3 Essential Criteria That Make For Engaging Marketing Videos


When you’re creating marketing videos, the name of the game is engagement. In simple terms engaging videos are videos that manage to retain their audience, and convince them to react to the video by commenting, liking, sharing, or performing some other action. Needless to say that is precisely what you want out of your marketing videos – which is why engagement is so important.

Creating engaging marketing videos can be challenging, but to get off on the right foot there are 3 essential criteria that your video must meet:

  • Focused on a single message

Although it can be tempting to try to cram in multiple messages into a single video, that will ruin its engagement. Every video that you create should be focused on a single message and its delivery – nothing more, nothing less.

  • Not too long

Today bite-sized content is the rage, and for good reason. The longer a video’s duration, the more likely your audience will click away and leave. As such in order to retain your audience and increase engagement levels, you should ensure that your videos aren’t too long and are about a minute in duration at most.

  • Emotionally charged

To drive engagement, your videos need to provoke some sort of emotional reaction. When a video is able to touch people’s emotions they are more likely to react to it, which is why it is at the core of engaging videos. The more intense the emotional reaction, the more engaging your video is likely to be – so try to aim high.

If you can hit these three criteria, you will find that your marketing videos are able to engage more viewers than before. Of course it is still important that you focus on their other aspects as well, and produce high quality, entertaining, and interesting content that viewers are more likely to respond to.

Assuming you were considering using a screen recorder to capture video footage and create marketing videos, you may want to look into Movavi’s line of options. It has a range of specialized apps that will provide you with varied features, and all you need to do is find the one can help you create the marketing videos that you want.

In particular you may want to look at Movavi Screen Capture Studio due to the fact that it has its own built-in editor alongside its screen recording features. Alternatively you could try the Movavi’s business line in the form of Movavi Video Editor Business that has an expanded range of features for creating professional-looking videos.

Make no mistake there are other options that may help as well, such as Movavi Game Recorder that will let you record in-game footage, or Movavi Screen Capture Pro that has several interesting features for businesses such as a screenshot editor. At the end of the day with so many choices, you should definitely be able to find the perfect screen recorder and create amazing and highly engaging marketing videos.