How To Make The Shift To a Modern Desktop


Working in a smaller business can sometimes feel like you’re playing catch-up to the rest of the world, particularly when it comes to technology. Thankfully, some minor upgrades can help prevent those feelings — and can actually increase your team’s productivity and security.

As an IT specialist, you can help bring your office up to speed by making the shift to a modern desktop — one with the latest productivity tools to enable users to work wherever, whenever, and however they need to while keeping their computers secure.

How do you do that? Let’s go over the basics.

Start with the right device

First, start by picking the perfect new desktop computer for you and your staff. Hitting productivity goals while maintaining security will be difficult without the right devices.

Determine how much memory and power employees need in a computer, how many desktops you’ll need to buy and what your price point is. Then begin shopping — and don’t forget to look at refurbished options. A trustworthy seller will be able to get you desktops within a few days with at least a one-year warranty attached to each one.

Pick the right business tools

Next, start shopping for the right productivity tools. Your team has certain goals and benchmarks they want to hit. Working in IT, you can be the office hero by supplying them with the means to do so.

Look for productivity tools that can enable your team to work and stay in touch no matter where they are.

Microsoft 365, which combines Windows 10 and Office 365 is one of the most popular options for a number of reasons. One of the most appealing is that it provides employees with a number of productivity tools — like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc. — that streamline processes and help keep track of projects large and small.

And did we mention that it’s secure?

Keep it all safe

A modern desktop is a safe desktop. And safe desktops make your job in the IT department a whole lot easier.

Start with the basics by looking for programming that proactively detects issues, safeguards your company’s most important data, protects you against advanced threats, simplifies identity and access management, and minimizes data loss prevention input requirements.

You don’t want to have to sacrifice productivity for security, so look for software that ensures the only people who have access to your files and information are your coworkers.

Should you decide to go with Microsoft 365, the company says its own modern desktop program can reduce your office’s digital security risk by up to 40%.

 Making the shift to a modern desktop is the right move for a lot of reasons. It makes it easier for employees to stay connected no matter where they are, it increases productivity, it’s much more secure, and you can even attract new employees with your up-to-date hardware and functional software. Consider making the switch — you won’t regret it.