Learning from the Best: Are You Learning from a Reputable Source?


When it comes to training to advance your IT career and get your certification renewed, it’s crucial to know if the knowledge your gaining is from a reputable source or not. Especially in the digital age, it’s far too common to get mediocre information. Let’s find out how you can use critical thinking skills to receive quality IT training.

Who’s providing the information?

According to Pew Internet Research, 84 percent of employees find it vital to be properly trained in their field and keep up-to-date on the latest information. But to believe that extra knowledge and training is important is one thing; to actually receive quality training from someone who is authoritative is another.

Whether you opt for in-person or online IT training, knowing who is behind the information is important. What degree(s) and other expertise does the trainer have? How many years of experience do they have in IT? Is there anything in particular that makes this person competent in the IT field, or are they just an “average” person?

Also important to note is where the trainer is getting their information from. Who or what do they cite? Who are their inspirations? Do they themselves appear to be up-to-date in the IT field? There is a difference between someone who’s knowledgeable in IT and someone who just trains or teaches for a living.

How long has the person been providing training?

Besides expertise, it is additionally vital that the individual providing training or knowledge to you has had decent training experience.

If you are truly dedicated to learn as much as you can through IT training, you’re going to want someone who has provided a quality online course, webinar, or in-person training workshop – and that it isn’t their first time providing such.

Having experience in training others in the IT field is important because this can ensure you can get any misconceptions or questions answered from the trainer and can gain the most from your training experience.

The longer trainers train, the better they can learn how to successfully deliver information, and most importantly, provide quality information to begin with.

Has anybody else benefited from the training?

A last major way you can ensure you’re receiving binge-worthy IT training is to see if the trainer has had any reviews, articles, or comments written about them online. If this is a well-known trainer or training company, you may even scope out social media to see if anyone has had great (or even poor) results from the training.

If you know colleagues who have received training from this individual or company, make sure to ask them any questions you may have prior to considering receiving training from that source as well.

Hearing what others have to say about the trainer can educate you on what you may learn and experience from receiving training from that individual – both good and bad.


Knowing who your trainer is, how long they’ve been training, and whether or not others have gained sufficient knowledge from that person’s training are all important to weigh in. If you know the trainer has had each those things, you may potentially have a reputable source for IT training on your hand.