Making Over Your Legal Company’s Online Image

brand marketing

If you own a legal company or are responsible for its marketing, then you know how important advertisements are. However, after a few years, it’s easy to get stuck using the same promotional materials. Follow these tips to reconsider your marketing strategy and give your business an improved shot at success.

Update Your Brand

In the early days of a company, it’s tempting to pick the first slogan that comes to mind and to use free clip art for your logo. It’s never to late to update your brand, though. Call a meeting of the most important employees and investors to discuss your mission statement. It should give your customers a good idea of what you do and what you value, and if it doesn’t, reword it or start from scratch. Then, condense the meaning of your mission statement into a very short slogan. Hire a graphic designer to make a new logo for your company based on the ideas conveyed in your mission statement. Use these tools to personalize and update your promotional materials.

Run Advertisements on Search Engine Pages

Once you have updated your brand, it’s time to use it in some new advertisements. Don’t just use the old methods of advertising, such as fliers, commercials and newspaper promotions. Consider using new forms of advertisements, such as legal PPC company ads, which are placed on search engine results pages. PPC stands for pay per click, which means that every time a potential customer clicks on your ad, you must pay the host company a set fee. While this may seem like an expensive strategy, it is actually highly effective. When customers search for relevant terms, such as legal help or lawyers, your company’s advertisement will appear at the bottom or top of the page, where clients are most likely to see it.

Revitalize Your Website

All of your PPC ads should link to your website, which probably needs some serious attention. Thanks to the availability of affordable web design services, there’s no excuse for a sloppy website. Not only do poorly constructed sites look unprofessional, but your potential clients may think that your business is a scam if your site does not look legitimate. Use your new logo and mission statement to give your website a new feel and organize all of your content into sensical sections. Include information on how to contact your company, such as your office’s phone number, a customer service representative’s email address or a chatbox. While you shouldn’t change the look of your website too often, don’t forget to update it when information changes or when you have new photographs to share.

Engage With Your Customers on Social Media

People often do not plan their social media content as carefully as they do other parts of their marketing campaigns because they think that social media is easy to operate. While most platforms are not difficult to use, it takes a certain amount of skill to effectively connect with your customers over these networking tools. If you’re new to social media, choose just two or three of the major sites to begin with, such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Upload a profile picture of your logo or another image that represents your company, and make sure to add new content several times a week. Don’t burden your followers with pointless information; take the time to craft quality posts that invite participation from your clients and actually help them.

Marketing strategies constantly change in the digital age, and if you don’t keep up, people will not learn about your business. Follow these steps to keep your promotions timely and increase your business’s relevance.