How Video Content Increases Customer Engagement


Video content marketing is the ‘thing’ of the moment and the statistics are pretty strong as to why it really should be the priority for any marketers at the moment. Videos get viewed more than photos on social media, a video gets 1200% more shares than both photo and written content combined. People who view videos hold onto 95% of the message they get from a video, compared to just 10% of the message they get when they read content.               

Video content essentially gets your message seen more than other forms of marketing, so it is valuable. What you may not know is that a high-quality video with a professional voice over, great editing and a good storyline can actively increase customer engagement too. Customers not only see the video, but they actively engage with the campaign and your brand.     

Why Is Customer Engagement Important?             

Customer engagement is important because you make a stronger connection with your audience, keeping your brand as the top brand in your customers mind next time they make a purchase decision. Basically, it is the difference between a one-off purchase, and a customer actively becoming loyal to your brand and feeling more of a connection with your business and what you stand for. 

How Does Video Content Increase Customer Engagement? 

Video content is a great way to increase customer engagement in many different ways, and here are some key examples of how that happens: 

Videos Help with Short Attention Span

Statistics show that over 25% of us watch more than 10 hours of video content online a week, but just 1-2 seconds on a photo. We are also liable to scanning blog posts, rather than reading them in full. To put it bluntly – we need something engaging like a video to hold our rapidly decreasing attention spans. More so, if engagement is the desired effect, it is much more likely to happen with something we stick around to fully take in. 

Videos Are Shareable 

Videos are much more shareable than images or blog posts because they are the most popular form of media content at the moment. As you read above, videos get 1200% more shares than photos and text combined, which means that people are engaging more with video content. 

Capability For Accessibility

You can add alt text to photographs and have screen readers for word documents, but videos provide so much more room for accessibility and therefore engagement. You can have a French voice over or any language, and that French voice over can be performed in a way that is engaging and emotive. Any voice over can add that extra emotion, too, but with layered voice overs in different languages, the content becomes more accessible overall and so more people can engage with it on the whole. 

Appealing to the Majority of Learners in Society

Around 65% of the population are visual learners, and by creating visual content you are engaging those learners more so than with a document or static image. This includes cartoons, explainer videos, creative skit videos and more – they all appeal to more of the population overall, which means that by choosing a video and not a blog or an image, you’re already more likely to see higher engagement, regardless of what the video content is. 

Attention Grabbing

Videos include images, graphics, colours, sound, movement. We’re naturally more attracted to that than something that doesn’t move, so regardless of what is in the video, at the very least customers are more likely to stop and look than they are with other types of content. 

Content Heavy

Videos may not be made of lots of words, but according to one study by Dr McQuivey Forrester one video can be worth 1.8 million words per minute because of the amount of information we are seeing per frame. So, customers have more content to engage with that you might think, especially as we retain more information from a video than from a blog, too. 


Videos can tell a story and us humans love stories. It is what all the adverts on TV are doing – telling stories. Perfume ads sell a story about a lifestyle of glamour, of mystery, of opulence. Car adverts sell a lifestyle of adventure and of safety. Adverts for chocolate or alcohol are often selling sex. With a video we tell a story and we emote, and humans absolutely love that. 


Customers are more likely to engage with a video because video is what they want. 85% of people want to see more videos from brands, and when they get what they want, they lean more towards that brand than those who are not putting video content out there. 

What’s Next? 

The information above is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to video content and why it should be the top priority of any business if they want customers to engage. The most important thing to take from this overall, though, is that the content does have to be good. Yes, video content will grab attention and it is more likely to be noticed than a photo or a document. However, for it to be valued, shared and liked, it has to be of a high quality. Businesses should take care to: 

  • Implement a professional voice over
  • Triple check how appropriate and sensitive the content is to your audience (and in general)
  • Keep the key message clear
  • Be emotive
  • Stay ahead of trends
  • Make appropriate videos for different platforms (explainer videos are great for Youtube, or websites and short behind the scenes videos work well for social media shorts)
  • Create and share video content regularly
  • Add a call to action on the video or with the video post
  • Use analytics to track the effectiveness of the video

Why not speak to a professional voice over agency today about adding a clean, crisp and high-quality voice over to your video content? Along with the tips mentioned above, it’s the perfect way to increase your chance of getting better engagement with your content, boosting brand image and hopefully increasing your sales too.