How to Use Social Platforms Like Facebook to Grow Your Business


When it comes to marketing your business, it will cost money but it is something you have to do if you want more customers and traffic to your website. Today, social media marketing has become a must-do for everyone who is connected to the online community. Businesses are using Facebook to advertise their products and to drive traffic to their websites. Small businesses that cannot afford pay an advertising agency or to employ advertisers are opting to use Facebook business to boost their work.

What are the benefits of Facebook advertising?  

  • You are able to advertise to your target audience. Facebook groups and pages provide you with a free opportunity to sell your products to a certain group of people. Most of those who have liked your group or page are on Facebook for more than five hours a day and there is a great chance that they will share your posts with friends.
  • Facebook advertising is very fast. It provides you with immediate results. You reach a lot of people in a day and that margin will continue to grow daily. If you are looking for a way to drive traffic to your website, Facebook is the best advertising solution.
  • It will increase brand awareness. Facebook advertising will build your brand awareness significantly. The more people you reach in a day, the more people will know of what you offer. If people are familiar with your brand, the likely they are to buy from you.
  • It helps increase revenue and sales. Revenue increases when more people buy from you. Though it takes time and experience, you could easily earn thousands if not millions from Facebook.
  • Facebook advertising results are measurable. The numbers speak for themselves and you will be able to see comments, clicks, likes and other forms of engagement.
  • Customer attribution increases. The more your customers will see your brand, the more they are likely to interact with your business.
  • It lowers advertising cost. Pay per click advertising is most likely going to cost you a lot and those who click are also most likely not going to revisit your site. With Facebook advertising, customers are promised future conversations with your business and once a customer purchases your products, the more likely they will revisit your site.
  • They drive off-line sales. Many customers who purchase your products online are also likely to visit your physical location.
  • Facebook increases word of mouth referrals. If a customer is satisfied with a product they bought from you on Facebook, they may advise others who are in need of the same product to visit your website or Facebook page and purchase it from you.
  • It will help you build an email list. You can create an email list from customers who purchase from you regularly and inform them of new products.
  • It keeps you on the same level with your competitors. Your competitors are probably using Facebook advertising to grow their businesses. If you do not use online advertising to grow your business, your competitors will be ahead of you. You will also not receive as much sales as you would like your business to have.

Marketers and online advertisers also use Facebook quizzes. I am sure you have come across a quiz on Facebook like who loves you or who do you have a crush or how will you look like in 5 years. These quizzes at times require you to share your results with your followers and friends. Once you have shared them, some of your friends will also be tempted to take the quiz.

Facebook applications give you two options to execute your quiz:

  • Personality test – The personality test application will give you an option to create any kind of test you want. It will help promote your brand or product. Apart from the followers seeing their persona, they will also enter the competition but only if you decide to choose this kind of promotion. This kind of promotion will give you a flow that involves your followers from the start to the finish. You will also be able to use the app to measure your community. This way, you don’t need to set up a survey or poll. The test will help you learn about the traits of those who do it, their likes and dislikes before launching a new product.


  • The knowledge test – This application enables you to create a test that is more serious. This serious kind of promotion gives a score at the end. Most applicants or followers like this kind of test since it is rewarded at the end. Applicants can receive a reward in form money, gift cards or a discount on one of the products you are selling.

Before creating your quiz, it is important to find what your fans or followers like about your brand. You should also be creative and make sure that the quiz is meaningful. Provide quizzes that people can relate to and will be interested in. If you are selling beauty products, your followers will not be interested in a quiz about pets. If you notice that some quizzes have gone viral, you should check them out and find out what makes them more interesting than others.

There are many social platforms where you can advertise your business but Facebook has proven to be the best way to reach and grow your audience. Once you have implemented Facebook marketing strategies, you will experience quick results. Without trying out social media marketing, you will not know whether your marketing strategies are working for you or not. If you have not been using online advertising, it is time for you to change your marketing strategies and venture into online marketing. If done in the right way, Facebook advertising can bring lots of sales your way.