How to Properly Deal with a Burn Injury in the Workplace


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The workplace is often a place that we all consider ‘safe,’ but if something happens in the workplace – an accident or injury – through no fault of your own, then you may be fully entitled to receive compensation. Your employer has a duty and responsibility to ensure the utmost safety of their workers, and if, for some reason, they fail in their duty and you suffer a burn injury, you can take the steps necessary to claim compensation.

The effects of burn injuries

Burn injuries, both minor and major, can result in complications such as infections and serious damage to the layers of the skin as well as the underlying muscles and ligaments. Additionally, a more serious burn injury can leave a person with a permanent scar or disfigurement. Aside from this, some burn injuries result in severe pain and emotional trauma for the individual concerned.

The causes of burn injuries

There are certain types of accidents which can result in significant burn injuries. These include fires in the workplace as well as burns caused by electrical wires or components. You can even be burned in the workplace due to radiation, and can suffer burns as a result of handling machinery and hot ovens. But burn injuries are not merely limited to the skin and muscle – they can also result in the inhalation of smoke as well as the inhalation of toxic fumes.

You can suffer burns both on the skin (externally) and internally. Internal burns can often be found in the lungs and airways, and are often of a more serious nature. Internal burns exhibit such symptoms as coughing or wheezing, sore throat, nose or mouth soot, and a change in the person’s voice.

What you should do

If you have suffered a burn injury in the workplace, there are some vital steps you should take. Of course, the injury should be checked and treated as soon as possible. If you need emergency medical care, have someone bring you to hospital right away.

The injury itself should be properly recorded in the accident book of your employer as well. Once the injury has been treated, photographs should be taken so you have the proper evidence. If you can, look for witnesses to the incident or the injury who can attest to what happened.

You have the right to claim burn at work compensation for whatever losses you incur, be it medical expenses and the cost of medication, expenses related to travel for medical treatment, the loss of your daily income, and even the pain and suffering you have felt due to the injury itself. For best results and to make sure you can receive your claim, consult with an expert solicitor who can give you the right advice and a No Win, No Fee service.