Do’s and Don’ts of marketing


Any business whether it is a start up or a an established on, it will not attain success without good marketing. Marketing is the key to success in the long run of any business. The following are the do’s and don’ts of marketing you need to know especially if you have just launched your business.
• Focus on the niche of your business- business owners need to have a primary target in their mind and with it in their mind they should channel their marketing strategies and efforts towards the customers who fall under the niche. Remember you will be able to solve many problems for many customers, however, you will not be able to reach everybody at the same time.
Do your research- research does consume some amount of time and money, however, when a marketing campaign is backed up with good research it becomes easier to achieve the goals.
Engage your consumers– you need to engage with your customers, build rapport with them, talk to them, answer their queries, and address their problems with your service. Engaging with your consumers is a good marketing strategy as it builds friendship and loyalty between the owner and the consumer.
Talk about advantages of your product or service– one of the best ways to attract customers is by marketing on the advantages or benefits of your product. Talk about how your product or service saves the time, money and effort for the customer. The customers will be immediately be interested in the product or service when you discuss these things.
Be unique- there are many businesses out there and think about how you would stand out amongst all those and let the customer notice you. The answer is you need to be unique. Your marketing strategies should be very unique, innovative and different from others.
• Try to be simple- your marketing should be simple, in a way that your target market will easily understand. Do not use tough words, technical terms etc that non-tech consumers can understand.
• Choose target market- you might be having a product that will solve issues for a lot of customers, however it is not possible that you can reach all of your consumers at the same time. some consumers will be more ready to buy your products or services than others. So do some research and pick the right market and niche.
Be alert- you need to be alert and ready to adapt to the changes even when your business is growing well. When you make changes, you will be ready to spread the word of your new business offerings.
Do not spam– it is a bad marketing strategy. Never fill your customer’s inbox with excessive marketing, especially when they are not interested in your product or service.
• Ignorance– the worst marketing disasters is ignorance about current events and impact on the consumers. Of course it is the goal of the business to promote their product and make consumers buy the product, however business owners need to be sensitive about the people’s response to your message in crisis situations.
Do not just rely on expert opinions- you cannot develop market strategies completely based on the opinion of experts, you need to do some research yourself. You can also ask your consumers what they intend to buy, take their opinion and do accordingly.
Do not rely on one strategy- you cannot bring success to your business with just one marketing strategy. Try different ways to reach out to your consumers and check for yourself which works the best.
• Do not just rely on the content of your site- you might be good at content marketing strategies, but if your website is difficult to navigate then you customers will not give you a second thought. So remember the design of the website is just as important as the content.