Finance - Thu, 09 Nov 2023 17:28:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Benefits of Decluttering One’s Living Space Thu, 09 Nov 2023 17:28:02 +0000 When did you last declutter your house and organize your living space? The thing about clutter is that it impacts one’s emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Decluttering your house will improve your quality of life in different ways.  Cleaning and decluttering can improve one’s mental health. If you aren’t happy with how your home looks […]

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When did you last declutter your house and organize your living space? The thing about clutter is that it impacts one’s emotional, mental, and physical well-being. Decluttering your house will improve your quality of life in different ways. 

Cleaning and decluttering can improve one’s mental health. If you aren’t happy with how your home looks and feels, it might be a great idea to avail one of the best renovation loans tailored to your budget and transform your house into a home that becomes your sanctuary. 

Let us have a look at some of the essential benefits of decluttering one’s living space:

No More Stress

Our external space affects our internal environment: our brain and body. Suppose you are struggling with setting up your business and venturing into entrepreneurship. But you are surrounded by clutter because you have never had the time or tried to set up a dedicated workspace. 

In this case, you will lose your ability to focus as your mind will be dealing with the pressure or processing everything else that is happening in your surroundings. Instead of focusing on your business project, you will be caught up focusing on the clutter, making you feel overwhelmed and stressed. 

Ideally, you will want to declutter your living space and ensure that it is a space where you can relax, rejuvenate, and feel at home. You can achieve this by removing excessive clutter and boosting your mental and physical well-being. 

Make Your Home Spacious

Once you remove all clutter, you will be surprised to know how brighter, cleaner, and more spacious your living space will appear. And who doesn’t need more space in their house? A decluttered home creates more physical space, and you will also learn to appreciate the things you have in life.

During the decluttering process, you will get rid of all extra items you never used but kept hoarding throughout the years. You have the choice of selling or donating those items. Soon, you will see more space in the garage, cupboards, drawers, and work surfaces, allowing you to maximize your living space and make the most of it. 

Mental Peace

The more things you own, the more anxious you will be, so decluttering your house leads to mental peace. Let us ask you one question: do you struggle to fall asleep at night? Perhaps you have insomnia. 

If yes, you might want to remove the clutter in your bedroom. You will be surprised to know that not only will you feel better and less anxious, but you will also experience a different kind of mental peace, which will help you sleep better. 

Also, once you have decluttered your house, you will experience mental clarity and a better memory regarding what you must do. A decluttered home is the foundation of a stress-free home, which is essential for mental peace.

The Takeaway

Apart from the mental, emotional, and physical benefits of decluttering your home and keeping things organized, you will also find it easier to look after your home. You will save time and energy while tidying up your home, which will allow you more time to do the things you love the most. 

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Why Agri Accounting Just Makes Sense For Agricultural Businesses Wed, 20 Sep 2023 21:47:33 +0000 As an agricultural business owner, choosing the right accounting firm to support your financial operations is a crucial decision. More and more agricultural enterprises are realizing the benefits of partnering with an accounting firm that specializes in agri accounting, rather than a generic accounting firm. Here are some of the key advantages of working with […]

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As an agricultural business owner, choosing the right accounting firm to support your financial operations is a crucial decision. More and more agricultural enterprises are realizing the benefits of partnering with an accounting firm that specializes in agri accounting, rather than a generic accounting firm. Here are some of the key advantages of working with agri accounting professionals:

Expertise in Agricultural Operations

An accounting firm focused on agriculture understands the unique financial challenges and opportunities within the industry. They are familiar with the seasonal production cycles, cost structures, government incentive programs, and regulations that impact farms and agribusinesses. This domain expertise enables them to provide tailored advice and services that drive profitability and growth. Generic accounting firms simply don’t have the same level of agricultural business acumen.

Knowledge of Commodities Markets

Commodities like corn, wheat, soybeans and livestock are core assets and revenue sources in agriculture. Having a strong handle on the dynamics of commodities markets helps agri accountants provide valuable input on risk management, harvest timing, storage decisions, and marketing strategies. They can run advanced analytics on futures prices and other market indicators to support planning. Most traditional accounting professionals lack this commodities market expertise.

Assistance with Government Programs

There are many local, state, and federal government initiatives like crop insurance, disaster relief programs, and conservation cost-share schemes that provide financial support to farmers. An agri accounting firm will be well-versed in all the options and application processes to help agricultural businesses maximize participation and benefits. They’ll ensure compliance with any requirements and optimize how government program funds are utilized. General accountants often don’t have experience navigating these types of agricultural incentives.

Focus on Cost Reduction

Agriculture tends to have higher capital costs, tighter margins, and more operating expenses than other industries. The experts who work for agri accounting firms make it a priority to identify areas of cost savings throughout the production cycle. For example, they may perform detailed machinery and land analysis to optimize equipment usage and acreage productivity. Or they may advise on feed ration adjustments to reduce livestock overhead. These are cost control tactics a typical accountant simply wouldn’t think of.

Tax Planning for Farm Entities

There are specific federal tax rules, deductions, credits, and planning strategies that apply to different agricultural entities like sole proprietor farms, partnerships, corporations, estates, trusts, and cooperatives. Working with specialists well-versed in agricultural tax law ensures farmers and agribusinesses set up their operations in the most tax-advantaged way and avoid any costly mistakes or missed deductions. Broad-based accounting firms won’t offer this level of tax planning expertise for farm returns.

Bookkeeping Process Knowledge

Accurately tracking income, expenses, inventory, wages, and other financial data is crucial on a farm. Agri accountants understand optimal methods and software tools to streamline bookkeeping workflows for crops, livestock, equipment, and land. They can customize robust systems that seamlessly integrate with a farm’s daily operations. General accountants may attempt to set up generic solutions that ultimately fall short of meeting agriculture’s specialized bookkeeping needs.

Agri accounting experts understand the intricacies of the agricultural sector in a way traditional accountants simply don’t. Their specialized knowledge and skills in areas ranging from commodities markets to equipment costing enable them to provide superior financial guidance and services tailored for the unique needs of today’s farms and agribusinesses. Partnering with the right agri accounting firm provides invaluable support to help modern agricultural enterprises thrive.

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Unlocking the Secrets to a Successful Partnership: How to Vet Companies and Investors Mon, 18 Sep 2023 09:20:44 +0000 Selecting a business partner or investor is a long-term commitment, so it’s important to choose wisely. Just as investors carefully select the businesses they put money into, you need to thoroughly vet the people and companies that you accept assistance from, and there are several aspects to consider. For instance, you’ll need to find the […]

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Selecting a business partner or investor is a long-term commitment, so it’s important to choose wisely. Just as investors carefully select the businesses they put money into, you need to thoroughly vet the people and companies that you accept assistance from, and there are several aspects to consider.

For instance, you’ll need to find the right type of investor and make sure they offer a strong track record of success, financial stability, and goals and values that align with yours. But how should you go about systematically ensuring that you can go the distance with any investors you partner with? 

Here are a few key points to consider when planning for a long and mutually beneficial partnership.

Determine What an Investor Brings to the Table

Research is an important first step when it comes to finding the right partner or investor to bring into your business. A good place to start is with an investor database like Pitchbook that can connect you with different types of investors. (If you’d like an example of what you’ll find on Pitchbook, take a look at the profile for angel investor Sky Dayton.) These kinds of databases can provide you with an overview of what to expect.

Whether you need a partner to invest and help you manage operations, an angel investor who can serve in a mentorship role, or the cash infusion offered by venture capital, it’s essential to understand what different investors can do for your business.

Consider Recent Investments and Partnerships

Experience is key to ensuring a long and beneficial relationship with an investor, so when you meet, you’ll want to fully understand a potential partner’s past investments. This might begin with a listing of companies they’ve invested in and how those experiences worked out.

Have they invested wisely in successful companies? When have they failed, and how did it impact their investment strategies moving forward? You want to make sure that they have a good track record with companies like yours and ask about potential conflicts of interest where their other investments or partnerships are concerned.

Finally, you need to obtain references so that you can contact them and find out what to expect in terms of interactions and alignment with a particular investor or firm.

Compare Goals and Values

If you’re an established business seeking investment dollars, it’s probably because you have a plan to upgrade, expand, or otherwise boost your current operations. 

With a business plan in place, you have the best opportunity to approach potential investors and get a read on whether their goals align with yours. If you’re seeking a long-term partnership and an investor wants to get in and out quickly, it might not be a good match.

It’s also important to find a value-aligned investor that believes in your business and your vision. For example, if you have fundamental differences with an investment company’s culture, how they operate, or their acceptable levels of risk, it can lead to conflict down the line. 

You will want to take a proactive approach and make sure you agree on salient points before tying yourself to an investor.

Pinpoint Conflicts of Interest

You might naturally assume that any potential investor, firm, or partner would avoid doing business with you if they had a conflict of interest, but you need to err on the side of due diligence, since it will impact your business. 

They may not be keen to divulge all their investments, but you either need to get the full picture in advance or create language in the contract that guarantees there are no conflicts of interest.

Meet With Several Prospective Investors

If you were seeking a business loan, you’d comparison shop to find the best terms and conditions. This makes for a sound strategy when it comes to locating suitable investors or partners for your business as well.

Finding the right type of investor and using research platforms and social media to learn about their experience and values can help you narrow the field of candidates. From there, you can meet with a variety of prospects to get a feel for what your working relationship might be like.

Learn About the People Behind the Companies

An entity may be investing in you, but you’ll still be working in partnership with people, and you need to feel comfortable and confident in those relationships. This means not only researching the company, but also the people you’ll be dealing with. It’s especially important when you partner with an angel investor who will act in a mentorship role.

When you take time to understand different types of investors, along with their experience, values, and potential conflicts, you have the best chance to find the companies and investors capable of moving your business forward to a profitable future.

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Here’s How Credit Card Payment Processing Works Through Providers Like Sat, 02 Sep 2023 21:13:24 +0000 These days, ecommerce businesses contribute greatly to the economy, bringing in billions of dollars in sales each year. It’s also highly competitive as thousands of ecommerce companies battle for the attention and money of the same customers. And because competition is so tough, they need to be able to provide consumers with as much convenience […]

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These days, ecommerce businesses contribute greatly to the economy, bringing in billions of dollars in sales each year. It’s also highly competitive as thousands of ecommerce companies battle for the attention and money of the same customers. And because competition is so tough, they need to be able to provide consumers with as much convenience as possible. This includes being able to process their credit card payments.  

Therefore, it’s become absolutely crucial that these businesses have appropriate credit card payment processing for a seamless shopping experience. And it also helps you ensure a bottom line. If you’ve just started an online business and are wondering how credit card payment processing is supposed to work, here’s what you should know.

What is High-Risk Payment Processing?  

High-risk payment processing is the same as regular credit card payment processing with a few changes. The biggest difference is that it’s preferable for merchants who have a high volume of sales or a higher average purchase value. As a seller, the reason you need high-risk payment processing is that your account is at a high risk of returns, fraud, or chargebacks. When the risk is greater, it becomes difficult to find a payment processing service provider that can help you.

How Does eCommerce Credit Card Payment Processing Work  

To process credit card payments, you need to get a merchant account from a processing company, which allows you to take online payments from most credit card networks. For instance, VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. You can expect to pay certain types of fees, such as setup fees, monthly fees, chargeback fees, application fees, and termination fees, in the event that you cancel.  

The benefit of having a merchant account with your payment processor is to give customers a secure financial network for them to pay for the product. The payment gateway evaluates the validity of customers’ cards, determines which bank they’re associated with, encrypts their information, and authorizes transactions.  

When everything checks out, the payment gateway will approve the transaction, and the funds go from your customer’s credit card to your merchant account.  

Processing credit card payments for ecommerce purchases is complex, which is why service providers such as are gaining traction among businesses. They work by combining the entire process into a single platform. This makes it much easier for the customer and the business owner.  

Here’s how a third-party payment processing service provider can streamline the process: 

They eliminate the need for you to have an individual merchant account for each card network. Instead, all you need is a single merchant account to represent multiple ones.  It eliminates the need for you to set up a payment gateway because the service includes this. 

They give you a virtual terminal and PoS system. As a result, you can track things such as financial records and inventory for tax purposes.

How Do You Calculate Credit Card Processing Fees?  

Now that you know how a third-party credit card processing service works, you should know how the fees are calculated. Although these solutions can simplify the process of accepting payments from customers, it takes a lot to transfer funds with ease. The most important thing is to know your total fees, also known as the effective rate.  

It accounts for everything and includes different fees, as well as the markup you pay the processing service like The fees included are an interchange fee, which is paid to the card-issuing bank, assessment fees, cancellation fees, and potential rate increases.  

As the business, you can get some flexibility in terms of negotiating the fees. Although assessment and interchangeable fees aren’t exactly negotiable, you can ask about fees for voided transactions or when you need to refund a customer.  

How Credit Card Processing Can Enhance Your Business  

Whether you’re a startup looking to enter an industry or an online merchant who wants to enhance their business, your credit card processor is a crucial component of how you operate. After all, not all of them have the same features. You need to carefully check their pricing model because it’ll end up having a major effect on your bottom line.  

Although there are fees involved in hiring a payment processor like, you’ll be able to offset them by providing customers with credit card payment options. Additionally, you need to ensure that the one you choose is completely secure for customers. After all, you want to protect customers’ sensitive credit card information.

Bottom Line

All in all, a credit card payment processor is crucial for an ecommerce business, and you should consider one based on ease of use, affordability, and security. And if your business is at risk of chargebacks or returns, you’ll need a high-risk payment processor to accommodate you.  

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David Bolno Sues Focus Financial Partners Over Non-compete Thu, 06 Jul 2023 16:19:42 +0000 David Bolno, a partner in a prestigious management firm in Hollywood, is suing his firm’s parent company, Focus Financial Partners, over the non-compete clause in his contract. This lawsuit is part of a larger trend. It comes at a time when the FTC is reviewing how non-competes affect employees and whether they should be allowed […]

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David Bolno, a partner in a prestigious management firm in Hollywood, is suing his firm’s parent company, Focus Financial Partners, over the non-compete clause in his contract. This lawsuit is part of a larger trend. It comes at a time when the FTC is reviewing how non-competes affect employees and whether they should be allowed to continue as-is. The question comes down to a basic right for an individual to pursue their choice in a career. We’ll look at how this case is playing out and how it might affect the rights of workers in the future. 

The Story

In 2018, Focus Financial Partners purchased the management firm of David Bolno. From there, it was quickly split into two different organizations. As a part of the contribution and purchase agreement at the time of sale, the business managers all agreed to a five-year non-compete. The lawsuit claims that this non-compete ended on April 1, 2023. 

However, Focus would go on to amend the management agreement in the summer of 2022. This contract adjustment was made, in part, due to how the company was split. The amended contract also included non-compete language for the managers. Focus has been staunch on the extension of the non-compete. Should any of the business managers choose to seek employment elsewhere, leadership has made it clear that the entity will enforce the penalties. The managers argue that non-competes cannot be enforced because they were not connected to the sale of the company. 

Improper and Unenforceable

The lawsuit alleges that the non-compete goes against the laws in California. In general, the state’s professional codes are extremely restrictive on any contract that prevents an individual from working in a lawful trade. While the state does make concessions for non-completes in some cases, California law sides largely with the rights of the workers. David Bolno, who graduated Cum Laude with his law degree, claims that the language included in the amended contract from Focus is based on business law in Delaware, which would render the contract improper and unenforceable. 

The complaint does not state that the business managers, including David Bolno, are seeking to part ways with Focus. However, there have been some notable disagreements between the divisions. Earlier this year, its partner firm accused Focus of undermining it by leaving the managers out of a major sale. The suit alleged that Focus set up agreements for the sale of its subsidiary firm when focus was attempting to sell the entire company. After it announced the $7-billion sale, the firm alleged that they were specifically left out of discussions to undercut the value of the subsidiary. Exactly how the lawsuits will go is unknown, but official spokespeople of Focus Financial Partners vehemently deny all wrongdoing. 

Non-competes in the News 

In April 2024, the Federal Trade Commission is said to vote on its proposal to ban non-competes from employment contracts. The proposal was made on the basis that non-competes violate Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act because they’re considered unfair competition. The first draft was submitted in January of 2023, and the agency received close to 27,000 public comments on the proposal. If the law was to go through, the FTC claimed that wages would go up by nearly $300 billion per year across 30 million Americans. 

Those in favor of the FTC’s proposal include Congressional Democrats as well as labor and advocacy groups. Those opposed, which are currently led by the US Chamber of Commerce, claim that the FTC does not have the authority to ban non-competes. Should the proposal be finalized in its current form, opponents are prepared to sue. The FTC is taking about 16 months to go over the details, which is not an unusual amount of time to spend on finalizing the rules. While there have been a remarkable number of reactions to the proposal, the commission is following the same process as other federal agencies when it comes to rulemaking.

If the agency is devoting its intentions to both the stipulations of the rules and the consequences of breaking them, then employees can be reasonably confident that the rules are being made in their best interests. By the end of February, it was estimated that the FTC had already spent half a million to get these rules passed. That’s 47 agency employees, contractors, and consultants and more than 6,000 hours to get it right. 

The FTC argues that this exploitative practice makes it difficult for people to start new businesses and impedes innovation. An estimated 18% of all workers are covered by non-competes, and research suggests that this practice is contributing to the racial and gender pay cuts in the industry. If the FTC’s ruling is issued, it could help correct up to 9.1% of that chasm. 

The Freedom to Change Jobs 

At the core of David Bolno’s lawsuit is freedom for workers. Rules that stop workers from changing jobs can deny them higher wages and better working conditions. It also deprives businesses that require a pool of talented workers to thrive. Nearly all industries make use of non-competes for all kinds of reasons. Employers will often coerce employees, who range from warehouse pickers to doctors, to sign contracts that give them all the power. 

Under the FTC’s new ruling, it would be illegal for an employer to enter a non-compete, maintain a non-compete, or imply in any way that the worker is subject to a non-compete. This would apply to independent contracts as well as both paid and unpaid employees. Should the law pass, all employers would have to tell their workers that their existing non-competes are no longer enforceable. This rule may also extend to other employee restrictions, such as NDAs if they are too broad in scope. 

For professionals like David Bolno, freedom can be a truly galvanizing force in the working world. When employees feel pigeonholed by their employers, they can quickly lose their creative spirit. Bolno works with a variety of artists, including musicians and entertainers. Record companies, recording studios, and several high-profile people seek his advice on maximizing finances and preserving their long-term net worth. 

Specializing in cash flow, business planning, tour accounting, and financial planning, his experience and proven track record have earned him a stellar reputation in the industry. With a law degree from Temple University and a bachelor’s from Duke, Bolno has used his education to give his clients an advantage. When wealth can be won and lost at the drop of a hat, particularly in the entertainment industry, he takes pride in protecting people from unpredictable market forces. 

Holding Focus accountable to the law isn’t just a way for him to continue his work the way that Bolno deems best, it’s also a way to help other professionals in the future if they run up against a similar problem. No matter what rules the FTC comes out with next year (or who sues the FTC in the process), the more workers fight for their rights, the more likely it is that employers will cease exerting full control over them. 

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Things to Understand Before Selecting a Forex Broker Mon, 03 Jul 2023 21:07:37 +0000 People have questioned on how to pick mt5 brokers for forex trading online. Here, we’ll go into great depth about what we believe you should understand before selecting a forex broker.  Choose a reliable platform for trading  You may choose the software platform you intend to utilize, for instance, while trading. Some brokers offer terrible […]

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People have questioned on how to pick mt5 brokers for forex trading online. Here, we’ll go into great depth about what we believe you should understand before selecting a forex broker. 

Choose a reliable platform for trading 

You may choose the software platform you intend to utilize, for instance, while trading. Some brokers offer terrible interfaces that might be confusing or make it tough to interact with other traders. You can select the best Forex broker to help you with your trading by doing your “homework” and research. 

Look for what the broker offers 

Checking to check if the firm offers simulation trading is another excellent suggestion for choosing a Forex broker. This is a fantastic method to use the broker’s tools and software in actual time without risking actual money. To get the finest software, knowledge, and resources for trading and investing in the foreign exchange market, compare different Forex brokers. You may pick the best Forex broker to suit your needs by doing research on brokers. A good option will be to go look at

Finding an online forex broker 

However, it is far simpler to choose an online Forex trader than an offline one. You have a large choices and more room to realise your potential when you choose an online Forex trader. It is far simpler and quicker to find an online Forex trader than it is to try to go there via crawling. Given the abundance of brokers available, you will be inundated with countless results, each claiming to be the best. 

Seeking assistance from popular search engines 

Because of this, it is strongly advised against using search engines to identify a forex broker. If you do, be ready for the possibility of encountering unskilled brokers who falsely represent their experience. Be wary of working with a broker that gives you no background information on the volume of clients they currently serve. You must feel comfortable giving them responsibility over something as crucial as your assets since they will be handling your money. 

Word of mouth recommendations 

Referrals are the most effective method of finding an online forex broker. You may get all kinds of information and guidance from your friends and relatives. Word of mouth is more reliable than anything you may discover online. Keep in mind that you have no idea who you speak to while using the online choices. By chatting with someone in person, you may choose the most suited and trustworthy broker. You should carry out the search if the outcomes are still ineffective. Find an online forex dealer that is affiliated with a reputable organization. 

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Financial Planning and Wealth Management Strategies Tue, 20 Jun 2023 22:17:31 +0000 Finance is a broad field encompassing different aspects of managing and investing money. Nonetheless, financial planning and wealth management are critical concepts individuals must understand to attain financial stability and live well. The former involves organizing financial information, setting objectives, and developing a course of action to achieve those goals. At the same time, the […]

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Finance is a broad field encompassing different aspects of managing and investing money. Nonetheless, financial planning and wealth management are critical concepts individuals must understand to attain financial stability and live well. The former involves organizing financial information, setting objectives, and developing a course of action to achieve those goals. At the same time, the latter deals with creating and preserving wealth through proper management and investment of assets.

The world of finance can be confusing, but Elev8 Advisors in Phoenix, AZ, say it doesn’t have to be. This article explores the essential concepts of financial planning and wealth management strategies to aid readers in making informed decisions about their future.

1. Financial Planning

Financial planning is assessing your current financial situation, setting financial goals, and developing a strategy to achieve those goals. The process involves analyzing your income and expenses, evaluating your investment portfolio, and identifying areas where you need to focus your attention.

The most crucial aspect of financial planning is setting financial goals. Goals help to keep you focused and motivated as you work towards your financial objectives. Whether buying a home, starting a business, or saving for retirement, financial goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART).

Once you’ve set your goals, the next step is to develop a strategy to achieve them. This may involve creating a budget, reducing expenses, increasing your income, and investing in assets that align with your goals. Successful financial planning requires discipline, patience, and a long-term perspective.

2. Wealth Management Strategies

Wealth management is creating and preserving wealth over a person’s lifetime. It involves identifying and managing risks, developing a financial plan, and selecting investment vehicles that align with your goals and risk tolerance. Wealth management is not just about maximizing your returns but also about ensuring that your assets are protected and managed in a tax-efficient manner.

The first step in wealth management is to identify your risk tolerance. This involves understanding how much risk you are willing to take in your investment portfolio. Conservative investors prefer low-risk investments, such as bonds and CDs, while aggressive investors may prefer high-risk assets, like stocks and private equity.

The next step is to develop a diversified investment portfolio that aligns with your goals and risk tolerance. A diversified portfolio reduces your risk exposure and helps to ensure that your investments are protected in case of market downturns. A well-diversified portfolio should include a mix of stocks, bonds, and other assets, such as real estate and commodities.

3. Estate Planning

Estate planning is organizing your assets and establishing a plan for their distribution after your death. It involves creating a will, selecting an executor, and setting up trusts or other legal entities to protect your assets and reduce your tax liability.

Elev8 Advisors say estate planning is essential for anyone who wants to ensure their assets are protected and distributed according to their wishes. Without proper estate planning, your assets may be subject to probate and distributed in a manner that does not align with your wishes.

4. Tax Planning

Tax planning is understanding the tax implications of your financial decisions and taking steps to minimize your tax liability. Tax planning involves identifying the tax breaks and deductions available to you, developing strategies to reduce your taxable income, and taking advantage of tax-advantaged investment vehicles.

Successful tax planning requires careful analysis of your financial situation and knowledge of the tax code. By working with a financial advisor or tax professional, you can identify tax-saving opportunities and take steps to minimize your tax liability.


Financial planning and wealth management strategies may seem complex, but with a little effort, anyone can become savvier about these critical concepts. By understanding the basics of financial planning and wealth management, you can take control of your financial future and achieve long-term financial stability. Remember, financial planning is not a one-time event but an ongoing process that requires patience, discipline, and a willingness to learn.

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Here’s How to Improve Your Credit Score Fri, 12 May 2023 14:25:30 +0000 Whenever you want to apply for a loan or other forms of credit, or even a mortgage or credit card, your chance of acceptance depends on several factors. One of these factors is your employment status, others are your earnings, expenditures, and personal details. However, one of the most important things they consider is your […]

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Whenever you want to apply for a loan or other forms of credit, or even a mortgage or credit card, your chance of acceptance depends on several factors. One of these factors is your employment status, others are your earnings, expenditures, and personal details. However, one of the most important things they consider is your credit score, which shows how you have behaved in the past toward borrowing and repaying loans.

What is a credit score?

A credit score is calculated whenever you take a loan or apply for credit. A credit reference agency puts a report together, and the report assesses whether or not it’s a risk to lend money to you. The report will depend on whether or not you returned past loans when due. Different agencies set their credit loan scores, but it is a wide range between 0 and 999.

Factors that contribute to a low credit score

There are several reasons why you might have a low credit score. Let’s look at a few of them:

Loan defaults

Your credit score is negatively affected whenever you borrow money and don’t pay it back when you should. Defaulting on loans, missing payments, or having arrears will give you a poor credit score.

County Court Judgments/Individual voluntary arrangements

If you have had to enter into an individual voluntary arrangement because of bankruptcy or you have been on the end of a County Court Judgment, your credit score will be very low.

Absence of credit score/history

Apart from these two listed earlier, another factor that can affect your credit rate is the absence of credit activity. If you have never received credit before, the agency won’t know how to rate you, which might give you an uncertain score.

How to boost your credit score

The method of boosting your credit score will depend on the reason the score is low in the first place. But here are some tips.

  1. If your score is low because you have no credit history, then you need to take credit and pay it off immediately or within a short time. You can get a credit card, make a few purchases, and pay back immediately. It gives the agency something positive to work with.
  1. For a poor credit history due to personal details, the first thing you can do is to prove your location by registering on the electoral roll at your home address.
  1. For late payments, ensure to make all your payments on time and complete every month over a period to prove that you are responsible for credit. Well-managed accounts improve your score a lot, advised by Suits me, an award-winning e-account and debit card solution with a cashback reward scheme when you use your debit card in certain retailers. 
  1. Maintaining a low credit utilization is another way to improve your score. Credit utilization refers to the percentage of your credit limit that you use. Always avoid using too much of your credit limit. Keep it at 30% or less because a lower utilization percentage gives you a positive standing in the sight of the lender.

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Best practices for managing financial data in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations Tue, 09 May 2023 22:43:03 +0000 Data is the key to making informed business decisions in today’s world. However, to gain valuable insights from financial data, it’s crucial to have a reliable and efficient financial management system. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO) is a powerful solution to help organizations manage their financial data effectively.  This blog post will discuss […]

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Data is the key to making informed business decisions in today’s world. However, to gain valuable insights from financial data, it’s crucial to have a reliable and efficient financial management system. Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (D365FO) is a powerful solution to help organizations manage their financial data effectively. 

This blog post will discuss some best practices for managing financial data in Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations. 

  1. Establish a Chart of Accounts: 

The first step in managing financial data in D365FO is establishing a chart of accounts. This is a list of all the accounts the organization will use to record financial transactions. It’s important to ensure that the chart of accounts is structured logically and consistently so that it’s easy to use and understand. Managers should review this chart of funds periodically to ensure that it remains relevant and up to date. 

  1. Use Standardized Naming Conventions: 

Besides establishing a chart of accounts, it’s important to use standardized naming conventions for accounts, dimensions, and financial categories. This ensures consistency across the system and helps to avoid errors in data entry. For example, if a company has multiple departments, it’s important to use consistent naming conventions for each department to avoid confusion. 

  1. Configure Security Settings: 

Financial data is sensitive and should only be accessible to authorized personnel. Therefore, it’s important to configure security settings in D365FO to ensure that only authorized personnel can access and modify financial data. Managers can achieve this by setting up user roles and permissions and using strong passwords and multi-factor authentication. 

  1. Set Up Fiscal Periods: 

Fiscal periods organize financial transactions into periods, such as months or quarters. It’s important to set up fiscal periods in D365FO to ensure that monetary transactions are recorded in the correct period. This also helps to facilitate financial reporting and analysis. 

  1. Automate Financial Processes: 

D365FO has powerful automation capabilities to help organizations streamline financial processes. For example, the system can be configured to automatically generate invoices, process payments, and reconcile bank statements. Automating financial strategies can help to save time and reduce errors. 

  1. Use Workflow for Approvals: 

Financial transactions often require approval from multiple personnel. D365FO has a workflow feature that can automate the approval process. As a result, it ensures that financial transactions are reviewed and approved promptly and that there is a clear audit trail of approvals. 

  1. Use Financial Dimensions: 

Financial dimensions are a powerful feature of D365FO that allow organizations to track financial data by additional criteria, such as department, product, or location. This provides further insights into financial data and enables organizations to make more informed decisions. It is important to establish a clear set of financial dimensions to ensure they are used consistently across the system. 

  1. Monitor Key Performance Indicators:

 D365FO has various financial reporting and analysis capabilities. Identifying key performance indicators (KPIs) and monitoring them is important to ensure the organization is on track to meet its financial goals. Examples of financial KPIs include revenue, profit margin, and cash flow. 

  1. Conduct Regular Audits: 

Regular audits are important to managing financial data in D365FO. Audits can help identify errors, ensure regulation compliance, and improve financial processes. It’s important to conduct internal and external audits regularly to ensure the organization’s financial data is accurate and reliable. 

  1. Train your personnel: 

It’s important to train personnel on how to use D365FO effectively. This includes training in entering into financial transactions, generating financial reports, and using the system’s various features. By ensuring that personnel are properly trained, organizations can ensure that financial data is entered accurately, and that the system is used to its full potential. 

In a nutshell

In conclusion, managing financial data in D365FO requires a structured approach that includes establishing a chart of accounts, using standardized naming conventions, configuring security settings, setting up fiscal periods, automating financial processes, using workflow for approvals, using financial dimensions, monitoring key performance indicators, conducting regular audits, and ensuring compliance with regulations. 

By following these best practices, organizations can ensure that their financial data is accurate, reliable, and secure and that they are getting the most out of the Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations system. 

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Efficient Control Of Expenses Is Possible With Outsourced Accounting Services Tue, 14 Mar 2023 21:16:12 +0000 It’s natural to think that a company’s finance and accounting should be kept in-house, where the owners have more say, given the importance of these functions to the company’s long-term viability. When it comes to a company’s bottom line, few things are more important than handling the books, which is why business leaders should seriously […]

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It’s natural to think that a company’s finance and accounting should be kept in-house, where the owners have more say, given the importance of these functions to the company’s long-term viability. When it comes to a company’s bottom line, few things are more important than handling the books, which is why business leaders should seriously consider outsourcing accounting and finance functions.

The Role of Accounting and Finance in Determining Your Company’s Worth

Accounting valuation is necessary if you ever want to sell your firm or raise capital, so that you know how much your assets and debts are worth. Several elements, such as cash flow, future performance, and financial leverage, are used to calculate a company’s worth.

It is essential for a business to keep correct financial records on a regular basis. Your financial history tells a tale, highlighting your triumphs and highlighting any shortcomings in your financial situation. This openness, nevertheless, is essential for making smart choices. Decisions on how to reinvest corporate funds may be informed by an accurate assessment of both current and future cash needs.

Accurate paperwork, processing, support, formal procedures, and financial controls are essential to your company’s success and development. Yet not all organizations, and especially not rapidly expanding ones, have the resources to invest in finance and accounting in a way that ensures they remain competitive.

The Case for Financial and Accounting Outsourcing

Financial planning, analysis, accounting, and controller services are part of the finance department. There are a wide variety of jobs that must be done to maintain the finances in order and to be in line with all the rules and laws.

Contrasting Full-Time Employees with Part-Time Experts

Companies may save money by outsourcing their financial and accounting functions. Just the actual hours worked by the outsourced supplier would be owed to you. When businesses engage accountants and financial experts on a contract basis, they may expand without taking on the costly overhead of full-time employees. Payroll taxes, health insurance, paid time off, and retirement plans are all extra expenses that disappear when you don’t have to be on staff full time.

Efficient Work Allocation

By outsourcing, your team will no longer have to deal with the boring and repetitive activities associated with finance and accounting, allowing them to concentrate on more important projects. Businesses that need to concentrate on adaptability and growth can consider using an outside accounting firm. Staff members may contribute more to the company if they get further training to assume managerial and other decision-making positions, rather than being left to deal with tedious and time-consuming activities.

Employing a finance and accounting staff in-house may restrict your access to top personnel throughout the world. You may only recruit people who are either already in the area or are open to making a move to work for you. Through outsourcing, you may tap into a global reservoir of untapped talent. Accounting professionals of the highest caliber may now operate efficiently and effectively from anywhere, thanks to modern remote work options and access to real-time financial data.

In certain cases, SMBs may not have the newest accounting and finance software (, despite the widespread use of such tools in larger organizations. It’s possible that they lack the knowledge and experience necessary to effectively use them. However, the price of these resources may be out of reach for many smaller businesses. Several companies that provide financial and accounting services to businesses invest in these tools.

So, outsourcing your accounting to competent accounting service providers allows you to leverage their advanced tools, technology, and apps to modernize business operations and make them nimble and strategic. You may improve your business operations without having to invest much in new or upgraded accounting software or other tools.

They guarantee smooth operations in your financial and accounting departments by using cutting-edge tools and knowledge.

Where to Outsource Your Accounting and Finances

It is not necessary to let go of all in-house financial and accounting personnel in favor of an outside accounting service provider. The best part about outsourcing with is that it allows you to pick and choose which tasks are handled by a third party. Some businesses choose to retain entry-level bookkeepers and hire a CFO on a part-time basis. Others may choose to keep a CFO on staff while outsourcing the rest of the financial department’s transactional work. These are the first places you should look when considering outsourcing your accounting and finances.

Accounting and Administrative Assistance

You may solve the problems that plague most accounting and bookkeeping departments without having to hire more people if you hire an outside firm to do your bookkeeping. You may reduce the high staff turnover caused by tedious back-end office activities by outsourcing your accounting. Expert guidance is something you can count on when working with the proper outsourced services company.

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