Contradictory Business Practices That Work Against Not for Their Interests


Businesses usually have a corporate image they project to the outside world with qualifying statements to boot. However, some companies do not always abide by the image they project out there. Many companies contradict themselves in practice, exposing themselves to reputational risk when such falsehoods come into the limelight.  

Contradictory practices are prevalent in some organizations and impact them in several ways. One of the adverse effects of not living up to the organization’s intentions is disenfranchising the business. There lacks a unity of purpose between the leadership and the employees in the company, and it is only a matter of time before customers detect the anomaly and boycott services/products.  

NYC is home to headquarters offices of 54 Fortune 500 companies. The competition in the business world in the city is stiff, and companies cannot afford unprogressive practices. The contradictory business practices that work against companies include the following:

Being Innovative

When a company claims to be innovative, the expectation is that there is autonomy amongst teams when working, an environment of trust, and a strategy that supports & resources new initiatives. Many companies nowadays talk about innovation, but not many do much in the field. An assessment of the business environment shows that most of the attributes of an innovative company are lacking. 

Innovation is critical because it prepares the company for the future and stays relevant to its customers. The world is changing fast, and many sectors experience disruption, rendering business practices irrelevant. Innovation prepares companies for such interruptions by promoting dynamism.  

Innovativeness is not a practice you can fake for long without the public noticing. Some employees join organizations because of the supposedly innovative initiatives they embrace, only to discover that it is a farce. The employees immediately disconnect from their work and become unproductive. 

Value Vs. Cost

Businesses often talk about cost efficiency and value, but not many will offer that. Adopting a value-based strategy means companies have their customers at the heart of all costing and product pricing decisions. Decision-making focuses on the perceived value to the target market and centers around customer priorities. 

The company evaluates the cost-effectiveness undertakings and will innovate to ensure a balanced interest between the organization and the customer needs. Embracing value and cost means the company has to put in extra effort and resources to achieve its end goal. The investment pays off in the long run because it ensures sustainability by winning customer loyalty.

Not many companies are willing to make such sacrifices but want to be associated with espousing value-based strategies. However, the organizations do not get away with the contradictory business practice because they eventually become unprofitable due to high customer attrition. A competitor or a new market entrant with value offers soon topples the organization.


Businesses need a transformation from time to time to adapt to the external environment. There are many kinds of transformation, for example, digital, structural, process, etc. Sometimes the change is a combination of many aspects. Transforming means letting go of the status quo, which is not always easy for many organizations. The enterprises would instead claim they are transformative than change. 

Like many organizations worldwide, the ones in NYC struggle with transformation processes. The initiatives require time and resource investments that many businesses are unwilling to give up. However, to grow in your sector, change is inevitable. Many professionals offer support services to organizations ready to adapt to change. 

For example, if you require web design services in NYC that transform how you project your image to the public, service providers are easily accessible. You need not fret about not having an adequate capacity for seeing your organization through a change process.   

People are the Main Source 

Almost all organizations have a people focus in their mission statements, core values, ethos, and other affirmations they project to the public. However, a closer look at the organizations confirms that they do not live by the statements in totality. 

Every company likes to uphold that their people are the center of their focus because the contrary would be unacceptable in society. In many companies, employee interests are not the focal point. The businesses do not invest enough in staff by providing career development or growth opportunities. The result of the neglect is that with time, the employees become demotivated, and word gets around that the company contradicts the values it champions in practice. 

The falsehood in the company results in unproductivity amongst employees and a tainted public image. Having high demands on employees and not investing enough in them is an unsustainable business practice that can only result in poor outcomes.   

Avoid Contradictory Practices and Thrive 

No company has survived in the long term through falsehoods. Attempting to deceive the public by pretending to have non-existent values or practices may provide you with immediate gratification. However, it is only a matter of time before the wall crumbles when people debunk the untruths. 

Your best bet is to select a practice you know you can speak about & live it. You adopt more as you grow your business. The company becomes sustainable and earns public trust, hence loyalty with customers.