How to prepare your organization for 360 degree feedback?


Today, every organization uses the 360 degree feedback surveys to know their strengths and weaknesses thoroughly. It is actually the best way to get a clearer picture of the overall performance.  People who are new to the 360 feedback system might be wondering about the best possible way to introduce a new system within the organization. Most of the people find the phrase “360-degree feedback quite puzzling, but there is no need to worry. Preparing your employees for this process will take some time, but it will be rewarding for every person by the end. A successful 360 feedback system will take your business to the heights of success, so let’s take a look at some of the simplest ways to prepare your employees for this effective process.

Steps to use the 360 degree feedback

Some simple steps will make it easier for you to move your employees on the track of 360-degree feedback. Listed below is the easiest way to prepare your team for this system:

Define your objectives clearly

The essence of the 360-degree feedback is to clarify your goals. This system can give you honest results of you take a moment to brainstorm over the purpose of the 360-degree feedback. When you define the objectives clearly, then it can measure and track your performance easily. You have to see all the aspects that are necessary to the success of your organization. Once you define goals, then share it with your team, so that they can improve their performance if necessary.

Give your employees feedback

Every employee is working in an organization to get some reward in the form of positive feedback. They want to know that whether their performance matches the company standards or not. So, you need to communicate the purpose of the 360-degree feedback with your employees. Without communicating the purpose of using this system will unintentionally stir up fear, doubt, and confusion. It is crucial to let your team know the reason for collecting the data and then using it.

 Communicate your expectations for development

You may need to communicate with the employees who never participated in the 360 degree feedback, so you have to tell the entire process to your employees and set some expectations. Tell your employees that you are expecting something great from them as 360 feedback system work to do things practically. Give your participants an opportunity to and produce and share the development plans on the basis of the results obtained from the 360-degree feedback survey.

 Disclose the Attribution

Most of the organizations aim to keep all the 360 assessment reports anonymous to the employees as they feel that it will let the team members avoid unnecessary bias. Only a few organizations disclose the anonymity. It is actually the best way to avoid any surprises on the employees’ part when they receive their report. Betraying employee trust can harm the credibility of the 360 feedback system, so let them know about their performance.