Selecting The Best Persuasive Essay Topic – 5 Questions To Ask


Almost every one of us has experienced essay writing sometime in our lives, especially while studying at school, college or university. When you love literature and have flair for writing, it might seem to be a cakewalk but most students struggle to write a persuasive essay. Argumentative essays are the written forms of verbal debates and follow the similar style.

Alternatively, persuasive essays narrate the thoughts and viewpoints of the author related to a particular topic. There are usually no debates or contradictions as the article goes in a specific direction as per the writer’s own perception. The topic selection is one of the most important factors in writing a persuasive essay. To find an interesting topic, you must ask these five questions to yourself.

5 Questions You Need To Ask While Selecting The Best Topic

  1. 1. Is the topic popular? A popular topic that is currently trending in the social media and newspapers is the best choice to write a persuasive essay. The majority of the audience is already updated with the latest trends and they can relate well to the topic you choose. Choosing a less popular topic can bring mixed results. If you chose an unpopular topic intentionally, knowing that not many people are aware of it hence it will be easier to establish your points and win over the audience, it may actually act like a boomerang. The audience might not be interested and not feel familiar with the topic making persuasion a tough challenge.
  2. Is there enough information available? When you look for persuasive essay topics, you must be sure that there is sufficient information available to back your writing. You must have the facts and figures ready to establish your points as statistics always help in making people believe. It shows that you have done your homework properly and have put effort to write the essay. Collect information from books, magazines, research papers, newspapers, blogs and other online sources. In this digital era, there is actually no dearth of information. So, make use of the resources optimally and write an informative essay.
  3. Are you familiar with the topic? It is important to understand whether you are passionate about the topic or not. If you can’t relate to the topic fully, how will it be possible to influence the audience? Choose topics that fit well with your mindset, character, and attitude. An out-of-the-box topic may prove to be a disastrous choice when you don’t have words to express a certain point. When you are confident about the topic, it shows in your body language and writing style. Thus, evaluating your level of interest for the topic is mandatory.
  4. Does the topic engage the public? You must focus towards enthralling the audience with your topic and your writing. Choosing a topic that engages a majority of the audience is a smart move leading towards success and collective acceptance. However, a good presenter or a veteran writer can cover up for a bad topic, for common people, the topic takes the center stage deciding on your performance.
  5. Does the topic drive towards a conclusion? Well, typically a persuasive essay must not always drive towards a specific consensus but a brief conclusion is needed for a smart finish. The ending words must be selected carefully so that it makes a lasting impression on the audience. Also, it should include the final thoughts of the writer about the topic he chose and must drive the audience’s mind in the same direction.

Conduct Research And Follow A Particular Pattern To Write

If you have found answers to all the above questions and have justified each of them properly, you are on the right track. Select the topic that you are most comfortable with and do some prior research before you start to write. A quick brainstorming session can help you clear your thoughts and get more inputs for the essay. Make use of the resources you have and express your thoughts freely. However, following a specific writing style is advisable to avoid the essay being abstract and scattered.