Stopping Web Development Problems Before They Start


Analytics Tools Can Identify Good And Bad Trends

There are many trends defining your webpage’s performance. While the future can’t be predicted, you can run your website through its paces before it experiences total launch. This can help you identify potential problem areas and prepare for them. In this way you can stop some of the most common problems, and be better prepared for the unexpected.

According to, .NET developer tools like .NET code profilers can “…work great for those times when you have a console app and want to run a certain method 1,000 times to tweak CPU and memory usage.” When you can take something like a code profiler which has been specifically designed for a directed testing like that, it saves a lot of time.

There are a lot of development tools of this kind on ASP.NET, which was developed in 2002 as an Open Source resource for web developers. This is really the icing on the cake: you can use such developer tools free of charge. ROI (Return On Investment) is high when “investment” is essentially nothing.

The Importance Of Dynamic Websites

Today’s marketplace has become digitized in many places. Traditionally, potential clients are going to use a search engine of some caliber to find that which they’re looking for, then use the website they find after the search results to get the information they need. Some of the information they gather isn’t what you may traditionally expect.

The way your site navigates, how it looks, the color scheme, the font, the general content, additional links, tertiary advertisements—all these things form a subconscious gestalt. It’s easiest to explain if you find a “legacy” site with a 90s design scheme and compare said site to its modern incarnation.

Consider how as the web has expanded it has transitioned to the mobile sphere. Mobile internet use usually requires either a secondary site, or a very specific type of programming. Additionally, there’s the potential for very heavy traffic suddenly. Sometimes an application or service hits a level of virality that expands with abruptness.

You need to test your websites, applications, and whatever developments have been devised by you and your team before they’re subject to influences of this high-energy, volatile variety.

So the dynamism of your website is twofold: it must follow modern trends and communication for subconscious and direct purposes, and it must be coded in a versatile way for mobile and non-mobile use.

Using All The Tools Available To You Cost-Effectively

Finding Open Source applications that can help test your site’s performance will save you time and trouble. It’s certainly recommendable to have some professionally-sourced suites in your back pocket, but keep in mind cost is not a value-designating agent. Sometimes the most useful solutions you have will cost you nothing, while the most expensive do nothing.

Your website is going to require continuous upgrade and development. Other sites are going to transition as the market does, so you must. Between stylistic transitions, technological innovations, and the repairing of identified operational issues, your site in ten years will likely look nothing like it did when it was first developed.

To decrease your opportunity cost, you need to establish maintenance protocols which periodically upgrade your site, test for issues, and identify bugs in programming or interface which can be eradicated, corrected, augmented, or re-written. The less time you have to spend chasing problems, the better; and tools exist precisely for this purpose.

Websites are becoming steadily more numerous and infrastructurally integral. It makes sense to be expedient about the implementation of such solutions.