4 Ways to Revive Your Brand


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Is your brand…dead? If you’re wondering whether you can you breathe new life into it, then the answer is YES. Of course, this doesn’t mean you can expect miracles to happen, but you can do everything in your power to revive your brand.

But, it should be noted that it is often a major undertaking that will require you spending more than a few bucks on rebranding. Nonetheless, it will most likely be worth it. Here are a few ways you can revive your brand for an accurate reflection of what your business represents.

1. Design a New Logo

Many startups and new businesses opt for a cheap logo that doesn’t really tell a story. The truth is, the logo is one of the first things a potential client sees. A cheap-looking logo may give out the wrong impression that your company doesn’t provide quality services or products.

The first thing you need to do is improve your logo – tweak it so it showcases exactly what your brand stands for and where it’s going. Sports franchises, for example, rebrand their logo about once per decade. They usually keep the colors but tweak the logo for the better.

2. Rebrand the Uniforms

A uniform is very important to your brand because it’s one of the first things customers see. Your employees will be face to face with customers. The way they’re dressed, the quality of the materials, and the elements of design on the uniform all affect how the customer perceives your services and products.

It is vital to put a lot of thought into the design and make sure it not only looks good but also enhances functionality and comfort. Choose the colors wisely, as dark or bold colors may not be the best options for you. Furthermore, the quality of the print or embroidery counts a lot as well. You may want to get your uniforms embroidered by a company like St. CroiX10.

3. Establish a Strong Online Presence

One of the best ways to revive your brand is to bring in new customers to drive sales. And this is where digital marketing comes in. Pretty much all aspects of life have been moved online, and this is where you want to be as well. Traditional marketing just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Create social media profiles on all major social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others. Amaze your audience with killer content shared constantly. There are endless possibilities when it comes to digital marketing and what it can do for your brand.

4. Think Today

One of the reasons why even strong businesses end up dying or getting lost in a sea of competitors is because they’re not moving forward. Don’t let nostalgia for the old days get in the way of how you do business for today’s market. Look at where the industry is heading now, look at what’s trending and what your successful competitors are doing. It’s time to modernize your brand and respond to contemporary needs.

Reviving a brand is often a complex and difficult process than consumes both time and money. It involves coming up with business and marketing strategies that may be beyond your understanding, which is why you mustn’t be afraid to hire consultants to help you. Nonetheless, rebranding is achievable and it can allow your company to reach a whole new level of success.