Which SEO Techniques Should You Implement in Your Online Marketing Strategy


Managing an online business, whether small or big, is not easy. This is especially so if you don’t have the best online marketing strategy.

Your online marketing strategies can put you in the right direction to achieve success in the online market. However, with today’s tough competition in the market, your online marketing strategy is not enough to beat your competitors. This is where SEO techniques come in.

SEO techniques, once implemented well, can provide you better results. They vary in forms and focus of approach as every business has unique needs. So, regardless of your business goals and needs, below are some of the SEO techniques that you must implement in your online marketing strategy.

SEO Technique #1: Link Building

Link building plays a huge role when it comes to Google search ranking. With the new algorithm updates of Google, it is now much wiser in assessing every link. In fact, it now counts links from all high-quality sources and demotes websites with low-quality links.

If you are thinking of implementing this SEO technique, you should start by determining what can help your business grow. You have to take note that link building requires having the right mindset. Make sure to choose links that are relevant and authoritative.

SEO Technique #2: SEO Auditing

Many website owners forget about SEO audit as they focus on other things like LaunchCDN for their hosting needs. But, it can actually help them spot the small things they are missing and fix that right away through this SEO technique.

If you think you are not getting your target sales and search traffic, it’s time to consider SEO auditing. This can help you retain your existing customers and attract more potential customers. SEO auditing involves examining the overall performance of a website, creating new goals, and implementing some tactics to achieve such goals. This process can boost your profits by making the most out of your current content.

SEO Technique #3: Content Optimization

In SEO, content is the king and it plays a big part in your online marketing strategy since your site visitors will focus on the content you have. Content has impact in conversions, branding, and driving traffic. This is why you have to prioritize optimizing all of your content as it is your valuable asset. You can optimize your content by using the right keywords and avoiding keyword stuffing. Your keywords should be relevant to your niche or services you are offering.

SEO Technique #4: Landing Page Creation

More online business owners choose to create a professional-looking homepage instead of making landing pages. Although the homepage is also important, landing pages can do more. These can help you establish a connection with your potential clients or customers. Landing pages can also boost your sales and lead generation as they serve as your gateways for more traffic. So, if you want to make your online marketing strategy work, don’t forget about landing pages.

SEO Technique #5: Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a great SEO technique that can help you rank better in Google search. You can post valuable content related to your niche on your social media accounts to help you gain traffic and credibility. Since more people are into such platforms, it can make a difference to your online marketing strategy. Whether your business is new or old, you can take advantage of social media marketing to build traffic and authority.

SEO Technique #6: Use the SEO Keywords of Your Competitors

Keeping an eye on your competitors can also be of great help. To improve your online marketing strategy, a good SEO technique is to use what keywords your competitors are using. Then, combine them with quality and engaging content. You can do a little research for this and understand how your competitors make use of the keywords. You may experiment with their keywords first and implement them in your content wisely.

SEO Technique #7: Long-Tail Keywords

Getting high ranks is challenging, most particularly if your niche is highly competitive. The perfect way to combat this is by focusing on long-tail keywords. These keywords are what people usually use when searching for something online, making them more effective in driving more traffic to your website. Through implementing long-tail keywords properly, it can help you attract your target audience, which may result in better ROI.

The Bottom Line

There are numerous SEO techniques you can use for your online marketing strategy. The best way for you to get results is by learning how to implement such techniques properly. Your efforts will go to waste if you won’t follow the right way of implementing SEO techniques. If you are having a hard time with the implementation, it is also a good idea to ask for help from the experts.