3 Ways Technology is Transforming the World of Healthcare


Technology has brought major changes to healthcare including new treatments and efficiency in running healthcare organizations. Technological breakthroughs have enabled healthcare professionals to introduce improved treatments for various diseases. Perhaps the greatest impact of technology in healthcare is in the administration and management of institutions. Here are some of the changes that technology has brought in healthcare management.

1. Data Storage and Sharing

Technology enables healthcare institutions to keep electronic medical records. Some of the areas that healthcare management and administration address are minimizing risks, improving relationships between patients and medical professionals, and promoting transparency. Electronic records enable healthcare administrators to address and implement these aspects in their institutions.

Medical professionals can make better and accurate diagnosis when they access patient data electronically. Technology has also transformed data collection and transfer. Clinicians can share patient data in real-time and offer better care to patients. In addition, technology enables healthcare institutions to save data handling costs. Electronic medical records eliminate the need for physical records.

Electronic records eliminate repeated tests, which speeds up the process of making a diagnosis. Both patients and their doctors save costs and time. Health care administrators need education and training to utilize technology effectively especially in handling patients’ data. A certified online MHA degree will help administrators improve their skills in integrating technology with data collection, storage, and sharing processes.

2. Patient Relationships

The relationship between customers or patients with clinicians is critical in healthcare management and administration. The relationship largely affects the performance of healthcare institutions. Customer relationship management technology enables institutions to achieve better patient outcomes. The technology enables healthcare institutions to automate their processes and optimize their workflow. Integrating technology with customer relationship management leads to improved customer service, patient retention, and improvements in handling patient claims. Technology helps institutions assess their practices to ensure that they are compliant with state laws and regulations.

Another important aspect of customer relationships that technology addresses is communication. The latest communication and information technology allows medical professionals to interact with their patients and share knowledge easily. Efficient communication with patients does not only improve relationships but also leads to healthier patients. Doctors can give patients real-time instructions to patients to handle their emergencies before they get to the hospital.

3. Information Technology

Information technology has transformed healthcare administration in various ways including improving decision-making processes, computerizing order entries, and computerizing disease registries. Other technologies that have changed healthcare management include IT applications that promote patient health, telehealth, and electronic prescriptions.The new tools have increased efficiency in handling information on patient’s health. Consequently, medical errors have reduced.

Clinicians make an accurate diagnosis and recommend the right treatment when they have accurate and timely information on a patient’s health. Earning an online MHA program enables healthcare administrators to integrate information technology with internal processes effectively. The knowledge gained from the degree program enables healthcare administrators to improve the value of care and increase patient satisfaction through technology.

Technology will continue to transform operations and outcomes in healthcare institutions. Healthcare administrators should acquire the relevant skills and knowledge to maximize the benefits of technology in their institutions. Administrators should also be prepared to deal with challenges associated with computerized or automated processes.