How to Choose the Right Email Marketing Platform for Your Business


If your company is not using an email marketing platform, you probably already know that this must change ASAP. Email marketing is simply too important not to leverage the technologies to make the most of your efforts.

Still, knowing you need an email marketing platform is one thing. Deciding which platform is best for your company is another.

3 Email Marketing Platforms for 3 Different Types of Companies

The three email marketing platforms below are all amazing in their own rights. However, they are also very different from one another. As you read their descriptions, it should become clear which one will be right for your business.

1. Campaign Monitor

Campaign Monitor has made a name for itself through a combination of simplicity and capability. Its drag-and-drop interface means you can begin creating beautiful emails even if you have never tried before. Best of all, the design will be responsive, so you do not have to worry about certain devices hurting your engagement.

What separates Campaign Monitor from its competition is the marketing automation capabilities. Campaign Monitor is a leader when it comes to email marketing automation. This dedication to marketing automation was displayed in full effect when Campaign Monitor acquired Tagga. With Tagga, Campaign Monitor can now create more robust profiles of brands’ customers that allow them to deliver more personalized emails than ever before. For example, an online clothing retailer can identify top spenders who have searched for stilettoes in the past 30 days but didn’t purchase. Automatically send them a discount offer to help their purchasing decision a lot easier.

2. MailChimp

Most people simply assume that MailChimp is the best email marketing platform on the planet because it serves more than 15 million customers worldwide. That certainly did not happen by accident, but it is important to note that MailChimp is generally considered best for small businesses. As we mentioned above, this long list of clients also has a lot to do with the fact that it offers a free plan that supports 2,000 subscribers a month.

Another consideration that should make your decision an easy one is if you wish to create a membership site. MailChimp will help you do this and then integrate with it, so you can begin accepting subscribers right away. Its sales reports are another plus that make this email marketing platform ideal for small companies or bloggers that need assistance with these important tasks.

3. SendGrid

Of the three, SendGrid is probably the most obscure. This is largely because it tends to be used by developers more than marketers. In fact, many people would not even consider SendGrid an email marketing platform. It is more of transactional email software. It was designed to return automated notifications based on user actions like password reminders, purchase receipts, welcome emails, and more.

As far as transactional emails, though, it is undoubtedly the best option on the market. Companies like Airbnb, Uber, and Spotify use the platform to send more than 40 billion emails per month.

That said, SendGrid does have some email marketing features, so it would be a fantastic option for a company that wants one platform to handle both types of operations.

Choose an Email Marketing Platform and Get Started

By now, you should have a pretty good idea which of the above platforms is going to be the best fit for your company. In that case, get started using it right away. Even though they are each user-friendly, the sooner you begin working with your choice, the sooner you will be able to make the most of it.