How to Create Successful Boards on Pinterest


If you are new to Pinterest and you are looking for ways to increase the number of people following you on the platform, welcome and well done! It seems like you have recognized the need for being present on Pinterest for all of its benefits. Many businesses are already taking advantage of it and here we offer you an idea of doing so too. That’s right, boards!

Why Bother With Boards?

Let’s cut to the chase, it’s all about the traffic to your main website where you advertise your services or business. As a social platform, Pinterest is another tool which can gain you more popularity and leads. It sounds easy, but it’s competitive just as any other such platform. You need content that engages and connects. The creation of your boards should be the first step to building your profile and actually developing your Pinterest.

Qualities That Good Pinterest Boards Share

In this section, we’ll look at some of the good practices out there that might help you win the hearts of your followers. Boards are great for connecting users to what your business is all about in a non-intruding way. Here’s what successful boards should do:

  •  Showcase your business and services

The hardest trick to learn in the book of online marketing is how not to be too pushy when promoting your business. It’s tricky because, after all, that’s what you are there to do. Successful Pinterest management, however, is about escaping that strategy and building an organic interest for your business and brand identity. Create a board named after what you are trying to promote. This might be your blog, your website, or another page. Start creating a main board that showcases your primary areas of expertise. This board will be focused on your talents and products.

  • Contain the right keywords

Surprise, surprise. Words matter even in an image-based platform where visuals steal all the attention. The titles you choose for your boards and pins are of greater importance than you may think. The words you use for the SEO of your website should be present across your Pinterest account too and especially in the titles. That being said, creativity should not be something you sacrifice in the name of search engines. Keep them simple and to the point. Some businesses go as far as using their boards as an SEO tool completely by putting relevant keywords in the board’s description and tags.

  • Have useful content

Avid Pinterest users are always on the lookout for helpful tips, DIY projects, interesting articles, and stunning visuals. That’s why curating those, even if they are not promoting your own services will win you points. You will have to dig deep for the best and most relevant content your specific target audience wants to see. If your business is in the food industry, you can create a board with recipes or healthy eating tips. If you own a clothes shop, it can be outfit ideas. It’s all about creating a community of people with similar interest.

  • Get embedded on your other websites

An effective Pinterest management strategy is to use the Pinterest widgets to incorporate separate pins, your profile, and boards to other web pages. By doing it with boards, visitors on your website may be enticed by the visual content and follow you on Pinterest as well. This way you get one more follower and a stronger reach too.

 Created your first board. Now what?

Well, make more. At least 3, to be more specific. When creating them, keep asking yourself this:

  • Are they relevant to my business?
  • Are they relevant to my audience’s preferences?
  • Are they coherent with one another?

This last one is important. Coherence between elements is important not just for good design, but for having a good image on Pinterest, too. Random topics and themes that don’t blend well together will probably result in the confusion and loss of interest in your Pinners. The better your pins and boards are organized, the better your visitors will be able to navigate around them.

Join forces with other Pinners!

Our last piece of advice is focused on the great options for connecting and collaborating with other people and influencers. The benefit of doing it is easy to see – double the amount of exposure. The board collaborators share their audience so be sure to team up with Pinners that your own followers would like.

If you decide to experiment and take advantage of all these tips we mentioned above, share your progress and success with us!