How To Market Your Businesses Product With Product Packaging


Creating a product with high demand is not always enough to ensure success, even if your product is optimal for a mass audience. Knowing how to properly and effectively market your product is key to success, whether you are launching a start-up or scaling an existing corporation. When you are in the process of creating a product from the ground-up, it is important to familiarize yourself with the process of packaging to better understand how you can target your prospective customers with desired results.

Most marketers involved in the development, package creation and marketing of products are familiar with the “Five P’s” of packaging. Once you are familiar with the five p’s of packaging, you can then create the packages for your products while feeling comfortable with and confident in your finalized decision.


Before you can create packaging for any product, it is important to understand its purpose and core audience. A marketer’s responsibility entails gathering information about an audience, learning about the wants and needs of customers, and deeply studying the lifecycle of the type of product they are attempting to market and promote. Without a complete and thorough understanding of the product you intend to sell, it becomes increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to truly resonate with your audience through the use of creative packaging.


Before you should move forward with the planning of your product packaging, it is important to consider the price point of your product. Marketers are well-versed in developing working marketing strategies based on a product’s price and the type of consumers a company is intending to reach. If you do not have a price point set in place, it becomes increasingly challenging to develop a well-thought-out and working plan of action. Discuss your price range possibilities and the price points you are most interested in with your marketing team and others involved in the packaging of your product to determine the best course of action to take.

Place and Location

Consider where you plan to sell your product before developing its package. If you are only selling your product with the use of eCommerce stores or online shops, consider the messaging you intend to place on the product itself. Products with too much messaging, small lettering, or cluttered looks are less likely to attract online shoppers. If you are selling in a retail store or local shop, however, it is possible to utilize more creativity when implementing your preferred product packaging designs.


Promotion is one of the most important elements of successfully packaging a product. Without marketing and promotion, the existence of your product is not likely to spread, even if your product is needed by a market or is currently being demanded by thousands, if not millions of potential consumers.

Become familiar with the basics of marketing as you work through the development of your product’s packaging. Consider the platforms you want to use for your marketing strategy. Ask yourself the following questions while you are in the midst of developing a working advertising strategy that is right for the product you are launching and the audience you intend to reach with your strategy:

  • What audience am I trying to reach? Will I be promoting my products online, offline, or using both outlets?
  • Are there specific platforms that are ideal for my audience when it comes time to promote my product?
  • What type of brands or products are currently on the market and generating sales and new customers similar to my own?
  • Is my product better than the competition’s product?
  • How can I voice this to users with the use of both digital and local marketing?

When you begin to create an online presence with various platforms, it is also important to keep the following ideas in mind:

  • Streamline Your Social Media Presence: Before launching any online marketing campaign, it is important to streamline all of your social media accounts. Upload and use the same logo across all of your online accounts. Utilize the same color scheme to help spread the word of your business while also spreading brand awareness.
  • Consistency is Key: Always update your website, blog, and social media platforms regularly and with consistency. “Consistency is key to maximizing your exposure and ability to reach prospective customers online,” says the company RT Agencies packaging supplies.
  • Interaction and Engagement: No business has the ability to remain successful if it does not communicate with customers or provide top-notch customer service. Spend time interacting, answering questions, and engaging with your followers on social media as well as your current online subscribers or loyal customers. Building a sense of community among loyal followers and visitors can come in handy once it is time to finalize your product’s packaging and send it to market.


Finally, once you are fully prepared to target a specific audience, and you have a complete and deep understanding of your product’s purpose, you can begin to develop the packaging for your items. Choosing the right packaging for your product can make or break your business, especially if you are just entering a highly competitive or saturated industry for the very first time.

Without a complete understanding of the message you want to send or the purpose of your product, developing its package can become overwhelming, tedious, and next to impossible. However, after taking time to learn more about the goals of your business and the type of consumers you want to reach, it is much easier to create packaging that is sure to draw attention, attract new shoppers, and help to spread the word of your business or brand.

Consider the following while determining the best way to package your product(s):

  • What type of products do my consumers typically purchase? What purpose will my product serve in the lives of my customers? Is my product life-changing or influential in any way? What benefits and advantages does my product have to offer to its users? Are there any drawbacks or cons of using my product? If so, how do I ensure that customers feel as though the positives of the product outweigh the negatives?
  • Are my prospective customers eco-friendly, and do they only shop for “green” and organic products?
  • Will my sales be negatively impacted if I choose to utilize plastic packaging materials or other materials that are not considered “green” or eco-friendly?
  • What colors stand out to my audience? Should I utilize the same colors as my company’s brand logo, or should I branch out with a color that is more reflective of the product I am selling?
  • How many colors do I intend to use with the package I create for my product?
  • Am I going for a minimalist look with less color, or do I want to grab the attention of passersby and prospective customers with the use of vibrant and ornate patterns?
  • Will the package for my product be bulky, or do I prefer to utilize a sleek and more modern approach to promote the products I am offering?

Knowing how to effectively market your product with the use of packaging can drastically help improve your marketing efforts as well as your ROI. With a complete understanding of your audience, your product’s lifecycle, and various marketing methods, create a package for your product that is sure to appeal to and resonate with your prospective customers.