pro Archives - Mon, 08 May 2017 23:43:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Things you need to follow to become a Pro Blogger Wed, 13 Mar 2013 23:23:38 +0000 logging and attracting traffic is not rocket science. However, it sometime happens that bloggers can fall out of content ideas or even if good number of blog posts are create, the number of views are less and also the engagement becomes an issue for the blogger. However like trade has rules and if followed will help the master walk the path of success, Blogging too has some rules and trade secrets which when followed will attract great number of viewers and thus blogging can become potential money earning trade.

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Blogging and attracting traffic is not rocket science. However, it sometime happens that bloggers can fall out of content ideas or even if good number of blog posts are create, the number of views are less and also the engagement becomes an issue for the blogger. However like trade has rules and if followed will help the master walk the path of success, Blogging too has some rules and trade secrets which when followed will attract great number of viewers and thus blogging can become potential money earning trade , learn more tips at Here are some of the things every blogger needs to follow if they want to become a Pro Blogger

  • Publish Content that is of best quality on your blog.
  • For beginners post content for free on your blog to attract viewers. The “How To” articles are the ones that that attract the most viewers these days. So, post these kinds of articles on you blog on various topics. Once you attract your viewers and win their appreciation you can turn your articles into paid ones.
  • Do not be burdened that you are selling all your ideas for free on your blog, it is a trade tactic to attract traffic and it is true that you will make more money by attracting traffic than making your article a paid one.
  • If you are planning on selling your content to a client, make sure it if high quality. If you provide high quality articles, then only will the client be ready to pay you a large amount of money.
  • Never post content for namesake. Articles of such type is only a waste of your time and energy and you will get no audience. Attract people with content that is meaningful or helpful to the viewers, which they enjoy reading.
  • A blogger should not just stop with the old viewers. One should make constant effort to bring new audience to the blog.
  • Tell your friends and family members to view your blog and ask each person to tell a few more about your blog, this way you will get new audience. A blog owner must always encourage the new audience to read the posts, leave comments and reviews. By doing so, the viewers engagement in the blog will increase and ultimately traffic will increase,
  • Conduct surveys to know what topics are of the viewers interest. These surveys will help the blogger to understand the viewers in a much better way and also build a rapport with them. All of these things will lead to an increase in blog traffic.
  • When you run out of ideas for posting content on your blog, let other be guest bloggers for your blog. Allow your friends or family or your employees to write some articles for you as a guest blogger. But make sure the guest blogger has good language skills and writing skills. This will also increase the number of new audience of your blog.
  • One of the best blogging tip is to interview a prominent personality who can provide huge value and who will later share the article with the people of their community. This is a success because the person you interview will be keen to share your article as the person will be highlighted in their community and also as the blogger you will get  large number of readers and subscribers too.
  • Guest blog regularly irrespective of the industry, it will always fetch you benefits in terms of SEO. It will give you and identity within the industry.
  • Post content that are your original works and not copied from other blogs as it will decrease the number of viewers of your blog.
  • There are some websites where you can write to drive traffic to your blog. Search for those kind of websites and attract the new audience and improve traffic.
  • It is not just the content you need to focus on completely. Pay attention to visible headers, tags, keywords, categories etc for organizing your content. These things also play an important role in blog traffic.
  • Understand what the viewers are looking for in your blog and when you know what it is make it easy for the viewers to find what they are looking for.
  • If you always write about the same topic then it will become monotonous and writers will get bored, so push the boundaries of the topics you write about and tie it back to what matters most.
  • A good blogger takes inspiration from everyday life and turns them into blogging ideas.


Well, blogging needs patience perseverance and time. It is not something you can get overnight. However, you needs to give your best for reaching the mark of success and for that follow these simple tips listed above. When you do so will be walking the path of success in the near future


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Blogging Tips from Pros Wed, 13 Mar 2013 23:09:36 +0000 Are you a blogger and are you blogging to serve the purpose of improving your business? If so, are you receiving all the success you have been expecting from your blog? Well, blogging needs patience perseverance and time. It is not something you can get overnight. However, you needs to give your best for reaching the mark of success and here are some tips every blogger needs to follow for being successful.

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Are you a blogger and are you blogging to serve the purpose of improving your business? If so, are you receiving all the success you have been expecting from your blog? Well, blogging needs patience perseverance and time. It is not something you can get overnight. However, you needs to give your best for reaching the mark of success and here are some tips every blogger needs to follow for being successful.


1.       Treat your articles like they are your products

This tip is the outmost thing every blogger needs to follow if so, it will completely change your blogging game. When you treat all the articles in your blog as your products, you will start getting more comments on your articles and also more traffic will be diverted to your blog. Just like a product will be of use only when you are sure about what others want from it, similarly an article will only be big hit with like and comments if the blog owner has an idea about what the users are looking for. So, before you post an article on your blog tweet a question with multiple choice answers and let the users take a poll on it. Depending on the review you get, choose the subject of the article and go with it. Your article will surely be a big hit.

Just like a user will pay for a product if it is really worth the money, even articles will only be read if they have some quality in the content. If you do provide quality content no user will be ready to pay for reading the article.

A blog needs to be refreshed with new content all the time just like a product with something new about it. So, even if there are any errors in the language or formatting errors, just hit the publish button for the time being. You can always go back and correct them. One more important thing is you have to reply to the comments on your posts to keep your readers engaged.

2.       You have to be the producer of your Original content

You have to be the owner of the content you post, it is the best tip for any blogger. When the blog consists of your own  images and videos , it is more likely that you pay will increase as the other people will probably add your post  links to their blogs and also you will receive better traffic if the images you post are embed or linked somewhere else. If your images are more than just stock images you will receive more SEO.

It is always better to put information that belong to you in the topic instead of just inserting images downloaded from other sources for namesake.

3.       Publish only Best Content

Publish only content that is of best quality on your blog, one that you can sell to your clients for a huge sum. Never be worried about giving advice and content for free on your blog. It might sound you are giving away your trade secrets for free, but believe in the concept, you will attract more traffic than those blogger who sell content for a fee.

4.       Attract traffic to your blog with useful content

Do not just post any content that comes across your mind, you will only be wasting your time and resources and no traffic will be driven to your blog. Focus on attracting your target people with content that is meaningful and also can be of use to the readers. This is the key for getting new readers to visit your blog. Let your friends or employees or anybody you know interact through in the comment section of the blog with you. Encourage them to read the posts and leave reviews etc. This way they will be an increase in the blog engagement and also helps in empowering the employees for idea sharing that would not have been possible otherwise.

Also conduct a survey to understand better what is useful for people who visit your blog, ask them or customers what they are looking for in your blog. By doing so you will understand their needs better and also build a rapport with them. All this helps in increasing your blog traffic.

5.       Invite Guest Bloggers

Blog needs to be updated with fresh content regularly and if sometimes you run out of time or content, consider having a guest blogger. There is no reason for being scared about inviting  guest blogger who might be your staff or professionals or even friends. If they have a talent for writing some good content with good language skills and ask for their help for building content for your blog. When you share content of the guest bloggers it will offer your readers a new perspective. You might attract new audience and also you might even land up with an opportunity for guest blogging too.

These are some tips for SEO blogging Pros. Implement them and you will find you blog walking the path of success.

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