How To Leverage Social Media Marketing to Increase ROI


How can you tell if your social media strategy is working? The metrics show all the details you need to know if there will be a potential ROI or if you should change strategies. Do you know how to study your KPI’s? These indices show the effectiveness of your social media campaigns. Knowing these values can help you focus on your strengths to increase potential ROI.

I can give you so many reasons why you should monitor your social media campaign metrics. If I can find so many reasons, you know it has to be worth the effort. From a realistic perspective, you can use the following questions as a guide to know the most crucial metric that should be your focus.

Are you convinced that your social media campaign is engaging your audience?

Are you propagating your content to the right audience?

How can you rate the level of customer engagement with your services?

What is the customer conversion rate?

Now let us have a look at some areas that you need to monitor if you must get value from your social media campaign regarding ROI.

Customer Engagement

Considering the fact that many people manage their social media accounts for many years, it can be said that business relationships formed between brands and followers on social media is a long-term relationship. Over the years, this relationship will be developed by ensuring that the changing demands of the customers are met satisfactorily. Keeping your social media audience engaged is the easiest way to grow your followers, and you need many of them who could potentially become loyal customers and brand ambassadors. It is easy to access social media engagement in real-time, I have broken down some of these aspects below:

  • To track customer engagement on social media, you should monitor the following
  • How many clicks per content? Is your audience clicking on the content or links you have posted on social media? Clicks equal the number of views your page is getting which is very important. To attract more clicks, use catchy headers, and attractive images or short video clips.
  • Are you recording many ‘likes?’ you can determine the reach of your content on social media by the number of likes you get for each post. Likes mean people have viewed your content and like what they have seen or read.
  • Is your audience sharing your posts with their friends and followers? Sharing content means it has had a positive impact on the viewers and they feel the need to share with others so more people can benefit from the value you are sending out to the public. More shares mean you are doing something right and it should be continued. Consider using of social media management services.

Mentions on social media mean your brand or content is quoted in discussions or other related posts on social media. This is another metric that should be closely watched because you need to know if the awareness is spreading or people are unhappy with your brand.

How extensive is your reach online?

One of the major goals of online marketing is to reach more people online. How can you achieve this? Assessing this metric can be done by checking the number of impressions for your marketing content. Impressions mean how many times it was featured to the audience or clicked. You can determine how far your posts are going online.

A close analysis of your reach online can also help you determine the estimated size of your market. This is only an estimate because the metric cannot reveal the actual figures. But you can have an idea of how many people are engaging with your content and the extent of conversion to expect.

 High-quality leads

You may need more advanced methods to determine the quality of leads your social media campaign is generating. There may be many likes and mentions but no improvement in the sales figures. This means the lead and conversion is low. You need to make more of your followers become customers.

Customer conversion

 This is the essence of the entire social media campaign, to convert your audience into customers. Evaluating the extent of conversion is crucial to know if your strategies have been effective. Knowing that your audiences are encouraged to make purchases because of your content on social media is a sign of success.

In conclusion, you can monitor lead generation and conversion from social media campaigns by using the UTM parameters in your promoted links. This way you can clearly observe the social media posts that have the highest engagement and conversion rates. If you are not familiar with the UTM parameters, they are simply personalized tags that are included in a URL, if the link is clicked; the tags are relayed back to your analytical platform (for example Google Analytics) from where it can be tracked.