Unity of direction principle can lead all the members of the organization towards the objectives of the organization or towards a common goal. It is proposed by Henri Fayol in his 14 principles of management.


Unity of direction motivates the employees to reach the organization’s objectives. In the organizations, every department has its own strategies to contribute towards the success of the organization and it says that contribution can only give ultimate results and fulfills the reason for the existence of the firm. Though it is a financial or nonfinancial motive organization, it has to reach its prescribed objectives; it is only possible with the principle unity of direction. For example, if the organization is a social service motive organization, then the employees of the organization should work for the fulfilling interests of the organization.


A single plan can make them reach common objectives by establishing uniformity and coordination in different activities. Unity of direction facilitates achievement of the firm’s objectives without difficulty and duplication of various activities. Without unity of direction, efforts of all the team members may become useless and unity of action may not be achieved, it does not facilitate unity of command.


Unity of direction facilitates smooth running of the sound organization by coordinating the activities of various teams, groups, departments and branches of the same organization or subsidiaries with the commands of the single head and the single plan for the large group of employees and for their activities.

Single head, single plan concept highly reduces the confusions in the employees about what they have to do? How much have to contribute? To whom they should report? Unity of direction enables organizations to face threats and challenges efficiently due to the strength of employee’s contribution towards the common goal. It transforms individual’s interest towards group interest finally it leads to accomplishment of the objectives. It motivates the employees by fulfilling belongingness needs and creates a positive attitude in the minds of the employees, which helps in developing more powerful teams.


Unity of direction helps in building more efficient and successful firms. So operating the functions of various subsidiaries in a uniform way is possible through one head, one plan concept of the unity of direction principle. It guides and leads the employees towards a common destination with well-defined strategies and plans; it highly reduces the wastage of resources and confusions in the work environment and promotes discipline among the employees and reduces conflicts in the workplace which helps in reducing employee turnover.


  • It leads to common goals, helps in building more efficient firms.
  • It avoids unnecessary duplication of employee efforts.
  • It motivates employees by involving them in teamwork.
  • It helps in developing more powerful teams.
  • It coordinates all activities and helps in the easy accomplishment of goals.
  • It facilitates interpersonal communication and helps in fulfilling belongingness needs.
  • Teamwork promotes discipline
  • It helps in maintaining consistency
  • It acts as a competitive advantage to face competition and uncertainty
  • It guides all the employees of the organization and eliminates confusions