How to Write Research Papers at College


How fast can you write a research paper? And what about quality? Are your writing skills good enough to get the highest grade possible?

Most students agree that a research paper is probably one of the hardest assignments they can get from a teacher, except writing a dissertation, of course. This piece of writing is never the same. When it comes to a research paper, it can vary in tone, length, and style. Everything depends on the discipline you have, and the topic, which has to be examined and fully covered in a written form. Learning how to write a research paper requires a detailed analysis of the material you have, and an everyday practice in order to polish the skills of researching, writing, and editing. Can you learn to write papers correctly only by composing them? No. You need either a professional assistance from a qualified writing service or a specific set of rules and requirements, which have to be followed.


For now, we’re going to talk about those specific rules, which have to be followed in order to compose a profound research paper correctly.

What Should You Know About Research Papers?

As any other type of an academic writing assignment, a research paper has its own structure. You can’t compose it in the way you want it. Firstly, check the requirements provided by a teacher, and then analyze the general structure of a typical research paper. It consists of the following parts:

  • Introduction;
  • Purpose;
  • Literature Review;
  • Methods;
  • Results;
  • Discussion;
  • Conclusion.

An introduction is a part where you mention general information only. What does it mean? Here you identify and write down the importance of a topic and the recency of the research, providing a background of the problem, which you’re going to discuss in a few words. You just have to talk about a general research field in the introductory part. The introduction provides a foundation of the whole research paper if composed properly. If you want to check whether your introduction is written correctly, look if it answers the following questions:

  • Why is this study needed from a scientific point of view? Which gaps can it fill?
  • And why the solution of this problem is important?

In this part, the information should slightly go from very general data into very specific one. Conclude an introduction with a very specific point, which is going to lead the reader to the next part – a purpose.

A purpose is the intention of your paper. What are you going to achieve with your research? It is a thesis sentence, which has to be very clear and concise. Don’t write the whole paragraph, trying to explain what the purpose of the research is in the details. It should be just a sentence or two.


Then, the Method part goes. Here you describe the approaches and methodologies used during the research process. The result part is where you state the findings of the research and mention what exactly was accomplished and achieved. This part, as well as the previous one, is very specific. To make it easier for you, remember that at the beginning and in the end, the research paper has to be very general. But in the middle, you have to be very specific with the information you write about. This means that a conclusion has to be similar to the introduction in its general tone.

So, in the concluding part mention how you understand the results of the research. What was achieved and what wasn’t achieved? Why? What recommendations can you give to other scientists who may want to research the same issue as you? In other words, discuss your project and the result you’ve got through it. List the key points of the project and what you think may be covered about this issue in the future.

Following this simple structure helps you not only to compose a research paper correctly, but also to polish your writing skills in general. When you follow this structure you can be sure that your ideas and thoughts flow in a logical way. So, the reader will move through your writing in the right order. As the main problem with a research paper is that many students mix those different parts of a project in the wrong order. They start with methods moving to the purpose and coming back to the methods one more time. That is not correct. Think about your research paper as a chronological story.

Hopefully, our small but very useful recommendations will help you with your next research paper assignment as well. Don’t forget to follow a structure to become a better writer. At least with your college assignments.