Max Polyakov Raises the Bar for FAI Events


This summer, Ukraine hosted the 2016 FAI World Championship for Space Models. The event took place in Lviv and lasted for 5 days from the 23rd to 29th of August. More than 300 competitors from 19 different countries, a 4000-euro prize fund, a 100,000 sqm competition field, 7000 on-site spectators, thousands of followers watching daily YouTube live stream, the launch of more than 500 rocket models each day, 2000 rocket models designed and launched at the amateur rocketry workshops, and, most importantly, an unforgettable atmosphere were the results of the hard work of event organizers. A close cooperation between the Ukrainian Spacemodelling Sports Federation and Noosphere, founded by Max Polyakov, paid off in spades.

The huge success of Lviv’s World Championship for Space Models could have only been possible, if the event was organized and implemented perfectly. Which is what happened. The event had a number of special features that differentiate it from other similar events in the industry. First of all, the event was focused not only on the contestants, but also on the convenience and entertainment of the crowds of spectators that attended. Organizers, headed by Max Polyakov, took special care to make the even family friendly by combining sports, fun and educational activities, rather than the traditional event focused events held in the past.

Music, live reporting, online streaming, huge displays showing the launches and replays, Cup Navigator transmitting instantly the launches results online, amateur rocketry workshops for guests and spectators, paint fights, a number of game and activities prepared specifically for children, a separate exhibition zone for guests to interact with robots and have a look at new tech developments by Noosphere Engineering School, Max Polyakov’s initiative, and many more other fun activities contributed to making the event one to remember. The Copter Race was a crowd pleaser that wowed crowds with their sprints and aerial acrobatics. No FAI event had engaged and entertained audiences this much before.

Given everything that was done to prepare for and carry out the World Championship, it is clear that Noosphere of Max Polyakov has taken the event to new heights, raising the bar for other air sport events in the future. It will be a tough act to follow for future hosts.

Such a thorough and delightful approach to the event organization by Noosphere shouldn’t surprise anyone who is familiar with the company’s vision and values. As Max Polyakov said, “Amateur rocketry is first and foremost a flight of the imagination — limitless and creative. But at the same time, it also requires systematic thinking, the ability to see the whole project with all its complexity, and predict the potential results right from the start. Here at Noosphere we believe that systematic thinking, combined with creativity, is a distinctive feature of visionary people with global perspectives. Thus, by investing in amateur rocketry we are investing in the future.”

Apart from being a success among contestants and spectators, the event caught the attention of a few popular industry authorities, for instance, John Grubbström — President of the World Air Sports Federation (FAI), John Langford — head of Aurora Flight Sciences and US Senator, Matt Steele — Vice-President of Alaska Aerospace and many others who visited Ukraine to enjoy the atmosphere of the event. Each of them remarked positively on the high level of organization and hospitality of the event, as well as expressed their belief that a family-oriented format would help bridge technology and fun to popularize amateur rocketry.

Max Polyakov was impressed at the high degree of organization at the event that contributed to 2016 FAI World Championship for Space Models being such a great success. His love for the social initiatives that he sponsors is reflected by the staff and volunteers who work tirelessly to pull them off. They also boost Noosphere’s reputation as a company that is earnestly seeking for talent and partners to help the people in the communities that they operate in.

Noosphere and Max Polyakov have been taking an active role in developing new technological solutions for aerial sports events, especially in amateur rocketry. While they had worked for years to develop solutions on their own, they have recently become the official technical partner of the FAI. They are now working closely with the FAI head office and Commission to come up with new tools to manage other events that will be part of World Air Games 2017.

Image credit: Spacemodelling sport in Ukraine via Facebook