Digital - Sat, 18 Nov 2023 19:56:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 SMS vs. Email Marketing: Which is More Effective for Mobile Apps? Wed, 15 Nov 2023 18:05:03 +0000 In the world of mobile app marketing, communication channels play a pivotal role in engaging users and driving conversions. Among the array of available options, SMS (Short Message Service) and email marketing stand out as two powerful tools, each with its strengths and effectiveness for reaching mobile app users. However, determining which avenue—SMS or email—is […]

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In the world of mobile app marketing, communication channels play a pivotal role in engaging users and driving conversions. Among the array of available options, SMS (Short Message Service) and email marketing stand out as two powerful tools, each with its strengths and effectiveness for reaching mobile app users. However, determining which avenue—SMS or email—is more effective for mobile app marketing requires a nuanced understanding of their respective advantages, user preferences, and the context in which they are employed.

SMS Marketing: Instantaneous Reach and High Engagement

SMS marketing holds a distinct advantage due to its immediacy and high open rates. Text messages boast an almost unparalleled open rate of around 98%, making them a compelling choice for delivering time-sensitive information or urgent notifications to app users. The concise nature of SMS—limited to 160 characters per message—ensures that the content is easily digestible and has a higher chance of capturing the recipient’s attention promptly.

Additionally, SMS messages have a higher likelihood of being read within minutes of delivery compared to emails. This immediacy is particularly beneficial for app developers or marketers aiming to convey time-sensitive offers, reminders, or exclusive deals, driving instant actions from users.

Moreover, SMS marketing is highly effective for engaging with users who prefer brief, direct communication. It’s a powerful tool for sending personalized messages based on user behavior within the app, such as abandoned cart reminders, appointment confirmations, or order status updates. By utilizing SMS, app developers can establish a direct line of communication with users, fostering a sense of immediacy and relevance that often leads to increased engagement and conversions.

Email Marketing: Versatility and Detailed Content Delivery

Contrarily, email marketing offers a broader canvas for delivering comprehensive content and fostering long-term engagement. While emails may have a lower immediate open rate compared to SMS, they make up for it with their versatility and ability to convey more detailed information. With no character limitations, emails allow marketers to craft rich content, including images, videos, and lengthy descriptions, offering a more immersive and informative experience for app users.

Moreover, emails are suitable for delivering various types of content, such as newsletters, product updates, educational materials, and personalized recommendations. They are an excellent channel for nurturing long-term relationships with app users by providing value through insightful content, thereby increasing brand loyalty and user retention.

Email marketing also allows for better segmentation and targeting options. Marketers can tailor emails based on user preferences, behavior, or demographics, ensuring that the content delivered is more relevant to the recipient. This targeted approach enhances the chances of conversion by offering users content that aligns with their interests and needs.

Choosing the Right Strategy: Context and User Preferences

When determining whether SMS or email marketing is more effective for mobile apps, considering user preferences and the context of communication is crucial. While SMS excels in delivering immediate and concise messages, email marketing offers versatility and the capacity for detailed content delivery.

The choice between SMS and email marketing—or a combination of both—should be guided by the specific goals of the app marketing campaign. For time-sensitive promotions, alerts, or personalized offers requiring instant attention, SMS might be the preferred choice due to its high open rates and immediacy. Conversely, for delivering more elaborate content, nurturing long-term relationships, and providing in-depth information, email marketing might be more effective.

Moreover, it’s essential to consider user preferences. Some users might prefer the convenience and brevity of SMS, while others might appreciate the comprehensive content and visuals offered through emails. Understanding the target audience and their communication preferences is instrumental in devising an effective marketing strategy for mobile apps.

Utilizing Twilio Alternatives for Effective Communication

While Twilio stands as a prevalent choice in SMS and voice communication platforms, delving into alternatives beyond Twilio might unveil tailored solutions, offering expanded functionalities or budget-friendly options, ideal for diverse marketing requirements.

Platforms like Plivo, Nexmo, or MessageBird offer similar services to Twilio, providing APIs for SMS, voice, and other communication channels. Assessing these alternatives based on features, pricing, scalability, and customer support can help businesses find the most suitable platform for their mobile app marketing endeavors.

In conclusion, both SMS and email marketing possess unique strengths and effectiveness for engaging mobile app users. Understanding their distinct advantages, aligning with user preferences, and considering the context of communication are vital in leveraging these channels to maximize user engagement, retention, and conversions for mobile apps. Integrating Twilio alternatives can further enhance the effectiveness of communication strategies, empowering businesses to reach their marketing objectives more efficiently.

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Crafting Success: How the Right Business Communication Tool Propels Enterprises Forward Wed, 15 Nov 2023 17:49:43 +0000 In the ever-evolving realm of modern business, the significance of selecting the optimal business communication tool takes center stage. This exploration embarks on a journey to understand the transformative impact that strategic tool adoption can have on enterprises. Amid the spectrum of available options, the focus remains unwavering: identifying the tool that seamlessly aligns with an organization’s objectives, workflows, and collaborative aspirations.   […]

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In the ever-evolving realm of modern business, the significance of selecting the optimal business communication tool takes center stage. This exploration embarks on a journey to understand the transformative impact that strategic tool adoption can have on enterprises. Amid the spectrum of available options, the focus remains unwavering: identifying the tool that seamlessly aligns with an organization’s objectives, workflows, and collaborative aspirations.  

The repercussions of this choice ripple beyond communication; it molds productivity, collaboration, and organizational efficiency. By delving into the nuanced features, integration potential, and user experiences these tools offer, businesses position themselves to harness an indispensable asset that streamlines operations and catalyzes growth.  

This article navigates the path of forging success by strategically implementing the right business communication tool, illuminating a trajectory towards elevated connectivity, efficiency, and accomplishments for enterprises across industries. 

15 ways How the Right Business Communication Tool Propels Enterprises Forward. 

1. Real-Time Communication:The strategic integration of the right business communication tool introduces a paradigm shift by enabling seamless real-time interactions.  
Through features like instant messaging and voice calls teams transcend geographical constraints. This fosters agile decision-making, ensuring that crucial information is disseminated promptly across all levels of the organization. The speed of real-time communication reduces bottlenecks, accelerates workflows, and cultivates a responsive organizational culture that can swiftly adapt to market dynamics and evolving customer needs. 

2. Collaborative Workspaces:Modern business communication tools encompass collaborative workspaces that redefine how teams collaborate. These platforms facilitate concurrent creation and editing of documents, presentations, and spreadsheets.  
With real-time collaboration, teams can collectively contribute, offer feedback, and ensure version control without the inefficiencies of traditional email-based exchanges. This dynamic approach enhances collaboration quality, reduces redundancies, and amplifies team efficiency by offering a unified space for brainstorming, refining ideas, and delivering collective outputs. 

3. Centralized Information Hub:The right communication tool acts as a central hub for organizational information. It consolidates discussions, files, and project-related communications, ensuring that all team members have access to critical information. This prevents information silos, reduces the likelihood of miscommunication, and streamlines information retrieval. With information at everyone’s fingertips, employees can make informed decisions swiftly, optimizing productivity and maintaining alignment with organizational goals. 

4. Virtual Meetings:Business communication tools facilitate virtual meetings that transcend physical boundaries. Video conferencing, screen sharing, and collaborative note-taking within these platforms replicate the dynamics of face-to-face interactions. Virtual meetings transcend time zone challenges, enabling cross-functional teams to converge effortlessly, leading to more comprehensive discussions, quicker decision-making, and enhanced project management. 

5. Global Connectivity:Enterprises with an international presence benefit from the global connectivity enabled by communication tools. Video conferences, voice calls, and instant messaging break down geographical barriers, allowing teams dispersed across different continents to collaborate seamlessly. This global outreach fosters diversity harnesses a range of perspectives, and expands the talent pool, ultimately leading to innovative solutions and improved business outcomes. 

6. Integrated Project Management:The synergy between communication tools and project management is transformative. Many platforms offer integration with project management software, allowing tasks, timelines, and milestones to be seamlessly linked to communication threads. This integration ensures that conversations remain contextually relevant, aligning discussions with project objectives. This cohesive approach enhances transparency, keeps everyone on the same page, and bolsters project accountability. 

7. Automated Workflows:Automation features within communication tools optimize routine processes. These tools can trigger automated responses, alerts, or notifications based on predefined conditions or triggers. Automated workflows streamline tasks like onboarding, data entry, and follow-up reminders. By reducing manual intervention, these tools accelerate processes, minimize errors, and free up employee time for more value-added tasks. 

8. Enhanced Customer Engagement: Communication tools extend their impact on customer engagement. Many platforms allow customer support teams to offer real-time assistance through live chat, providing immediate solutions to customer queries. This enhances customer satisfaction, minimizes response times, and fosters customer loyalty. By offering a direct channel of communication, businesses build stronger relationships and gather valuable feedback for continuous improvement. 

9. Secure Data Sharing:The right communication tool ensures secure data sharing, vital in safeguarding sensitive information. Encryption protocols and secure file-sharing capabilities protect confidential data during transmission.  
This security fosters trust among teams, customers, and partners, positioning the enterprise as a reliable custodian of data. A secure communication environment is essential in industries with strict compliance requirements, assuring stakeholders that their information is handled with utmost care. 

10. Seamless Integration:Modern communication tools integrate seamlessly with a plethora of other software applications, creating a cohesive ecosystem. Integration with email, CRM systems, project management software, and more streamlines information flow, reduces context switching, and eliminates manual data transfer. This integration ensures that communication and data are fluidly exchanged, fostering a holistic approach to work processes. 

11. Enhanced Employee Engagement:Communication tools foster employee engagement by providing platforms for open dialogue and feedback. Employee engagement features, such as surveys, polls, and discussion boards, empower employees to voice their opinions and share insights. This inclusive environment boosts morale encourages a sense of belonging and offers a mechanism for organizational improvement based on employee input. 

12. Scalability and Growth:As enterprises scale, communication tools offer scalable solutions that accommodate increased demand. Cloud-based platforms can accommodate growing teams, global expansions, and changing communication needs without significant infrastructural changes. Scalability ensures that communication remains consistent and efficient, irrespective of the organization’s size, enabling enterprises to pursue growth without limitations. 

13. Personalized Communication:A robust communication tool enables personalized communication that goes beyond generic messages. By segmenting audiences and tailoring messages to their specific needs, enterprises can enhance their engagement. Personalized communication fosters a deeper connection with customers, employees, and stakeholders, resulting in stronger relationships, increased loyalty, and improved business outcomes. 

14. Voice and Video Messaging:Beyond text-based communication, the inclusion of voice and video messaging adds a human touch to interactions. Voice messages convey emotion, while video messages allow for visual cues and facial expressions. These features bridge the gap between face-to-face and digital interactions, enhancing clarity, understanding, and rapport between team members, clients, and partners. 

15. Artificial Intelligence Integration:The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) enhances communication tools with features like chatbots and predictive analytics. Chatbots offer instant customer support, addressing common queries and freeing up human resources for more complex tasks.  
Predictive analytics utilize data to anticipate customer preferences and behaviors, enabling businesses to proactively tailor communication and offerings. 


    In the ever-evolving landscape of modern business operations, the strategic selection of an appropriate business communication tool emerges as an essential catalyst for driving enterprises toward elevated success. This exploration has unraveled a multitude of ways in which the right tool can reshape and optimize organizational interactions.  

    Through the seamless integration of real-time communication, collaborative workspaces, and secure data sharing, businesses foster an environment that transcends traditional boundaries and limitations. The integration of advanced features like virtual meetings, AI-driven insights, and personalized communication further fortifies the communication landscape.  

    As organizations embrace the power of these strategies, they set forth a trajectory of enhanced connectivity, streamlined operations, and strengthened relationships with stakeholders. This article has navigated the dimensions of forging success by meticulously choosing the right business communication tool, illuminating a path toward operational excellence and achieving remarkable outcomes across diverse industries. 

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    Is It Possible For An Ecommerce Website To Succeed Without Search Engine Optimization? Fri, 05 May 2023 08:43:58 +0000 Whether you don’t see the value of search engine optimization, or you don’t believe you have any chance of competing with the more established eCommerce websites in your industry, marketers will always swear by its immense importance. But is it really all that? And is it possible for an eCommerce website to succeed without search […]

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    Whether you don’t see the value of search engine optimization, or you don’t believe you have any chance of competing with the more established eCommerce websites in your industry, marketers will always swear by its immense importance. But is it really all that? And is it possible for an eCommerce website to succeed without search engine optimization? If you are still on the fence and unsure what to do, give this article a quick read and decide from there.

    Can an eCommerce website succeed without SEO?

    First of all, that largely depends on how you measure success. For example, if this is a bit of a side hustle for you and you would be more than happy selling a dozen or so products a month, covering your costs, and making a little profit, then you might just get away with it.

    However, the truth is, SEO is so much more than just ‘digital marketing’. It’s not just about increasing your brand awareness and online visibility, or driving more ‘ready to spend’ traffic through to your website; proper SEO practices are all about making sure that when that traffic does arrive on your website, it has the best possible chance at converting.

    Technical and on-page SEO = health, hygiene, and performance

    This is one of the most common misconceptions with SEO; many business owners believe that having a good looking website that functions well is enough. It’s not. SEO is designed to take standard websites and make them the best that they can be; to squeeze out every ounce of potential in terms of health, hygiene, performance – and indeed security.

    Without these website optimizations in place, the few people who do reach your website will be far less likely to convert. Take page load speed as one example:

    If your website hasn’t been properly optimised, the odds are that you’ll fall into the slow performance category, which puts you at an even greater disadvantage.

    Securing organic traffic will be practically impossible

    Without SEO, attracting organic traffic to your website will be incredibly difficult. Not only is the eCommerce industry already excruciatingly competitive, but with 71% of organic traffic going through the 1st page of Google (and numbers as high as 92% in recent years), if you aren’t doing any other form of marketing in order to attract customers, your website will be all but invisible.

    There are other ways to market your website

    Admittedly, there are many other ways of marketing your website – however, even if you decide to run some PPC advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, video marketing, and/or the many other digital marketing methods available today, SEO is and always will be the backbone. Without a well-optimised website, you’ll be fighting an already uphill battle with a bag of bricks tied to your waste.

    Alternatively, if you have a physical premises and you are thinking about investing in an online grocery store, you could perhaps trial some local SEO in Sydney for example; then, measure how many more customers you get through the doors over the coming months and see how things improve. This could give you the confidence you need to start investing in your online store’s long-term success.

    Conclusion: It’s no secret that the most successful eCommerce websites crush their SEO

    Rather than ask the question: “is it possible for an eCommerce website to succeed without SEO?”, the real question should be: “why would you want to try?”

    The fact is, eCommerce is an already saturated and incredibly competitive industry. Doing it without SEO is only going to make it even harder.

    That said, with a reputable SEO agency on your side, you can cut through the noise with a well-crafted strategy that is designed especially for you. That way, connecting with your audience and converting as many clicks into customers as possible can be your reality – as opposed to scraping by with the few people who happen to randomly chance upon your store instead.

    In conclusion, the answer is no. An eCommerce website without SEO is going nowhere. 

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    8 Essential Pieces of Advice For New Ecommerce Businesses Fri, 30 Dec 2022 19:22:08 +0000 Starting an ecommerce business can be incredibly rewarding and profitable. It is also a complex and challenging process that requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. To help you get started on the right foot, here are eight tips from the ecommerce marketing agency Common Thread Collective. Do Your Research  Before starting your ecommerce business, it’s […]

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    Starting an ecommerce business can be incredibly rewarding and profitable. It is also a complex and challenging process that requires careful planning, preparation, and execution. To help you get started on the right foot, here are eight tips from the ecommerce marketing agency Common Thread Collective.

    Do Your Research 

    Before starting your ecommerce business, it’s essential to research the market you’re looking to enter. Analyze the competition to see what they’re doing well and how you can differentiate yourself. Consider what products people are looking for and how you can supply them. Finally, research potential legal issues or regulations that may affect your business. 

    Create a Detailed Plan 

    Creating a detailed plan is essential before starting a business venture. This should include short-term goals, such as generating revenue, and long-term objectives, such as developing customer loyalty or expanding into new markets. 

    The plan should also outline who will be responsible for all aspects of the business, such as marketing, product development, and customer service. A plan will ensure everyone knows their role in making the business successful.

    Develop an Effective Website Design & User Experience 

    Your website design should be attractive yet straightforward so customers can easily navigate your store and purchase items without confusion or frustration. It should also provide relevant information about your products or services and contact information for customer service inquiries or returns/exchanges if necessary.

    Additionally, ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices so customers on their phones or tablets can easily access your store wherever they are. 

    Choose the Right Payment Processor

    Choosing the best payment processor for your ecommerce business can be a daunting task, as there are many options available with different features and fees associated with them. Research each option carefully to select one that meets all your needs while offering competitive rates. 

    Optimize Your Site For SEO & Increase Visibility Online 

    Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital to increase online visibility. It allows you to attract more visitors to your site who might eventually become paying customers. Make sure to optimize titles, tags, descriptions, content quality, use of keywords throughout the site copy, and more, all while following Google’s Webmaster Guidelines to avoid penalties by search engines like Google itself.

    Moreover, leverage social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook by creating engaging content to reach a broader audience base with minimal effort – which leads us straight to our next point!

    Utilize Social Media Platforms

    Social media has become invaluable for reaching out to target audiences quickly with minimal effort. Set your social media profiles with clear visuals representing your brand identity and creative content ideas to increase user engagement. This could lead to organic growth over time.

    Use Automation Tools Whenever Possible

    Automation tools can streamline many day-to-day operations, such as customer communications or order fulfillment, so you can focus on other aspects of growing your business without sacrificing quality or customer service levels. 

    Provide Quality Customer Service  

    Finally, don’t forget about customer service! Offering quality customer service is essential for keeping customers happy; not only does it increase loyalty among existing customers, but it can also attract new ones! 

    Make sure your team members are available during regular hours via phone or email. This way, anyone who has questions about orders can reach out quickly without waiting days or weeks for responses from staff members. 


    Starting an ecommerce business requires planning and hard work, but if done correctly, it can be rewarding both personally and financially. With these tips in mind from the ecommerce marketing agency Common Thread Collective, you should have no problem getting off on the right foot when launching your ecommerce store!

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    Tips for Success in Your Online Business Fri, 30 Dec 2022 19:21:38 +0000 An online business can be attractive to an entrepreneur for many reasons. Startup costs can be low. You don’t necessarily need an office space or inventory. In many cases, it’s a venture you can begin while still working at your day job, and of course, it’s something you can do from anywhere that you have […]

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    An online business can be attractive to an entrepreneur for many reasons. Startup costs can be low. You don’t necessarily need an office space or inventory. In many cases, it’s a venture you can begin while still working at your day job, and of course, it’s something you can do from anywhere that you have an internet connection. However, it’s important that you don’t assume that these advantages mean running an online business is going to be easy or without pitfalls. The tips below can help you succeed.

    Get Your Finances in Order

    Organizing your finances is important because it helps you better understand how much you will need to earn, at minimum, in order to support yourself with your online business. It’s also important because it can help you free up cash to put toward your business. It’s a mistake to assume that there are no costs associated with running a business online. In addition to things such as a domain and website, you may need to spend money on marketing, software, equipment, and more. 

    Creating a budget can help you figure out where you can cut back on your spending so you’ll have more money for your business. One way to potentially do this is by refinancing student loans. If you refinance them, you may be able to make lower monthly payments. Other places where you may be able to save money include spending on food, entertainment, and other leisure items.

    Understand It’s a Real Business

    Your friends and family might not treat your venture as a real business because it’s online. You might be tempted to agree with them, but that would be a mistake. You need to approach your online venture as you would any brick-and-mortar endeavor. That means starting with a few things that will increase the likelihood of your success. 

    First, you need to ask yourself what problem you are solving with the product or service that you are offering. Next, you should consider writing even a short and informal business plan since this can help you refine your ideas and set expectations. Finally, you need to set aside a certain amount of time each week to work on the business. Even if you’re setting up something that you hope will eventually bring in a passive income, in the early days, it probably needs some attention from you in terms of marketing, tracking sales, and other activities.

    Know Your Competition

    An important thing to ask yourself when you are still in the planning stages is how you will set yourself apart from your competition, those that offer products or services that are similar to your own. This could mean offering better quality products or services, better prices, better customer service, or something extra that is simply lacking in your current competitors, among other ideas. Keep in mind as well that it’s not enough to simply be different from the competition; you also have to figure out to let your potential customer base know about that difference so that they will give you a try. You might want to offer promotions, special deals, and low-risk opportunities to try your products or services in order to entice more customers.

    Online-Specific Concerns

    There are several issues you need to be particularly mindful about when you’re running a business online. First, you need a great website since that’s your storefront. It should be easy for users to navigate around your site whatever device they are using, particularly on mobile since this is increasingly how people get online these days. If your site includes an actual store, you need to make sure that it works properly. Reliable access to strong enough internet to perform any necessary actions is also critical. You also need to make sure you have good security to protect the data of your customers. 

    A good digital marketing plan can help you reach more customers and track their behaviors, including giving you a better understanding of what works best in driving them to your site and getting them to purchase your goods or services. You’ll need to either understand SEO strategies or work with someone who does. Understanding how to use social media effectively is another important quality. You don’t have to be active everywhere and you can choose to hone in on just a handful of platforms where your audience is active, but you do need to be able to use them successfully. If you can’t, you may want to hire someone to manage your social media for a few hours per week.

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    Guide on how to choose the best AdWords Management Agency Wed, 21 Dec 2022 18:11:51 +0000 Are you looking for an AdWords management agency? Not sure how to choose the best one? This guide will help you select the right agency for your needs.  Just like any other type of business, there are good and bad agencies out there. You need to be able to identify the characteristics of a good […]

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    Are you looking for an AdWords management agency? Not sure how to choose the best one? This guide will help you select the right agency for your needs.  Just like any other type of business, there are good and bad agencies out there. You need to be able to identify the characteristics of a good agency in order to make the best choice. Keep reading to learn more!

    When it comes to successful online advertising, the right AdWords Management Agency can make all the difference. Do your research to gain an understanding of what each agency is offering and which services are within your budget. Check out credentials, customer reviews, and industry awards so that you have a feel for an agency’s experience before making a commitment. 

    Make sure to ask whether they provide continuous improvement and optimization of campaigns on an ongoing basis – this is an essential component of any successful Ad-Words strategy. 

    The most important thing to consider when selecting an agency is trust and comfort; if you get a good rapport with the representative it’s likely that you can look forward to a long relationship and better ROI from your AdWords investments.

    1. Do your research – read reviews, compare prices, and look at portfolios

    Before you make any big purchases or decisions, it pays to do your research. Read reviews of the product or service being offered to get an idea of how others have found success using it. Compare prices from different providers in order to get the most out of your budget. Finally, look at portfolios to see if a provider’s experience and track record match up with what you’re looking for. Doing these three simple steps can help make sure you make the most informed decision possible, increasing your chances of success in the long run.

    1. Find out what kind of support the agency offers – 24/7, live chat, etc.

    Learning more about the type of support an agency has to offer can be a great way to decide if they are right for you. Do their customer service staff answer emails quickly? Is their phone line staffed 24/7 by knowledgeable professionals? Do they provide comprehensive support with tutorials and live chatting services? Checking out what kind of support structures they have in place could save you time, energy, and frustration down the road. Take your time and do your research – this will help you get the best possible experience with any agency!

    1. Ask about pricing and discounts – some agencies offer package deals

    It is always a good idea to shop around and compare prices when looking for a new agency. Ask potential agencies what discounts they offer and explore any package deals that may be available. Discounts are usually based on terms, such as signing up for a longer contract or multiple services with the same agency. Gather estimates from various providers to ensure that you receive quality services at the best price point. You may find that even if an agency does not advertise their discounts, they still have something special in store for you if you just ask!

    1. Set up a consultation to see if you feel comfortable working with the agency

    When looking for the right AdWords management service provider to work with, it is important to conduct a consultation. This will give you an opportunity to evaluate if the agency and its services are a good fit for your needs. During the consultation, be prepared to ask questions about their experience, processes, approaches, and results from past projects. It is also important to inquire about how they track progress on projects they take on. Gathering the right information during the consultation will give you the confidence that you feel comfortable working with your chosen agency prior to making any binding commitments.

    These are just a few things to keep in mind when you’re looking for an AdWords agency. Do your research, compare prices, and make sure the agency has experience managing AdWords campaigns. Find out what kind of support the agency offers and get a list of references from the agency to contact. Ask about pricing and discounts – some agencies offer package deals. Set up a consultation to see if you feel comfortable working with the agency.

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    SEO or paid ads – what is more important for your Etsy success? Thu, 24 Nov 2022 14:20:18 +0000 Introduction In business, like in life, a certain goal can be achieved in many different ways. The same holds true for your success with Etsy. There are various strategies you can employ to get your brand recognized and make big sales. Some of them take more time, but require modest financial resources. Others demand a […]

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    In business, like in life, a certain goal can be achieved in many different ways. The same holds true for your success with Etsy. There are various strategies you can employ to get your brand recognized and make big sales. Some of them take more time, but require modest financial resources. Others demand a more significant investment of funds, but yield faster results in return. There are approaches that can be used independently, as well as such that are more effective when used as part of a combined solution.

    SEO and Etsy ads are two ways to have your listings ranked higher in search engine results. But how do you decide which method to lean on predominantly? Unfortunately, there is no single answer to the question “What is more important for your Etsy success — SEO or paid ads?” To identify the correct answer for your business, you have to be familiar with the specificities of both methods and with their efficacy under different conditions.

    Can we rely on Etsy ads without SEO?

    Etsy ads are only effective if you have good optimization. In other words, if you decide to invest funds in improving the visibility of your Etsy listings, you must ensure that you have done well with their optimization.

    If you invest in ads without having optimized your titles and tags, you’re basically pouring money down the drain. And the reason for this is simple: without the appropriate keywords, the algorithm of the platform cannot identify your target market. Thus, your listings won’t reach any prospective customers, but will instead be featured in the results of irrelevant searches.

    Imagine you’re selling women’s silk blouses. If this keyphrase is not present in the title of your listing, Etsy will have no reason to show it to clients looking for this product, no matter how big your advertising budget is. Instead, the item will appear in the search results for completely different products. And you can be certain that no one will open a women’s blouse listing when they’re looking for a rattan stool, for instance. Even if someone opens the listing — attracted by the image, let’s say — the probability of them actually buying the item is extremely low. At the end of the day, your conversion rate will fall, and you will lose money.

    The best way to identify relevant keywords is to use a tool like Koalanda. It can save you tons of time when you are doing your Etsy keyword research. You can also follow the advice in this blog post to improve your SEO.

    Is there a difference between SEO for listings with and without Etsy ads?

    There are certain factors to take into account when it comes to the optimization of titles and tags for listings you plan to advertise.

    A common strategy of newly established shops is to rely on broad and diverse keyphrases. The idea is to make a specific product appear in the results of as many searches as possible.

    However, when you’re paying for every single click on your listing, you wouldn’t really want it to attract people who are not looking for this particular product and are thus unlikely to buy it. Therefore, when you are planning on launching an advertising campaign, it’s better to only use keywords that are specific, characteristic, and descriptive of the respective item. Make sure to remove any general, non-specific tags that could take you listing to the wrong target audience.

    When should I also use Etsy ads?

    While optimization is a necessary requirement for getting your products to reach buyers on Etsy, ads are not. Even if you don’t use ads, quality listings (those with well-selected keyphrases, informative descriptions, nice images, appropriate prices, and good conversion rate) will sooner or later get to your target audience.

    However, it could in fact take several weeks, or even months, to “teach” the Etsy algorithm to start showing your listings to users searching precisely for what you have to offer. This is why many experts advise newly founded virtual shops to gain some traction through an advertising campaign. In this case, promoted listings are ranked higher in search results even when they don’t have a strong conversion rate.

    Consider this as an investment, even if it doesn’t lead to sales and profit. The ads will make your brand more recognizable, more consumers will see and add your products to “Favorites,” and any potential sales will generate valuable feedback. In this way, the ranking of your listings will improve and stay better even after the end of the campaign.

    How many listings should I advertise?

    Make sure to optimize all your listings, so that they rank well. Regardless of whether you decide to resort to Etsy ads, you cannot afford to skip the SEO part.

    On the other hand, there is no need to advertise all your products. Depending on the terms and goals of your campaign, you can choose whether to promote 1-2 or all the products.

    However, be careful not to end up overwhelmed by the large number of orders that an ad campaign can generate. Consider preparing some of your products in advance in order to be able to meet the stated deadlines for processing and shipping. Alternatively, you can extend those deadlines prior to releasing the ads, which will help you ensure that you will meet your clients’ expectations.

    SEO and Etsy ads

    So, it’s not about choosing between SEO and Etsy ads, it’s about identifying the situations where it would be beneficial to use both.

    When you are making this assessment, it’s important to take certain factors into consideration.

    The lifecycle of the shop/listings

    While optimization is essential for all shops and products, advertising is an adequate (but not obligatory) approach for both new and established shops.

    Some experts recommend avoiding using ads during the first 6 months in order to get an idea of the organic traffic generated by your chosen keywords. Others would advise you to launch an advertising campaign as soon as you set up shop.

    In the end, it’s important to bear in mind that under equal conditions, the algorithm will always prioritize optimized listings with a sales history, positive reviews and more viewings (i.e., better ranking) over listings that “don’t have a history yet”.

    Level of competition in the particular niche

    Paid ads can be an effective additional tactic when the keywords for your titles and tags are highly competitive.

    For instance, if you’re using the keyphrase “women’s silk blouse” in your title and there are another 100,000 listings optimized for that same keyphrase, the chance of getting your listing on the top page of the search results is relatively low. If you pay for ads, however, and if your listings are optimized, you may tip the scales in your favor.

    The price of the product

    Don’t forget that ads are an expense that reduces the profit margin. You should use them sparingly.

    If the cost-per-click stays the same, the following rule applies: the lower the price of the product, the greater the added expense for advertising, seen as a percentage of that price (therefore, the lower the profit margin). Conversely — a higher price of your product would lead to a lesser impact of advertising on your financial result.

    Therefore, advertising low-priced items (such as digital products, for instance) is a risky move.

    Getting faster results from tests on your Etsy shop

    Whenever you experiment (e.g., change titles and tags, prices, images, descriptions, etc.), it takes some time to gather enough data to analyze the effect of the applied modifications. Ads are a way to curtail the waiting period, as your listings will be shown to more customers within a shorter time span. In this way, you will accumulate the necessary information more quickly.

    Your financial situation

    Even if slowly, good SEO will definitely work in your favor. Therefore, if you don’t have funds for advertising, it’s better to focus your energy and efforts on optimizing the listings in your shop.

    Can Etsy ads do you harm?

    The purpose of Etsy ads is to help you reach out to more prospective clients, which would in turn lead to a higher number of sales. Everyone would probably tell you that the more traffic your shop or specific products get, the better. And that is true to a great extent.

    However, there are moments when advertising could have negative effects and should better be left off. If the listing reaches a high number of customers, the majority of which view it without buying, the conversion rate drops. That’s why it’s recommended to stop the advertising if your ads conversion rate is too low.


    What is equally valid for SEO and Etsy ads is that you have to analyze the results of both on a regular basis. You should be ready to make changes when the statistics and financial results reflect the need for it.

    However, don’t be too quick to make conclusions. It is advisable to let an advertising campaign run for about 30 days before you evaluate its impact. That said, if your financial resources are tight, or if you see that something is wrong from the outset, don’t be afraid to suspend the ads and reflect on possible improvements. And don’t stop experimenting until you find your ideal balance when it comes to Etsy ads.

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    Demand Predictions with Different Data Analytical Approaches Thu, 24 Nov 2022 14:19:40 +0000 Demand forecasting is the process of anticipating the demand for a product or a service. It helps businesses produce and deliver more efficiently and cater to the needs of their customers. In the supply chain planning of a business, demand forecasting is considered a vital step. It is referred to as a field of anticipatory […]

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    Demand forecasting is the process of anticipating the demand for a product or a service. It helps businesses produce and deliver more efficiently and cater to the needs of their customers. In the supply chain planning of a business, demand forecasting is considered a vital step. It is referred to as a field of anticipatory data analytics that tries to get insight and anticipate customer demands. Based on the predictions, there is an optimization of supply decisions made by business management and supply chain operations.

    Types of demand forecasting

    There are numerous types of demand predictive analysis.


    This demand forecast is carried out for a shorter period, ranging from three to twelve months. This type of forecasting is based on the seasonal pattern of demand, and effective strategic decisions on customer needs and requests are considered.

    Medium to long-term

    Medium to long-term demand forecasting is conducted for 12 months to 24 months and 36 months to 48 months in certain business cases. Long-term data predictive analysis facilitates sales and marketing planning, financial planning, business strategy planning, capital expenses, and capacity planning.

    External macro-level

    It is a type of demand forecasting that involves extensive market movement and relies on the macroeconomic environment. External data demand forecasting is conveyed for assessing the tactical goals of a business, which include expansion of the product portfolio, risk mitigation tactics, technological challenges, entering new customer categories, changing consumer behavior, and so on.

    Internal business level

    The anticipation process that involves the internal operations of businesses is referred to as “internal business-level demand forecasting.” It includes the financial category, product category, sales division, manufacturing team, etc. The interior company also has a yearly sales forecast, cash flow, net profit margin, COGS anticipation, etc.

    Passive and active forecasting

    Passive demand forecasting is conducted for stable business enterprises with a traditional growth plan. Simple calculations of historical data are implemented with the minor assumption approach. On the other hand, active demand forecasting is executed for branching out and estimating a business with a fast-paced growth plan concerning growth in the product portfolio, marketing activities, external economic ambiance, and activities of competitors.

    Importance of forecasting in data analysis

    Forecasting in data analytics and data science is a unique technique that can be utilized to anticipate the future by determining different data sets. Businesses from other sectors use demand forecasting to predict any future event or trend, helping define the future demands of business products and services.

    When strategic decisions are made in a business, it is necessary to select a suitable forecasting method that fits the demands of the current industry. Demand forecasting can help analyze historical and analytical data and produce the most precise anticipations or predictions.


    Demand forecasting is key to different business processes around which the operational and strategic plans of a business are conceived. Based on demand forecasting, long-term strategic plans for a business are devised. Factors like capacity planning, risk evaluation, risk mitigation, sales, marketing, financial planning, and others can be efficiently formulated thanks to demand predictions.

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    Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) For eCommerce: How To Get Started Wed, 19 Oct 2022 21:07:17 +0000 Most digital businesses have a primary mission: converting visitors into paying customers. Conversion rate is an important performance indicator for every brand, as it measures how quickly potential customers become paying customers. If you’re looking for growth, but aren’t seeing it just yet, conversion rate optimization (CRO) could be the answer. This is true whether […]

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    Most digital businesses have a primary mission: converting visitors into paying customers. Conversion rate is an important performance indicator for every brand, as it measures how quickly potential customers become paying customers. If you’re looking for growth, but aren’t seeing it just yet, conversion rate optimization (CRO) could be the answer. This is true whether your store’s homepage isn’t converting or if it’s failing to meet your expectations.

    Understanding eCommerce Conversion Rate

    When talking about eCommerce, the term ‘conversion’ typically refers to the fulfillment of a purchase made through your online shop’s website.

    eCommerce conversion rate refers to the percentage of site visitors who make a purchase. To get an accurate starting point with eCommerce CRO, know how to calculate the conversion rate first. A more precise formula can be used for this: conversion rate = (conversions/ total visitors) * 100%

    So, if you get 1,000 people to visit your online store, but only 50 of them end up buying something, your conversion rate is 5% (50/1,000).

    It may be called the ‘transaction rate’ or the ‘order rate’ in some analytics programs, but they’re the same in meaning.

    Conversion rates are affected by a number of different aspects, but one of the most important is the understanding that customers have of your products.

    When looking through your products online, customers can’t physically touch, feel, or check your items. Your chances of generating sales will improve proportionately by educating potential customers on the essential qualities and advantages of the products you sell.

    9 Ways To Get Started With eCommerce CRO

    Now that you have knowledge about CRO, it’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice by building and improving conversion strategies. Follow these steps to get started:

    1. Analyze Conversion Funnels

    How do visitors get where they need to go on your site in order to make a purchase? Where do their journeys lead them? 

    Analyzing the customer’s journey through the conversion funnel is the first step in optimizing the conversion rate. You may learn how many people visit your site and go on to take some sort of action, like exploring a product and adding it to their cart, by analyzing traffic patterns. It’s also important to learn why visitors are leaving your site and which specific page elements are causing this. The data provided here will allow you to make educated choices about your CRO.

    1. Have Powerful Calls-To-Action (CTAs). Calls-to-action in online stores are essential to achieving the primary goal of any online marketer, which is to boost conversion. Everything you put into your online store—from the layout to the user experience to the advertising—will be for nothing if you don’t have a clear and obvious CTA to encourage purchases.

    Once the visitor completes the desired action (in this case, making a purchase), the CTA is successful. Many different CTAs are used by modern marketers.

    Remember that size, color, clarity, and placement are all important factors for crafting effective calls-to-action.

    1. Provide Simple Navigation. Keeping the homepage’s design as simple as possible is essential. It’s important not to flood visitors with too much clutter, both in the form of text and visuals. Instead, stick to the brand’s intended tone and message by using a clean, attractive design.

    If you aren’t sure what to highlight, it’s usually preferable to choose either your bestselling or most successful products or categories, like new arrivals or current promotions.

    1. Increase The Speed Of Your Website. Page speed has a significant impact on user satisfaction. Longer load times can reduce conversion rates. You may consult with an expert to audit the current speed of your site and offer advice on how to improve it.
    2. Leverage Customer Testimonials. In order to have confidence in a product’s suitability and make an educated buying decision, users must have access to reviews written by other customers. The majority of customers refer to reviews for guidance when deciding whether or not to purchase. They’re particularly interested in two aspects of reviews: the average rating and the quantity of ratings used to calculate the average. Make sure that you display both of them for each product.
    3. Use High-Quality Product Images. The disadvantage of online buying is that you can’t touch or try on the items before you buy them. In order to provide the buyer with a clear idea of what they’re getting, it’s ideal to display high-quality images or videos. Product pages that feature high-quality images and videos are more likely to result in a sale because they enable customers to picture themselves more easily using the items offered.
    4. Make Your Site Mobile Responsive.  It’s not enough to simply build a responsive site; you must also guarantee that it displays perfectly across a variety of screen sizes, including desktop, mobile, and tablet. A mobile-responsive website is one that’s intended to provide a good user experience across a variety of devices without compromising design. The design and functionality of mobile devices is always evolving, so even if you get it now, your mobile-friendly website might not be sufficient in the future. You should be good as long as you keep testing, keep adjusting when necessary, and keep your mobile users in mind.
    5. Know Your Customers. One core concept you can always advocate for is getting to know your consumers and clients. They’re the key players, the source of the data you need to advance. Keep their needs in mind at all times, find out as much as you can about their needs and questions, and then provide solutions that’ll help them in any way.
    6. Track Strategies With A/B Testing. When trying to increase your website’s conversion rate, A/B testing new features is essential. After you’ve figured out what needs fixing, you can use CRO testing tools to see how various solutions stack up against one another. Using this method, it’ll be less of a hassle to determine which strategies are more successful in terms of conversion.


    It takes a lot of work to create a great online shopping business that has a high conversion rate. However, one of the most essential aspects to focus on is simplifying the complexities of your products. The eCommerce conversion rate optimization strategies that have been discussed in this article should ensure that your customers will have no trouble understanding your items, how they work, and why they should buy them.

    After everything is said and done, you’ll be able to make the most of your leads and take your sales to the next level.

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    What Is Composable Commerce Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:23:49 +0000 Composable commerce is a type of e-commerce that allows users to easily create their own unique products by combining different elements into a single product. This type of commerce is often used in the fashion and home décor industries, as it allows customers to mix and match different styles to create a product that is […]

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    Composable commerce is a type of e-commerce that allows users to easily create their own unique products by combining different elements into a single product. This type of commerce is often used in the fashion and home décor industries, as it allows customers to mix and match different styles to create a product that is perfect for them.

    Composable commerce is a great way for businesses to encourage customers to be creative and experiment with different combinations of products. This type of commerce can also be used to upsell customers on higher-priced items, as they are more likely to purchase items that they have personally created. Click here to know more about the technology.

    How does composable commerce work?

    Composable commerce is a type of e-commerce that allows users to easily create and manage their online stores. It is based on the idea of modularity, which means that users can add or remove features and functionality as needed. This makes it very flexible and easy to use.

    Some of the most popular composable commerce platforms include Shopify, BigCommerce, and Magento. These platforms provide users with everything they need to create an online store, including templates, hosting, and payment processing.

    How can composable commerce be used to create unique customer experiences?

    Composable commerce is a new way of thinking about e-commerce that emphasizes the need for businesses to offer unique, customized experiences to their customers. In a composable commerce environment, businesses are able to quickly and easily assemble the right mix of products, services, and content to meet the specific needs of each individual customer. This approach allows businesses to create unique customer experiences that are tailored to the individual, rather than offering a one-size-fits-all approach.

    There are a few key things that businesses need to keep in mind when using composable commerce to create unique customer experiences. First, they need to have a clear understanding of their customers and what they want. Second, they need to be able to quickly and easily assemble the right mix of products, services, and content to meet those needs. And third, they need to make sure that their customer experiences are consistent across all channels.

    By keeping these things in mind, businesses will be well on their way to creating unique customer experiences that will help them stand out from the competition.

    The future of composable commerce

    There’s no doubt that the future of commerce is composable. By that, we mean that the various elements of commerce will become increasingly modular and interchangeable. This will allow businesses to mix and match different components to create unique customer experiences. 

    One of the key benefits of composable commerce is that it will be much easier to customize the shopping experience for each individual customer. In the past, businesses have had to choose between offering a one-size-fits-all experience or creating a completely custom experience for each customer, which can be very costly and time-consuming. 

    With composable commerce, businesses will be able to easily select the best components for each customer and put them all together to create a unique, personalized experience. This will result in happier customers and more sales for businesses.

    Composable commerce is a new way of thinking about e-commerce, one that emphasizes modularity and flexibility.

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