Which Technologies Do Start-Up Companies Need?


When you are looking to start a business, you already know that money will be spent. Whether or not you use technology, your company will require a great deal of funds to get off the ground.

However, there are many types of technology that will help your company become more profitable, thereby successful.

The decisions you made in the IT field of your business will affect the production as a whole. You will need to have a good website and a form of communication. When you are looking online, that will include both connections in the office and then a mobile network. Communication can include mobile phones, landlines, fax machines, email, and many more.

start up businesses

All companies need some way for a client to reach your company and talk to you. What used to only be available through landlines can now also be accomplished with cellular phones. Regardless of being tethered to a desk, or free to walk around, you will need a few characteristics to a small business phone service. These include the following:

  • Conference Calling

  • Call transfers

  • Directory listing

  • Speed dial

  • Long distance calling

You will also want to think about your voicemail plans. If you are providing mobile phones to your employees, you will want to think about their call volume so you are not stuck paying the large bills.

With cellular phones, you will want to remember that you will can have the ability to make it so they have to pay for any calls that are not within the company. This is the best way to provide your employees with a way to keep in contact, without worrying about your pocketbook.


Having access to the best internet provider is a necessity to business these days. Depending on the size of your company, the speed of the Internet will determine the price. You do not want extremely slow speeds if you are primarily on the Internet or attempting to download documents or programs. The Internet will allow your company to send emails, build websites, and create awareness in social media.

When you are shopping for these two aspects, you will want to think about whether your company is going to be able to write their websites or if they will be hiring someone else to do that. You will also want to take into consideration what software you will need for your company as well. This includes virus scanners and firewalls.

The faster speeds of the Internet will not only affect your company’s ability to do work, but it will also impact the consumer’s ability to get information. It is vital for companies to make sure they have enough speed for everyone to be happy, without losing a lot of money in the start-up phase.

Starting a company is a lot of work and takes a lot of research. It does not stop once you have planned the company. You will also need to research various plans for the technology part of your company. Knowing when to bundle plans together, and when to purchase the items separately can be difficult. However, you will find that most companies will need access to the Internet, a form of verbal communication, and then a method to send and receive documents.

Depending on what your company does, you may also need to have a television as well, especially in the waiting areas for customers. Consider your needs right now, and what needs can wait until the funds are coming in. This budget will help you decide which features you will want to select on the technology front.