Old Is Gold: Some effective Techniques Your SEO Expert Should Continue Using


Search engine optimization (SEO) might be one of the most important aspects of online marketing today, but it is also one of the most misunderstood. The debate about the place of SEO has continued for years and it is not made any easier by the fact that search engines are not yet ready to freely share their search engine ranking factors. Despite the ambivalence on how to get the best out of SEO marketing, there is no denying that this is an important aspect of modern business marketing.

To appreciate why you have to incorporate search engine optimization in your marketing campaign, consider that 93% of internet experiences start with search. In fact, a 2015 study published by the Search Engine Journal showed that search is the top driver of website traffic, beating social media by over 300%. What’s more, the same study says SEO leads enjoy a 14.6% close rate compared to 1.7% close rate enjoyed by outbound leads. A Google performance survey shows that 35% of organic clicks go to the top 3 positions in SERPs.

Well, these numbers clearly indicate that any business that is intent on staying relevant on the internet platform has to invest in SEO. Whatever the size of your enterprise, you can now leverage the expertise of an SEO expertfloodlightseo.com to build a solid marketing strategy. You will enjoy better conversion, increased site traffic, more brand awareness, brand authority and much more.

SEO techniques with Staying Power

One thing you have to appreciate is the volatility of the SEO industry. One SEO trend might be relevant today only to lose its significance a few months down the line. However, there are those strategies that have held on for several years and even as your SEO consultant integrates trending SEO techniques, these must never be ignored. Here are some of the techniques that have immense lasting power:

  1. Social Media Content

The numbers say it clearly; Facebook today boasts 1.71 billion monthly active users (MAUs), Twitter is averaging around 330 million monthly active users, Instagram is nearing 700 million monthly active users while WhatsApp has around 1.2 billion monthly active users. If you are not preparing content targeting social media users, then you are missing out on a big chunk of the internet market. More social media content is being indexed and you have to carry out research in order to understand your target audience and create content that they will love to read.

  1. Video and More Video

Video is the future of business marketing. In fact, a HubSpot survey predicts that by the end of 2017, 74% of all internet traffic will be visual. The conversion rates for video are mind boggling; adding a video on your landing page increases conversion by 80%. Such a video on your emails increases click-through-rate (CTR) by 200-300%. 92% of mobile video viewers say they share such content and all these numbers highlight the importance of video as part of your SEO campaign. You have to make it easier for people to find your videos through clever use of keywords.

  1. Voice Search is Just Beginning

Like most revolutionary business ideas, voice was launched to a lot of negative perception in the industry. Many marketers thought this was an idea that was not ripe but today, most of the devices being released into the market have a voice search feature. As an online marketer, you have to continue optimizing your content for voice search and this involves using long-tail keywords, using machine learning to create the best content for voice, reworking your content in order to answer the most common questions in your niche and much more. Your SEO consultant – Amplified Search will help with all this.

  1. Mobile Optimization

It is no longer enough to keep talking about mobile optimization because this is a now a reality of modern business. If your content is not mobile-friendly, you are on your way out. Mobile optimization should be a priority in your SEO campaign just as it has been for some time. It is not a one-off thing.

It is understandable that the SEO industry is fast paced and embracing all the emerging trends is tough. Even as you adopt new strategies, remember to continue using some of these techniques that are bound to remain relevant for a long time.