How To Hire Better Employees For Your Virtual Startup Business


How To Hire Better Employees For Your Virtual Startup Business

You have a great business idea, you have your business plan written out, and you even have the money you need to launch, but you also need to have employees on your team because you just can’t do it all on your own. So, how do you hire the right employees?

If your business is a virtual startup you might even need to come up with some clever ways to do your hiring, since you may never meet the people in person that you pick to be part of your business. Here are some tips for finding great employees in the virtual world.

Be A Better Mentor

You should be mentoring your employees, even when they are virtual ones. You should be transferring your knowledge to them so that they can be an asset to your company, and know what you know to keep things running smoothly.

If you mentor and train well you can make any employee you hire a good one. You also want to make them excited about the job you have them do.

Get In Depth With Interviews

Don’t just rely on email for your virtual interviews. Get a better feel of people by using something like Google Hangouts or Skype to actually speak with potential employees, or at least talk to them on the phone. Ask them what they can offer your business and find out if they have the drive needed to be a successful virtual employee.

Don’t Just Gloss Over Resumes

Read the resume that a potential employee sends you, don’t just gloss over it. Look to see what their accomplishments at other jobs have been. Learn about their job experiences to see how those experiences can help your business.

It seems like many virtual employers also skip that step of checking references. Don’t make that mistake. You can learn a lot about a potential employee by asking their previous employers a few simple questions, like whether or not they are able to meet deadlines on a consistent basis.

Have Them Do Some Test Work

There aren’t really any options for job shadowing when it comes to working in the virtual world, although you could try interns with your business. However, one other great way to test an employee before you hire them is to do just that, test them.

Maybe you’re hiring a writer, so you have them submit a test article that adheres to what your business is looking for in a writer. Or, maybe you will have them set up a mock blog, or run your social media for a week to prove they can pull in more fans. There are many options, and it will show you whether or not someone has the chops needed to do the work you need them to do.