Protecting Investments Tied Up In Your Business


Would You Leave The Door Of a Jewelry Store Unlocked?

A jewelry store has quite a bit of revenue on display in its store windows. Even in small communities, security is very important. No jewelry store leaves their doors unlocked. Most of the “product” is likewise protected under lock and key. And even the best security is still subject to crime.

Now, it would be crazy to leave your jewelry store unprotected; especially in times of economic decline. This is obvious. But did you know that by avoiding cybersecurity protections you’re likewise leaving yourself wide open for theft? It’s true, and there are a few reasons for this; one of the most striking being characterized by cybercrime expansion.

Today, cybercrime losses worldwide are so high that it is often called a “growth” industry. There are literally billions of dollars lost every year due to cybercrime. Common methods of theft include “phishing” scams and ransomware. Both of these often cast a wide net hoping to catch unsecured business “fish” worth thousands.

What’s even more alarming is that small to medium-sized businesses are at greatest risk for security breach. Over fifty percent of such operations are subject to some form of cybercrime attempt on an annual basis. It seems strange when larger businesses have such greater assets; but those assets are also better protected.

A smaller business doesn’t expect to become a target of cybercrime, because they don’t see themselves as a jewelry store with no lock on the door. They’re less likely to have requisite protections against cyberattack, meaning they are more prime targets.

The Ransomware Component

A ransomware attack will usually use an encryption to keep files from being accessible. The worst kind of ransomware makes it so that without paying the sum demanded, not only are files inaccessible, but within a certain period of time they are deleted. This dials up the pressure, and even worse: sometimes if you pay you have to pay again.

The ransomware ingrains itself so integrally in your computer that even when the sum is paid, you can’t transmit your files elsewhere against future attack without that ransomware virus remaining shrouded in your computer’s data.

The best kind of protections from such losses today often come in the form of cloud computing security provisions. With the cloud, you can continuously backup data and even automatically. That way if you’re infected with ransomware, you can revert to an earlier backup and lose little or no business.

Certainly it’s possible to maintain on-site protection solutions, but these require on-site effort to maintain, which costs time and money. Time, because you must establish a regular regimen of data protection practices. Money, because you’ll likely need a backup system to keep all data secure. You can save by paying a monthly charge for cloud services.

Getting Protection

Cyberattacks don’t just undercut your profitability through diverted funds. Additionally, as it becomes known in the community that you’ve had security issues, your reputation suffers. Bad reputation stilts outward growth, meaning your brand ultimately loses strength. Protecting your information maintains your reputation and transitively your brand.

According to, one of the most efficient purveyors of cybersecurity Detroit has to offer, sourcing proper tech security will provide solutions which safeguard: “Your data, reputation, and brand.” It’s basically putting a lock on your jewelry store, and the question becomes: why wouldn’t you?

As information technology expands in the solutions provided through varying innovations, so expand the creative cybercrime threats which naturally develop as tech does. Eventually, you’ll have to get some kind of cybersecurity solution in place regardless, so acting proactively in this region of operations is only sensible.