Gadgets that have changed our lives


Gadgets that have changed our lives

As more and more gadgets are invented, it is easy to forget what life was like before we had them. The wide range of gadgets available to us are just the norm these days,and sometimes we don’t fully appreciate the great work our favorite gadgets do for us. Here are just a few of the ones that have changed lives:

Smartphones – Some people don’t remember a time before smartphones, but it was a mere 20 years ago that mobile phones became popular. At that stage, they were used purely to make calls and send the odd text to the few people that also had a mobile phone. Accessing the internet wasn’t even an option until later on,and in some of the early mobile phones where internet access was possible, it was a very clunky and expensive process. Now, you can make purchases, check what your friends are up to in real timevia Facebook, watch live TV, and so much more through your smartphone. A huge change for many lives over the course of just twenty years.

Portable battery packs – Of course, without any charge, a smartphone is pretty useless. Work is still being done to try and come up with a smartphone battery design that lasts longer than the current ones do, but luckily, you can get a cell phone battery pack to keep you charged up wherever you are. If you’re a happy owner to one of these, you no longer have to worry about not being able to contact people when your battery suddenly dies whilst out of the house.

Bluetooth headphones – Exercise fanatics were forever struggling withtangled headphone wiresor earpieces that constantly fell out as they ran. Bluetooth headphones are a fantastic invention with a slick design that ensures you don’t get tangled up and your earpieces stay exactly where you need them to.

Tile – This handy little square device can be fitted onto your keys or any other item that you don’t want to lose. When you lose the item, you can then track it through the tile that has a Bluetooth tracker inside it. Imagine a world where you never lose your car keys again!

Fitbit – A very commonly used item over the last couple of years, the Fitbit is worn permanently on the wrist and tracks all kinds of useful health information. From steps and calories burned, to sleeping habits, you can get a good idea of your fitness levels, and it will tell you when you need to be more active.

There is no question about it; technology has completely transformed the way that we live our lives. We can now watch TV whilst on the go, put our heating system on whilst we are out, order our online shopping whilst we’re on the way to work – the list is endless.

Technology brings convenience and a faster pace to how we can expect things to be completed. It is pretty exciting to wonder what gadgets we will see in the future, and how it will change our lives even further.