The Most Important Cyber Security Tips for Your Users


Remedying all the vulnerabilities in the security solutions is the main objective of the National Cyber Security Awareness Month. We may say we have sophisticated tools protecting our networks. However, careless users can be the cause for serious damages. Just clicking an attachment that is not familiar to us or opening an attachment might lead to massive data theft. Professional cyber security experts list out several points or codes of action to help users stay safe online. Even though we have time and again come across quite a many points discussed here, it is worth reinforcing those ideas in us so that we move to the safer zone of online activities. Here are the most important cyber security tips every user must know.

Install powerful antivirus software

This is the first step to ensure data security and prevent the system from collapsing or malfunctioning. It is necessary to install a good antivirus program in all the computers we use and also update it continuously to see that it is good enough to tackle the latest threats and vulnerabilities. You can find a variety of such software online from reputed vendors. Once you install an effective antivirus program, you also get access to patches and updates to correct security problems and also enhance the functionality. Set the program to auto update status.

Safeguard your networks

Deploy a reliable firewall and encrypt information to protect your internet connection. While using a Wi-Fi network, ensure it is configured in the safe way and is hidden. For the purpose of hiding your Wi-Fi network, you must set up your wireless access point or router in a way the network name is not broadcasted. This process is called as the Service Set Identifier (SSID). You can also protect the access to the router with a password. Also it is important to implement the necessary security policies and practices to safeguard the sensitive information.

Educate the employees

More than anything else, in today’s atmosphere, educating the employees regarding cyber threats and how to protect the business data is very essential. They must also be guided on how to use the social networking sites safely. Some employees might forward the firm’s internal business information to your competitors. As some might do this involuntarily, it is important to educate them how to post information online in a secure way. They must also be warned of the consequences they will have to face if they resort to divulging such information to third parties voluntarily.

Password management

Tell the employees the importance of using strong passwords and also changing them frequently. It is also good to implement multifactor authentication process that will ask for more information beyond the password for awarding entry. Find out whether your vendors can supply multifactor authentication facilities to your accounts.

Backup business information and data

Across the organization, it is important to back-up the data in all the computers. Some of the most crucial data include word processing documents, financial information, staff information, accounts information like payments and receipts, spreadsheets and other databases. Set the system to automatically backup the data at least once in a week. It is also highly advisable to store copies of the data on cloud.

Check physical access to computers and network elements

When it comes to cyber security, we all talk about the digital measures. However, it is important not to let unauthorized individuals access PCs and laptops. When not used, it is advisable to lock up the laptops as they are the most vulnerable gadgets to be stolen. It is also necessary to create independent user account for every employee in your firm and also get very strong passwords. Restrict the administrative privileges to the most trusted personnel and IT staff.

Implement best practices regarding mobile devices

Mobile devices make cyber security a challenging issue. Especially the problem comes if the handheld devices store confidential information or can access the corporate network. Some of the best practices that can be implemented across the organization include password protection, data encryption, installing security apps. If equipment is lost or stolen, the procedure for reporting must be clarified across the firm.

With the digital technology penetrating deep into our lives, every single human being is vulnerable to cybercrimes. So, it is time we understand that we are all an attractive targets to hackers. It is never prudent to say it will never happen to us. Once we fall victim to a serious instance of cybercrime, we will have to pay a heavy cost risking peace, financial freedom and happiness of our lives. Therefore cyber security is never a subject we can compromise with. We need to exercise our serious responsibilities in the digital world to stay safe and not to be victimized by hackers. In fact,