Everything You Need to Know About Long Form Video Marketing


If you’ve ever done research about video marketing, you’ve likely come across a number of articles that explain the importance of short videos. Since our attention spans have shortened over time, marketers have accepted the fact that shorter videos are the only way to get views.

Long form videos do have their place in video marketing. In fact, some of the most liked videos on YouTube are much longer than you’d expect. When used correctly, longer videos can lead to much more engagement and interaction from consumers.

Here’s what you need to know about long form video marketing so that you can make the minutes well worth it.

Audiences Enjoy Longer Videos

Despite our short attention spans, many studies have shown that consumers actually don’t mind watching long videos. In fact, one study found smartphone viewers spend 54% of their time watching videos that are more than 20 minutes long. This is a huge increase from the 29% that was recorded in 2016.

It’s hard to pack a lot of meaningful information into a video that’s less than a minute long. But, with minute-long videos, there’s a much different value exchange. The fact is that more valuable information can be exchanged in minutes versus seconds.

Connect With Viewers

One of the biggest benefits of long form video content is that it provides a greater opportunity to build relationships and connections with your viewers.

Long form video can be used to deliver personal and valuable information that may otherwise get lost in a short clip. This increases your chance to get Instagram followers and followers on other social media sites.

By creating long form videos, you can connect with consumers along with the B2B market in many ways. For example, you can create long videos that explain:

  • Your company culture
  • A day in the life
  • How-to and tutorials

Long form videos give you the flexibility and time that’s needed to address complicated topics using different perspectives.

With long form videos, the message doesn’t have to be rushed or forced into just a few seconds. Longer videos give you the time you need to thoroughly discuss a topic, something that viewers find to be very beneficial.

The Algorithms Are in Your Favor

Knowing the math behind getting your content seen is important. If you’re looking to incorporate longer videos into your marketing campaign, you’ll be happy to know that the algorithms will work in your favor. A study conducted by Pew Research Center found that YouTube has been slowly but surely shifting its recommendation system to favor longer videos.

The study involved 300,000 different videos. The pattern that researchers saw was that YouTube’s recommendations consistently increased in length each time new content was recommended.

Long form videos are beneficial to content hosts like YouTube because they offer more revenue opportunities. With longer videos, ads can be placed pre, post, and mid-video.

Generate More Leads

A viewer that watches a video that’s longer than ten minutes is likely pressed to make a purchase. This increases your chance of not only getting new leads but also converting them into a customer. By using analytical tools, you can figure out who these leads are and what part of the video they are most engaged with.

Viewers who watch your company’s long form videos are also likely to see your brand in a positive light. If your long videos are able to engage and teach viewers, they will automatically see the value in not just your product or service, but your overall brand.

When consumers view your brand in a positive light, they’re more likely to become repeat customers. They’re also more likely to spread the word of your brand to their social circles.

Better Video Search Engine Optimization

Another huge benefit of creating long form videos is that they provide a specific advantage to search engine optimization (SEO). Because a longer video is much more likely to cover a topic more comprehensively, you can use long-tail search keywords when writing the video’s description and other metadata.

Longer videos also keep viewers on the page for much longer. Since time on-page is a huge factor in determining page rank, longer videos send positive numbers back to search engines. This, in turn, indicates that your page offers quality content and is relevant for the search terms.

Longer videos may also earn you more backlinks than short video clips. Having your content linked by authoritative websites can not only boost your SEO standings, but it will also increase your brand’s visibility.


Just as there’s a time and place for short video clips, there is also a time and place for using long form video marketing. While you don’t want to create only 10+ minute long videos, using these longer videos every-so-often will benefit your brand in the short and long-term.