5 Tips for Maintaining Your Mac's Speed and Performance


A Mac computer can be a powerful tool for business purposes and your own personal computing purposes. Indeed, the whole system is streamlined – from the hardware all the way down to the software inside. However, over time – just like any computer – your Mac can start to slow down and show its age. Processes become more difficult to operate, programs crash and things take longer to load. In order to avoid this, you want to make sure that you take measures so that your Mac is always lightning fast and performing to the best of its ability. A slow Mac can be quite frustrating and if you are using a Mac for business, it can really slow down your productivity. Here are five tips for maintaining your Mac’s speed and performance.

mac speed

  1. Add more memory. Indeed, RAM – which is short for random-access memory – is essential when it comes to running certain programs on your computer. Having enough RAM is also essential if you are running multiple programs at once. If your Mac computer seems like it is slowing down, you may need to add more RAM. In some Macs, you can RAM quite easily – in newer models, you may have to take the computer into a specialist to add more memory to your computer.
  2. Place large files on an external hard drive. Your Mac has an internal hard drive built in which is where most of your essential programs are stored. This is also where most of your software and immediate files are stored  which can be anything that you need to retrieve right away. However, if you have particularly large files, anything over a gigabyte,  you probably want to keep them on an external hard drive because if your computer is overloaded with large files, it could cause your whole system to perform poorly and very slowly as well.
  3. Delete files that you don’t need. After a while, the files on your Mac will start to pile up and these files will start to cause your entire system to work more slowly. So, be sure to perform a big purge every week. Also, when you delete files, be sure to completely empty your trash too because the files could be building up in there which still takes up memory space until they’re deleted.
  4. Repair software and other corrupted files. After a while, programs, software, processes and files can become corrupted. Most of the time, these files can become corrupted as a result of bugs or even malware. So, you’ll want to scan each and every program on your computer and then repair them. If you want an easier way to complete this task, it is recommended to visit http://www.onyxmac.com and download the application – this app will scan and repair all your files for you, taking out the guesswork.
  5. Update your software. Every few months, your system will need updates on most of its software. Each program on your computer will have multiple updates within a certain year – think of it like shedding skin. Ideally, you want to check for updates on a weekly basis. If there is an update, you want to hit the ‘accept’ button and let your computer work its magic. In the end, having fresh versions of all your processes will be vital for the function and performance of your Mac overall.