

Prioritize a Comfortable Desk Chair

For decades, people have been complaining about office work. Usually, the biggest complaint of them all is that the office chairs aren’t comfortable (which naturally leads to aches and pains). 

Therefore, it’s essential that you prioritize getting a comfortable desk chair for your home office with this in mind! 

A comfortable office chair should: 

  • Have an adjustable height lever 
  • Soft armrest pads 
  • High-quality leather 

This way, you’ll always be comfortable when you’re working remotely, whether it’s graphic design or creating social media content for your company. 

Add an Adjustable Standing Desk 

If you’re a healthy person who cares about your wellbeing, it’s recommended that you add an adjustable standing desk to your home office. This is because it will allow you to switch between standing and sitting depending on how you feel. 

One day, you might be experiencing lower back pain, which means you’ll be able to adjust your desk to a standing position. This way, you won’t worsen the pain by sitting all day. 

Make sure to choose a stylish standing desk, though, as you still want your office to look good! 

Allow Natural Light to Come Inside 

When working from home, you might be spending upwards of 6-8 hours a day inside of your home office. When this is the case, you should make every effort possible to allow natural light to come inside. This is why the initial design process is so important! 

Ideally, your desk should be positioned within the line of your window. Then, while you are working, you will be able to keep the curtains open and allow the sunlight to wash over you. 

Bonus Tip: Make sure to keep your window open so that you have plenty of fresh air ventilation! 

Use Smart Lighting

When the weather is bad, or it’s dark outside, you will need to turn on your own lighting. However, rather than using the traditional white light bulb, you should use smart lighting

A smart light bulb is one that you can control using your smartphone. Generally, a smart light can be changed to hundreds of different colors and tones. So, if you’re someone who prefers to work in low lighting, you could change it to a moody dark red – you get the idea. 

As long as you have an iPhone or Android device with working Bluetooth and WIFI, you’re pretty much good to go. 

Add New Electrical Sockets

Your home office will be just like any other normal office – there will be lots of tech devices and wires. 

Unfortunately, this means you might have to add some new electrical sockets if you don’t have enough to cover your needs. 

Or, if you don’t want to go through this process, you could invest in a couple of socket extension leads. However, make sure you choose extension leads that have wire lengths of over 3 meters – otherwise, you’ll be very limited with what you can do with them. 

Install a Mini Refrigerator 

While in your home office, there will be times when you get thirsty. Rather than heading downstairs to the kitchen, the perfect solution to this is to have a mini refrigerator installed in your home. 

Ideally, your mini refrigerator should go in a corner where there’s plenty of space. However, if you want it as close by to you as possible, you could place it on or under your desk. 

… Conclusion

Good luck with designing your home office. Make sure to use the tips mentioned above to make it extra perfect. Also, don’t forget to give yourself a couple of weeks (or even months) to plan everything, as home offices aren’t supposed to be rushed. It’s best to spend time making a great environment where you’ll be able to work well in comfort.