Why More People Are Turning to Remote Work Opportunities


Even as the COVID-19 pandemic wanes in some areas of the world and vaccines become more widely available, the demand for remote work options remains high. The pandemic forced many businesses to adapt to the demands of a pandemic workforce that needed to stay home. A new study by Adobe shows that even though many companies closed for good in 2020 and 2021, the pandemic has marked a significant increase in digital entrepreneurship and remote work opportunities. Why are more people turning to remote work opportunities, and how is the pandemic making it easier than ever for those remote workers to launch their own digital businesses?  

Changing Culture of Work

As the pandemic saw more and more people staying home to remain healthy, the need for remote work options became quickly apparent. Businesses adapted as they could, and new technologies and digital business solutions allowed companies to incorporate effective digital business models. According to Adobe Acrobat’s digital entrepreneurship study, “More than 3 in 4 adults would rather apply for jobs that offer remote work options.” Remote workers have reported increased levels of productivity and an improved work-life balance. Working from home offers employees the ability to spend more time on their passions and interests. This changing work culture has seen many remote workers start their own online businesses from home. Entrepreneurs worldwide take advantage of remote work opportunities to build their own digital companies.

Digital Business Solutions

Changing work habits have necessitated changes in how business is done day-to-day. The pandemic saw a wave of digital entrepreneurs and software developers rise to meet the demand of companies turning to digital solutions to stay operational. SaaS (software as a service) and digital collaboration tools have become widely accessible and user-friendly so that businesses can be efficiently run from smartphones or laptops. These tools have made it possible for remote workforces to be successful. Collaborative tools and user-friendly digital workspaces have opened many opportunities for employees to grow successful careers from their own homes. Businesses that have successfully adapted to digital business models will likely attract a skilled and diverse workforce in 2022.

Starting a Business from Home

Not only are there more opportunities for employees to work remotely than ever before, but the access to digital business tools means entrepreneurs have more opportunities to launch successful remote companies. Artists, entrepreneurs, and creatives now have greater access to online management courses, business tools, and funding opportunities. Understanding the basics of building an online business and efficiently organizing a team of remote workers are necessary skills for developing a successful remote startup. Now, digital business and marketing solutions are easy to understand and adapt for companies of all sizes. People worldwide are taking advantage of the newfound opportunities to start their own businesses and enter an accessible online marketplace, all from their homes.

Digital Marketing Demand

Digital marketing is the key to success in any industry. As work and business trends change, so have consumer trends. According to the Adobe study, “In 2022, mobile e-commerce sales alone are estimated to reach beyond $432 billion. This is up from $147 billion in 2019.” The unprecedented boom in eCommerce has allowed digital entrepreneurs to enter competitive online marketplaces successfully. Most online shopping is done through smartphones, meaning marketers have a direct line to consumers more often than ever before. Competitive digital marketing strategies have seen a significant increase in influencer and social media marketing as brands try to reach the attention of mobile users. These changes in consumer and marketing trends mean more startups can reach broad audiences and grow rapidly.

The pandemic created many opportunities for people to reassess their work-life balance and what’s most important to them in their personal lives. As digital business solutions and remote workplaces became widely accessible, more and more people picked up the entrepreneurial spirit and have started their businesses remotely. The demand for remote work opportunities will continue to be high as more and more companies are created online, and more people work from home.